Monday, January 22, 2007

Striploin with golden new potatoes, rosemary and tomatoes

Striploin with golden new potatoes, rosemary and tomatoes

An important Brazilian magazine launched a special edition with chefs’ profiles and recipes – Joao bought it for me.
I made a recipe from the magazine right after I got it but it didn’t work out – there was something wrong with the amount of flour. I’ll try it again some time.

I was flipping through the magazine the other day, determined to try a new recipe, when I saw this beautiful piece of beef with rosemary leaves. I had just come back from my grandmother’s house with a huge bunch of rosemary that she had picked from her garden.
It was a perfect coincidence.

I made ¼ recipe and it serves one really well: Joao had half of it for lunch and the other half I cut in strips, cooked quickly with finely chopped onions and served with bread as a Sunday night snack.

After slicing the beef, I noticed that the center part was too rare for Joao’s taste – so I grilled the steaks for 1 minute or so.

Striploin with golden new potatoes, rosemary and tomatoes

800g new potatoes
50g fresh rosemary
8 tablespoons olive oil
200g cherry tomatoes
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1,6kg striploin*
4 tablespoons Dijon mustard
salt and cracked black pepper

Cook the potatoes in salted water. Drain and set aside.
Remove the rosemary leaves and cook them in the olive oil until they’re crisp and crunchy. Drain and set both the oil and the rosemary aside.
Bring a frying pan to high heat and cook the tomatoes with 2 tablespoons of the reserved oil. Season with salt and pepper and cook until they’re golden. Remove from heat, add the vinegar and set aside.
Place the potatoes in a baking dish, season with salt and pepper and bake in a 220ºC/425ºF oven until they’re golden. Set aside.
Divide the beef in 4 pieces of 400g each. Season them with salt and pepper.
Heat up a broiler/grill – I used a frying pan like this – and grill the beef with the olive oil, saving 1 tablespoon. Grill both sides to your taste.
Heat the potatoes, tomatoes and rosemary in a saucepan, add the remaining oil and check salt and pepper.
Serve the beef with this mix and the mustard.

Serves 4.

*The beef cut I used is actually the interior part of the striploin.


  1. That sounds delicious and the photo is lovely!

  2. That looks too good...can't beat meat and potatoes!

  3. Rosemary is one herb that continues to thrive even in the winter here and I really do like it. This looks excellent and I even have a grill pan like you show you used. Yum.

  4. Once again, you made this simple and nice :)) Some fresh herbs & spices, a good piece of meat, coupled with sweeeettt cherry tomatoes & potatoes ?? :)) hmm, maybe I should try this recipe with some worcestershire sauce & a pinch of tumeric ? Thanks for sharing, cheers ! :)

  5. I noticed this morning that the rosemary in my garden insists upon living, even when everything around it has frozen long ago. Usually rosemary does not survive over winter in our climate, but there it is. Perhaps waiting for a recipe like this one????

  6. Now I could definetely go me some of that for lunch/dinner! Talk about sensational, this is an absolute winner!

  7. Kristen, you're very kind - tks!

    Jeff, my husband agrees with you! :D

    Tanna, I like my grill pan a lot - since I can't have a broiler, it suits me fine!

    Hi, Melting Wok, tks for your kind words!
    I'd love to know if you try it, especially with those wonderful "touches"!

    Lydia, maybe that brave rosemary bush is a sign - it wants to be used! :D

    Ellie, tks, dear! I hope you like it!

  8. Pat, delicious dish. There is something about roasted potatoes and tomatoes with meat that is just divine.

  9. mmm! thos oamtos with potatos look delicous. i'll have to try this, i cant wait for tomato season again.

  10. This looks amazing, Patricia. The potatoes, the tomatoes... and especially the steak! This is the second time I've seen you mention striploin steaks. It's not a cut I'm familiar with. After poking around online, it seems the same [or similar] cut in the U.S. is called New York strip steak. Now that I know the cut, I'll have to give this a shot.

  11. I think rosemary is the best herb for so many dishes -- so fragrant and flavorful with beef! Looks delicious!

  12. Pat, what I always longing for is rosemary growing in my garden...
    An execellent recipe!

  13. Looks wonderful. The flavors sound delicious.

    Meat and potatoes boyfriend will love it!

  14. Valentina, my dear friend, Joao told me that I'll have to make this beef again - that's when I know it's a winner recipe. :D

    Hi, Aria! Tks for the visit and for the lovely comment!
    Tomatoes are great, don't you think?

    I use this cut a lot. It's tender, juicy without being as expensive as tenderloin/fillet mignon.
    I always ask my butcher to remove the excess of fat.
    I hope you like it!

    Hi, T.W.,
    Tks! There was a wonderful smell in my kitchen when I cooked the rosemary leaves in the olive oil. Just fantastic.

    Gattina, my dear, tks!
    I want to grow it , too.

    Thanks, Kirsten!
    Maybe this is a manly dish? :D

  15. Patricia, that would go over very well at our house. I think it's manly enough for my husband. LOL. But oh, man, I would like it, too!

  16. Hi, Mimi,
    What is the connection between husbands and beef?? I think it's one of the world's mysteries. lol

  17. i like striploin a lot, I like it better than tenderloin actually. It has more flavor I think. Great job! It looks so mouthwatering specially to someone who is craving steak right now.


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