Monday, March 12, 2007

Steak with maître d’hotel butter and roasted new potatoes

Steak with maître d’hotel butter and roasted new potatoes

Jeff once wrote in one comment that you can’t beat meat and potatoes – João totally agrees with that. :)

I saw this steak recipe and then the new potatoes recipe on the same book - 140 pages apart - and decided to make both and serve them together.

João loved it so much I’ve made it twice already.

Steak with maître d’hotel butter and roasted new potatoes
from Family Food

90g (6 ½ tablespoons) unsalted butter, softened
2 teaspoons finely chopped parsley
lemon juice
4 steaks, about 1,3cm thick – I used 2cm thick tenderloin steaks
1 tablespoon olive oil
ground black pepper

600g new potatoes
1 ½ tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons thyme leaves – I used rosemary
2 teaspoons coarse salt

Cream the butter in a bowl, using a wooden spoon, then beat in a pinch of salt, a pinch of pepper and the parsley. Add about 2 teaspoons of lemon juice, a few drops at a time. Let the butter harden in the refrigerator a little, then form it into a log shape by rolling it up in waxed paper. Put it in the refrigerator until you need it.

Make the potatoes: Pre-heat the oven to 205ºC/400ºF. Cut the potatoes in half and place them in a roasting pan. Add the oil, thyme/rosemary and salt and mix well all the potatoes are coated.
Roast for 30-40 minutes or until they’re golden and cooked through.

Season the steaks with salt and pepper on both sides. Heat the oil in a large frying pan and, when it is very hot, add the steaks - here, I added one small red chili finely sliced; it's totally optional. Cook them for 2 minutes on each side for medium, and 4 minutes on each side for well done. The cooking times may very depending on the thickness of your steaks – if they are thin, give them a slightly shorter time and if they are thick, cook them for longer.
Cut the butter into slices and put a couple of slices on top of each steak. The heat of the steaks will melt down the butter.
Serve with the potatoes, vegetables or salad.

Serves 4.


  1. This is the 2nd time today I am reading about(and looking at) roasted potatos. It's really time to make my own soon, so that I could eat them!

  2. I agree with tigerfish. We have been browsing on the same blogs... :)

    The steak certainly look very appetising. Nothing beats a simple preparation for steak.

    I am a carnivore so this scores high on my list. :)


  3. Veggies are great, but sometimes there is nothing better than good old fashioned meat and potatoes. And roasted potatoes are the best -- I also like to toss them with thyme from my garden, sea salt, black pepper, and olive oil. And then I don't want to share!

  4. I love my meat and taters as well, so this is a winner for me! I must be craving carbs at the moment - those crispy golden potatoes are making me hungry!

  5. Hi! I stumbled on this link when I was checking out the technorati tags for roast. I had just put in my own roast tag and yours was just 2 clicks away.

    Good looking recipe! I love pork anytime!

    Nice site you got too :)

  6. ooh..big juicy, moist and tender steaks, and more potatoes ? good !! :))

  7. I am a meat-lovin' machine so steaks are always at the top of my list. Nice touch with the maitre d' hotel butter!

  8. Steak and potatoes...guys and gals will come from miles away for steak and potatoes like yours!

  9. This sounds wonderful as usual, Patricia. I am a HUGE fan of meat and potatoes. Patting the steaks dry with a paper towel before seasoning them will sear and char them better, by the way.

  10. Patricia, I was dreaming of some steak and roasted potatoes and here they are! The weather here is getting cold, perfect for a steak night. :)

  11. That looks so good. I'm married to a meat-and-potatoes kind of guy. Who could eat the whole thing in one sitting! I'll be trying this one soon.

  12. That looks really good Patricia! I must remember those roast potatoes and that butter (!!) for the next time we have steaks :)

  13. Patricia - a dollop of herb butter on top of a steak is simple, elegant, and SOOO good!

  14. HI PAT!
    Your dish looks so good & heart warming, I totally agree with you that meat with potatoes can't be beaten! I usually avoid butter but whenever it's flavoured with herbs, I can never say no!:)

  15. yes, couldn't agree more...i'm just wondering if i have to be a vegetarian :D i don't think i could do that.

  16. Hi, Tigerfish! Potatoes are always great, aren't they?

    Mae, thank you, sweetie! My husband is a carnivore, as you say. He wants meat all the time. :)

    Lydia, I had a laugh with you now - good things are made to share, even though sometimes we don't feel like it. lol
    I'll try them with thyme next time!

    Ellie, you and that beautiful loaf you baked just drove me crazy. lol

    Hi, Pablopabla! Tks for stopping by and for the lovely words!

    Melting Wok, loads of potatoes, dear. :)

    Veron, tks, sweetie! I know how much you love meat - can't forget that wild boar you posted... :)

    Sher, tks!! Joao loved every bite of it. :)

    Tanna, you are so kind, my friend!

    Terry, tks for the tip - I'll try that next time I cook!

    Anh, and I was dreaming of that beautiful tomato cake you made - wonderful!

    Mari, your husband sounds like someone I know. lol

    Joey, the butter goes well with other kinds of meat, too, I'm sure!

    T.W., thank you! You're just so sweet.

    Hi, Valentina! Sometimes we just can't go without butter, right? :)

    Eliza, it must be tough being a vegetarian! lol

  17. My hubby would love your cooking. This is his kind of meal!

  18. I was searching for a recipe for maitre d'hotel butter and came across this -- so glad I did! Thanks for the recipe; I plan to try it on steaks tonight.


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