Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tenderloin medallions with carrot “farofa” - updated post

Farofa de cenoura / Carrot farofa

It’s amazing how many people I’ve been in contact with since I discovered the delicious (yep, pun intended) foodblog world – and then started my own blog.
People who share the passion for food I have, people who understand the excitement of trying a new recipe, of cooking for family and friends, of tasting new ingredients for the first time.

One of these people is Terry, from Blue Kitchen – a blog you’ll get addicted to visiting, I can assure you.

Terry and I exchanged some e-mails after I wrote a comment on his blog about a very Brazilian dish - rice and beans. He said he would cook it – I crossed my fingers (and toes, as well, just in case) hoping we would like it.

He did like it and made a beautiful post about it!

Thanks, Terry! I loved your post and I’m very glad to be a part of your fantastic blog.

To keep on the Brazilian food theme, I’ll post a “farofa” recipe – click here to know more about farofa.

This is a bit different farofa, for the recipe calls for grated carrots – one way my grandmother found to make my brother eat at least one more kind of vegetable, besides French fries.

Tenderloin medallions with carrot “farofa”

I used to cook this dish all the time when I was single and lived with my father and my brother – who still won’t eat anything green.
I still make it now because Joao loves it.
A simple side dish, quick to put together and that goes well with many things.

UPDATE: I make this farofa quite often, almost weekly during quarantine. It is delicious and also a family treasure. I have updated the recipe just to make it more like the version I make nowadays.

Carrot farofa with chicken parmesan and rice

Tenderloin medallions with carrot “farofa”

4 tenderloin medallions
4 rashers of bacon
salt and cracked black pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil

2 tablespoons olive oil
½ small onion, finely diced
1 garlic clove, minced
1 large carrot, peeled and coarsely grated
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tablespoons finely chopped green olives
3 tablespoons chopped parsley leaves
70g manioc flour

Season the medallions with salt and pepper.
Wrap each medallion with a rasher of bacon and secure it with a toothpick.
Heat the olive oil over medium-high heat and grill the medallions to your liking.
Remove toothpicks and serve.
I served the medallions with the sauce found in this recipe.

For the farofa:
Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the onion and cook,stirring occasionally, until translucent. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute only - do not let it burn or it will get bitter. Add the carrot, cook for 2-3 minutes or until soft. Season with salt and pepper, add the parsley and the olives and mix. Stir in the manioc flour and cook for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and serve.

Serves 4 – or 2, depending on how hungry they are!


  1. I'm thinking I would like this farofa. I'm so laughing that the brother still won't eat anything green. Most kids outgrown the funny eating habits, some never do. Maybe it keeps them young!

  2. I wish my wife liked cooked carrots as much as I do *sigh*

  3. I am painfully ignorant about Brazilian food _ never heard of farofa.

    I wish my husband like cooked carrots as much as I do!

  4. Thanks for this recipe -- I've been wanting to explore manioc, as I've only used it once before (under the tutelage of a Puerto Rican cook).

  5. Hi, Tanna, tks for visiting my blog!
    My brother is a piece of work. He should stop being so silly - he's 25 after all - but I don't think he will... Maybe when he gets married. :D

    Jeff, you can make this recipe without cooking the carrots that long - you'll have a crunchier farofa. It's good, too!

    Mimi, I intend to post more Brazilian recipes here - I'll be glad if you check them out!

    Hi, Lydia, it's good to know that!
    Manioc is really big here in Brazil.

  6. This post has been an education for me. I've never heard of farofa, but it looks wonderful!

  7. Looks like someone ate too much ;). I heard the beef in brazil has the best taste in the world. Lucky you :) .

  8. I love the last photo hahaha, right on time but he seems to have really enjoyed himself;)
    I agree with you, meeting ppl even though virtually, over food blogging is a great thing, it's amazing the number of recipes that exist in the whole world, it's never ending!:)

  9. Kristen, tks! People love farofa here, and there are many different flavors.

    Veron, the poor husband left the table straight to the couch. lol

    Valentina, he ate like a madman! lol
    It's a wonderful thing we can find people that actually enjoy cooking - I like that a lot!

  10. This carrot farofa sounds very interesting! I have to try!

  11. The meat is so nicely browned :) The farofa is something new to me, looks delicious, will have to give it a try sometime. Thanks for sharing :)

  12. Sounds delicious, "farofa" particularly...I'll give it a go...Patricia! Thanks!
    By the way, the tiramisu balls recipe posted to your flikr mail! Enjoy, darling!

  13. Hi, Bea,
    I think you'll like it, since you like carrots that much!

    Hi, Melting Wok! Tks for the visit!
    Farofa is very, very popular here in Brazil. Maybe you'll like it as much as we do!

    Dear Tatter,
    This is the recipe I told you about. I didn't mention the post because I wanted to know if you were interested first. :D
    I just checked your recipe and it's fantastic - I'll certainly make those delicious truffles! Tks for sharing!

  14. Hi Patricia, I'm dissapointed to say that most Brazilian restaurants near my place do not serve farofa :( Am glad I found your recipe, thanks a bunch :)


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