Friday, March 16, 2007

Nigella’s vanilla cupcakes

Nigella’s vanilla cupcakes

I made these cupcakes a while ago, as part of an “experiment” – I’d seen lovely cupcakes decorated with rolled fondant on the Internet and felt like making them at home.
It was my first attempt at cupcakes and I really liked the result!!

The flavor was wonderful!! The cupcakes were so delicious I had 2 right out of the oven… I’m not the one to blame – the smell was so tempting, I couldn’t resist!! :D

Recipe taken from Nigella’s website.

UPDATE: I forgot to write that I used dulce de leche to as "glue" to stick the rolled fondant to the cupcakes.

Nigella’s vanilla cupcakes

Nigella’s vanilla cupcakes

125g self-raising flour
125g caster sugar
125g soft unsalted butter
2 eggs
½ teaspoon real vanilla extract
2 tablespoons milk, approximately

Preheat the oven to 200ºC/ and line a 12-muffin pan with paper cases. In a medium bowl, cream the butter and sugar, beat in the eggs one at a time with a little of the flour. Then add the vanilla extract and fold in the rest of the flour, adding the milk to get a dropping consistency. It will look as if the scant mixture is not enough to make 12 cupcakes, but it is. Bake for 15-20 minutes or until the cupcakes are cooked and golden on top. As soon as bearable, take the cupcakes in their cases out of the tin and let cool, right way up, on a wire rack. Decorate the cupcakes after they’re completely cool.

Makes 12


  1. Hi Patricia! Thank you for popping by my blog - I'm glad to have found you. My gosh, you are talented - these are the cutest cupcakes!

  2. Adorable! I've never used fondant on cupcakes. You are so clever.

  3. Patricia, those are so beautiful, I'm so impressed. Good Job.

  4. So cute. If I made those, I don't know if they'd last for a photo session. I love the piggie the best!!!

  5. So pretty!
    For my 5 year olds first birthday I made pig cupcakes with fondant icing and marshmallows cut for the ears and nose. I had never used fondant before and let's just say... they were cute, but I did something wrong. Not sure what to this day, but Jacob wouldn't eat the top of the cupcake! That was my first and last attempt at fondant. Your cupcakes are so cute I'm tempted to try again.

  6. Wow Pat, the cupcakes are so pretty, love the piggy one!
    you should give us online courses about decorating cakes with fondant;)

  7. Very well done, I like the pig best!

  8. Patricia these look AWESOME! So cute and I bet they are super delicious. They look like something you'd see in a professional bakery, bravo. I want a teddy bear cupcake. :)

    Ari (Baking and Books)

  9. These are so adorable!! It looks like something fun and delicious for all ages.

  10. Oh these look so cute! You are so good with your hands!

    I saw your post about the big fat cookies. :D That's how I made my cookies normally :)

  11. your cupcakes are so artsy! I love the little piggie, so cute.

  12. my goodness you are so talented! these look amazing!

  13. These look incredible! I love the piggie the best too. Absolutely great job!

  14. Patricia you are so talented with the fondant! These are adorable (as well as the cake you made for you MIL!) - I especially like the piggy. :D

    I don't think Nigella could hold a candle to these gorgeous cupcakes!

  15. This seems like a nice way to get into working with fondant, which I have never done before, since you get to practice over and over with each cupcake. Is fondant hard to make? buy, store? work with? I'd love to see more photos from the decorating phase. These are just adorable!

  16. Those are fantastic looking. Awesome.

  17. Patricia, what a great job!!! The icing are gorgeous! Love them. So impressive.


  18. Hi, Gilly! Your blog is beautiful, I'll check it often. And I'm glad you stopped by!

    Tks, Lydia! I saw it on some Brazilian websites and wanted to try it too.

    JB, tks! You are very sweet.

    Mari, you are so talented, I'm sure your cupcakes would look fantastic!

    Kristen, your idea sounds great, too! I always like to learn new ways of cooking and decorating.
    Let me tell you something: fondant is much too sweet, not many people like it. 80% of them leave it on the plate, you did nothing wrong, dear!

    Valentina, I really like your idea!! I'll think about an interesting post, promise!

    Brilynn, tks, sweetie!!

    Ari, the teddy bear cupcake is yours. ;)

    Hello, Amy! Tks for the visit and for the lovely comment!

    Anh, I really love working with my hands! Thank you for the sweet words!!

    Veron, I still want to improve my skills a lot, and your comments are always an incentive.

    Linda, you are making me blush, here. ;)

    Helene, thank you! I loved making those.

    Lis, I think I didn't play with play doh enough when I was a kid. lol

    Brian, thank you for the visit! I think that starting with small amounts is always the best way to learn.
    I used to make fondant at home - it's not difficult, but the store-bought lasts longer and you can always use the remaning fondant.
    I will prepare posts with step by step photos, the idea is wonderful. I've sort of done it once, with a Mickey Mouse, here:

    Tanna, you're very kind. Tks!!

    Thank you all for the lovely words - and I must confess that the piggy is my favorite, too. ;)

  19. What beautiful piggies you made! Shame to eat 'em :)

  20. You are so talented! Your cake and cupcake decorations are always so well done and so so adorable! :)

  21. Wow! I must say.. You are very talented at the rolled fondant department... They all look wonderful.

  22. I adore that little bear and the rose! What talent!

  23. The pig is my favourite and I love the idea of Dulce du Leche glue! Yours are much nicer than Nigellas too!

  24. Sher, you're so sweet! They were cute, I like the result a lot.

    Pablopabla, tks!! I had a blast making them.

    Joey, you are so kind and generous with your comments!

    Cenk, I love working with it. Thank you for stopping by, I really appreciate it.

    Hello, Truffle! Thank you for visiting my blog and for the lovely words!

    Freya, dulce de leche is great for so many things, I'm a sucker for it. lol
    You are much too kind, sweetie!!

  25. It's so wonderful i love these cakes, congratulations

  26. Hi Patricia, thanks for popping over to my blog, and for your kind words :)
    Your cupcake looks so pretty, I especially like those with the rose and flower. I hope I could venture into cake decoration with fondant soon!

  27. I finally tried this recipe Pat.. It's a complete winner! Love it!
    Gonna do it again soon & post it on my blog. Thanks for sharing!

  28. Thank you, girls!

    Stella, how great it is to find out you made the recipe, tks for letting me know!


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