Thursday, June 14, 2007

Orange choc chip muffins

Orange choc chip muffins

I haven’t cooked or baked much these days – husband and I are trying to lose some weight so our dinners are pretty much salad + grilled beef for him and salad for me, sometimes an omelet, too. Nothing fancy.
There was a holiday here last week and we went to the beach to hang with my family. I cooked a bit there but didn’t take any photos. It was a lot of fun because I had the most special helpers in the kitchen: my sister, my stepbrother’s 8 year-old son – who is an adorable child and like my nephew – and an 11 year-old cousin. They kept arguing to see who would measure the ingredients, beat the batter… :)
We made pizza, hot dogs and also 2 recipes from this book – the kids went crazy with the photos and took forever to decide what they wanted me to prepare. I ended up making a delicious lime pie – Jessica’s request - and also a brownie with a chocolate icing from another recipe.

I don’t want to bore my lovely readers with the lack of recipes, so I’m posting these muffins, which I made when Jessica last visited me.
They’re good and very tender, but next time I’ll add more orange zest.

Orange choc chip muffins
adapted from here

210g (1 ½ cup) all purpose flour
100g (½ cup) sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
113g (½ cup) unsalted butter
120ml (½ cup) fresh orange juice
¾ cup mini semisweet chocolate chips
2 eggs
grated zest of 1 orange

Preheat the oven to 190ºC/375ºF and grease 12 muffin cups.
Sift flour, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Add sugar and chocolate chips and blend well.
Melt butter. Remove from heat and stir in orange juice, eggs and orange rind. Beat.
Stir liquid into dry mixture and blend just until moistened.
Spoon into muffin cups and bake for 15-20 minutes or until done.

Makes 12 – Jessica and I got 10


  1. I have some oj in the fridge that I need to use - these look fabulous!

  2. AnonymousJune 14, 2007

    This is such a great the orange and chocolate!

  3. Great combo! Glad you had a good time with your family!

  4. I love the combination of orange and chocolate, so this sound right up my alley. I hadn´t noticed them in Dorie´s book, then again, it´s hard to focus while browsing through that book! Yesterday I made the allspice muffins and oh my god, they are amazing with the crumble she adds on top... so much for weight loss haha

  5. Hi Patricia, Thanks for popping by my new blog! OMGosh I love anything with orange in it. Your muffins look wonderful and I will definitely try them. Funny - I pulled out my favorite orange muffin recipe last night to bake soon and will add to my blog.

  6. Orange and chocolate together always reminds me of some strange ice cream pop that we would buy from a truck that drove around our neighborhood when I was growing up! These muffins look delicious.

  7. They look delicious. Love the orange choc combo as it always reminds me of Christmas where in England nearly everyone would get a Terry's chocolate orange in their stocking. Sounds like you had a lovely day with your family. I'm still waiting for my Dorie book - off to sulk! Amanda

  8. Those look great. I am always looking for good muffin recipes. We go through a lot of muffins - 3 a day (one each in the lunch box of my husband and 2 kids)

  9. Do you think your choc chip muffins will work with limes too? I´ve got 2 limes. They are hard as golf balls. However, if I manage to cut them in halves, I know there is a whole lot of juice inside them.

  10. Patricia, sounds like you had a fabulous holiday with your family. I miss my family - I only get to see them once per year. Choc & orange is one of my fav. combinations - those muffins look yummy. p/s: Good luck with the diet. My partner just joined the gym but he is still eating my desserts ;-)

  11. There is nothing better than chocolate and orange together.And A party at the beach sounds like a lot of fun. Especially with your muffins.

  12. Delicious! I baked a batch of muffins yesterday, too :D More sinful though - white chocolate and nuts. Will try yours later for sure!

  13. AnonymousJune 15, 2007

    what a lovely muffin recipe!!! I think I will try them with matcha green tea powder, I was thinking I needed to use it up anyway. thank you for this!

  14. I so admire your dietary self restraint! I've been meaning to do the same but failing dismally. After seeing these gorgeous sweet treats I may just have another excuse to indulge. They look gorgeous!

  15. Hey pat! Scrummy muffins, and an even scrummier blog! Do you mind if I link you to my blog ?? :) Hopefully you can find some spare time and visit mine 2 =)

  16. chocolate and orange, love the combination!

  17. AnonymousJune 15, 2007

    seems everyone in the food blog world is trying to lose weight...including me. Love the choco-chip muffins!

  18. AnonymousJune 15, 2007

    We are trying to lose some weight too...pretty hard while seeing all these delicious new things to cook and bake on the blogs :) Those muffins sound scrumptious!

  19. AnonymousJune 15, 2007

    Ooooh, I love how generous you are with the lil chocolate chips. I'd gladly pluck them out one by one. Haha :D

  20. AnonymousJune 15, 2007

    How can you have a food blog and worry about your weight??

    My husband loves orange and chocolate together. These might convert him to a muffin lover! Thanks.

  21. Deborah, thank you!

    Kristen, I agree with you.

    Helen, it was so much fun! :)

    Marce, these are not from her book - the desserts I made with the kids are, but it's a pity there was no time for photos! lol
    I totally agree with you - going through that book is so hard, we feel like baking everything there! :D

    Betty, your blog is beautiful and I'm glad you like mine, too, sweetie!

    Lydia, I love childhood memories - and food brings out many of them, don't you think?

    Amanda, that chocolate sounds so good! Just like I told Lydia, I love how food brings out so many wonderful memories.
    You are such a great cook, you're gonna love that book. :)

    Janet, I look at your photo and I cannot believe you have 2 kids - you are so young! ;)
    Your family is well taken care, I'm sure - who wouldn't love having muffins on their lunch box?? I would.

    Karin, I absolutely love limes, so I'll try anything with it. What if you microwave the limes for a few seconds? You'll get extra juice this way.
    I think that the only thing you would have to adjust is the amount of sugar.

    Nora, I did - I love spending time with the kids.
    Thank you for your kind words - I can tell that the poor man must be suffering having to cut down your fabulous food. :)

    Rose, thank you, my dear friend!

    Anh, now I'm craving your muffins. You are a bad, bad person. ;)

    Celine, your post is adorable as you are. Thank you!!

    Amrita, I'm glad you stopped by - your blog is beautiful! I'll link you too - I don't want to miss your posts! :)

    Anne, me too!!

    Veron, it's hard as hell. :)

    Joey, I know! I keep visiting you and the other favorites of mine and it makes me suffer! lol

    Ovenhaven, they were small so I decided to be generous. :D

    Lynn, tell me about it - I don't need to lose a lot of weight, but it seems impossible anyway. :S
    Thank you, sweetie!

  22. You do it every time, Patricia. You find a way to make me hungry for baked goods that I didn't even think I was craving! Thanks a lot! ;)

  23. Orange and chocolate is my very most favourite chocolate combo, how did I miss this recipe? Looks great, I keep seeing your lovely bakes and thinking I want to taste that!

  24. Everytime I come here and see one of your sweet treats, I feel like having it and I don't have a sweet-tooth so that's the biggest compliment I can give you about these yummy muffins.

  25. Chocolate and orange are such a great combination and your has fresh orange juice and zest, so it is surely delicious. Great recipe.

  26. Hi Pat,
    wow, gorgeous muffins you've whipped out here! I wouldn't mind having one after dinner though:)
    And pairing orange with them sounds even yummier!

  27. I love orange baked goods; chiffon cake is my favorite. I've never had orange muffins w/ or w/out chocolate. That will change. Thanks, Patricia.

  28. Could there be anything better than chocolate and orange? And now in a convenient muffin wrapper! hehee

    They look delish - definitely my kinda muffin!


  29. AnonymousJune 16, 2007

    I've always loved the combination of orange and chocolate so these sound absolutely wonderful!

  30. Orange and chocolate is one of my favorite combinations. And the muffins look delicious. I usually freeze muffins immediately--thinking it will dissuade me from gobbling too many down! :):) That works SOMETIMES. :):) I don't think it would work with those yummy looking muffins.

  31. Girl, you are unfair! These look so absolutely fantastic, I want one now! I agree with Sher - orange and chocolate rocks!

  32. AnonymousJune 18, 2007

    Hi Patricia! These sound lovely! I love the combination of orange and chocolate!

    No worries on the lack of posts - this time of year always seems so hectic for one reason or another!

  33. Chocolate chip muffins always come out good, in my opinion. With the addition of orange, these must have smelled heavenly.

  34. your muffins just reminded me of Ina Garten's famous orange chocolate chips muffins! Orange and chocolate taste so harmonious together.

  35. AnonymousJune 19, 2007

    I liked the idea of the orange an chocolate. ;-)


  36. Boo to the fun.
    Yummy cookies though.

  37. what a creative combo. i can't wait to try this recipe! they look so fluffy and delish!

  38. Hi Patricia, Thanks for visiting my blog, yours is really cool! I'm sure I'd love your muffins- chocolate and orange are one of my favourite combinations!

  39. I love orange and chocolate together - those look fabulous. (I hope you are almost through with your diet...? I am looking forward to more posts!)

  40. AnonymousJune 24, 2007

    Orange and chocolate together is one of my favorite flavor combinations, Patricia. These sound great!

  41. Beautiful and SOO delicious looking.

    Diets suck (american slang of course, sorry!) but I do like fitting into a swimsuit. :)

  42. Susan, I had a laugh with your, sweetie - I promise I don't mean to! :)

    Kelly-Jane, you definitely should - you're a Daring Baker, after all. ;)

    Cynthia, I'm very flattered, my dear. Thank you!

    Elle, thank you - orange is one of my weaknesses.

    Valentina, the problem is having only one, sweetie. ;)

    Susan, now I'm craving that chiffon cake you mentioned. ;)

    Lis, orange and chocolate are a match made in heaven! ;)

    Nicole, thank you!

    Sher, that's a good strategy - I should try that soon. :D

    Toni, now that they're long gone I keep craving them. :)

    Gilly, things seem to be going back to normal, my dear friend. I hope so!

    Cheryl, I think you are right - one just can't go wrong with chocolate chips. :)

    Mandy, I don't know Ina's recipe , but I have seen so many other delicious recipes by her that I'm sure it's great!

    Paz, me too. ;)

    Peabody, I couldn't agree with you more, sweetie. :)

    Linda, they were! Tks!!

    Hi, Carol!! I'm glad you stopped by! Tks!

    Mallow, what a lovely thing to "say" - thank you! It's not over yet but going well, so I'm hopeful. :)
    There will be some light recipes around here from now on.

    Terry, I love this combination of flavors, too.

    Kirsten, you are soooo right, my dear - they suck but in my case they're necessary. And it's a great thing it's winter here now, so when summer comes I'll be beach and pool ready. ;)

  43. Hi there, Just wanted to thank you for such a great recipe, made them this week and they were incredibly popular with my Hubby and Daughter! I'm in the UK and used Cadbury's dark chocolate Bournville chips (or would recommend Green and Blacks) which worked really well with the orange. Just eating the last one as I post this, yummy!

  44. Hi, Lisa! Thank you for your comment!
    I'm so glad to hear you and your family liked those muffins - my younger sister loved them, too!
    I have tried Green and Black's and it's amazing.


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