Monday, November 12, 2007

Spinach, cheese and walnut baked risotto

Spinach, cheese and walnut baked risotto

I have seen so many delicious recipes with spinach around lately that I felt like cooking with it, too.

This time, I got the recipe from Donna Hay Magazine #33 but I changed it quite a bit. It was my second baked risotto and what an easy dish to put together! Not to mention that while it’s in the oven you can sit on the couch and watch TV – like I did, watching my newest addiction.


This is my entry for this Weekend Herb Blogging, this time hosted by Vanessa, from What Geeks Eat.

Spinach, cheese and walnut baked risotto

Spinach, cheese and walnut baked risotto
adapted from Donna Hay magazine

1 ½ cups Arborio (or risotto) rice
4 ½ cups (36fl oz) vegetable stock
1 cup finely grated parmesan cheese
40g (1 ½ oz) unsalted butter
freshly ground black pepper
50g (1 ¾ oz) spinach leaves – remove the stems before measuring or use baby spinach leaves
100g (3 ½ oz) yellow mozzarella*, roughly grated
1/3 cup chopped walnuts, slightly toasted

Preheat the oven to 180ºC/355ºF. Place the rice and stock in a 22x30cm (8 ½x12in) 10-cup (80fl oz)** capacity baking dish and stir to combine. Cover tightly with foil and cook for 40 minutes or until most of the stock is absorbed and the rice is al dente.
Add the parmesan, butter, salt, pepper, spinach, mozzarella and walnuts and stir until the butter is melted. Serve immediately.

* a type of salty mozzarella we have here in Brazil, made with cow's milk - very much used as pizza topping. You can replace with regular mozzarella or use fetta (as in the original recipe)

** I used a deep bowl – I thought it would be easier to mix the ingredients in it than in a rectangular baking dish

Serves 4


  1. Patrica, it looks very elegant and you were reserved with the ingrdients...I bet the flavours were delicate & bravo!

  2. What an exquisie combination of flavors! Love the use of the brilliant ingredients!

  3. Patricia, this sounds really great. I'm hungry now, and I can't eat for a while... it's your fault!

  4. I want to know how it compares to the risotto you slave over the stove for an hour with. If its even close, I'm a convert!

  5. I'm wondering the same thing as Jenny. If so, this method is so easy and the results look great!

  6. I really want to try a baked risotto. This one sounds delicious!

  7. I have never made risotto with spinach, this sounds so delicious that I have to try it!

  8. I lOVE risotto, and this one has such great ingredients! Thanks for sharing.

  9. This risotto does sound great! I'd never have thought to put walnuts in it. That's a great change from pine nuts!

  10. I've been thinking more and more about risotto these days.....This looks fabulous!

  11. A risotto that you don't have to stand and stir! What an easy, comforting and delicious dish.

  12. Baked risotto is such a revelation -- no stirring! The flavors in this look wonderful, and after all, who wouldn't rather watch Ugly Betty???!

  13. mmm risotto. Haven't had risotto for a while and what a grand idea to bake it in the oven, simple and no stirring involved! Looks fabulous Patricia :)

  14. Patricia, I have never tried a baked risotto! I am definitely going to try this. I love risotto and can easily make a whole meal of it, with a green salad.

  15. It must me so tasty! Thanks for sharing this recipe Patricia.

  16. Looks like a nice and tasty side dish.

  17. You just remind me that I don't cook/eat risotto often enough. Truly delicious!

  18. i love baked risotto way better than stove top cooked. the grains are much more tender...and it seems more foolproof. this looks great! i want spinach too!

  19. Patricia, this risotto sounds delicious. But more importantly, (for the 13th of Nov)

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

    I hope that you have a lovely day planned because you are such a special lady.

    A big hug from Sydney,

    xx nora

  20. Oh boy...what a pair of Donna Hay fans we are! I have that issue and have been wanting to try those baked risottos for the exact same reason you I can lie on the couch while it cooks! :) I will definitely give it a go now seeing how your's turned out so great!

  21. Baked risotto! What a novel idea (much better than lazy don't you think). Anyway Patricia this looks perfectly lovely as I buy spinach in 3 pound bags I'm always looking for new ways with it.

  22. Peter, thank you! I really like you calling my food "elegant". :)

    Meeta, thank you, darling!

    Curt, I'm sorry, my friend! :)

    Jenny, it is very creamy, like the other - I think you can go for it! :)

    Manggy, let me know if you try it, please?

    Deb, you definitely should!

    Ilva, it was my first time, too!

    Abby, the ingredients are wonderful, you are right!

    Hanne, it was what I have in my fridge and I think it worked fine!

    Toni, make some for you, dear. :)

    Susan, and good for when you have people over - you can stay with your guests while it's cooking!

    Lydia, I'll watch a new episode tonight, my friend. :)

    Ilingc, thank you, sweetie!

    Pam, I would love to hear your opinion about it!

    Tijen, thank you!

    Pea, thank you!

    Anh, my favorite dish in the whole world. :)

    Kickpleat, and you can do so many other things while it's in the oven!

    Nora, thank you, my wonderful friend! You are such a dear!
    Many Brazilians hugs back to you!

    Joey, I always think of you when I choose one of Donna's recipes because I know how much you love them too!

    Tanna, go ahead and use that delicious spinach!

  23. This sounds delicious, Patricia! And you obviously struck a chord with all of us who want to get away from all that tedious stirring.

    Next, what's this about a birthday? Boy, you go away for a little vacation and end up totally out of the loop!

  24. How is it I've never heard of baked risotto? What a great idea. (The things you can learn from reading cooking blogs!) And spinach, walnuts, and cheese is such a good combination.

  25. Very Tempting! I will have to try this recipe out.

  26. I've never baked risotto before. Only stood over the stove for 30 minutes constantly stirring it! Haha. This sounds great though.

  27. Risottos are really good. I will have to try baking one.

  28. Oh, what a heavenly combination of flavors you have here, Patricia. Your risotto dishes always make my mouth water. I've got to make one. Very soon.

  29. There's just no way anyone could ever dislike this.

    I love the addition of walnuts, too.

  30. Great minds must think alike... as we both posted recipes on risotto this week! The weather is getting colder here in Geneva - we even had snow this morning, so lovely hot filling food like this is just the thing. Really like the idea of the spinach and walnut combination. Look forward to trying this. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog :)

  31. Your risotto looks fresh, creamy and delicious...I will have to try it.

  32. Happy belated birthday! I love this risotto too, looks delicious.

  33. Risotto is such a comforting dish, love it!

  34. Pure comfort food! Looks great, Patricia.

  35. Your risotto recipes are making me fall constantly in love with risotto!

  36. This looks like such a warm, comforting dish. I like the toasted walnuts in it, especially.

  37. I bet this tastes really good.

  38. Terry, my birthday was on the 13th, my friend. :)

    Julie, I totally agree with you - I have learned tons of things from my favorite foodies!

    Syrie, you should, sweetie.

    Hey, darling, this is a great way of using those 30 minutes for something else. :)

    Kevin, let me know if you like it, please?

    Susan, you are far too kind, my dear. :)

    Graeme, I think they were a nice touch, too. Tks!

    Erika, your blog is beautiful, there's no need to thank me!

    Karen, thank you!

    Kelly-Jane, thank you, dear!

    Bri, it is!

    Kristen, tks!

    Valentina, I was so glad to see the one you made with hearts of palm!

    Lynn, I like the walnuts a lot, too, sweetie.

    Cynthia, it does! :)

  39. Nice idea! I never heard of baked risotto either. We're always learning things from each other aren't we? I think that might be why blogging is so addicting. Also I have not seen yellow mozarella, sounds good.

  40. I'm another baked risotto neophyte. Your recipe looks wonderful, thanks for explaining this interesting risotto technique.

  41. Yum! What a tasty looking dish. Strangely, I've never made a baked risotto, even though the hubs and I make risotto regularly. We will definitely have to try it out. Now you've piqued my interest about yellow mozzarella too. I soooo need to come to Brazil sometime. Thanks for the inspiration!

  42. Hi, patricia.

    What a coincidence, I got the same copy of Donna Hay Magazine and had wanted to try out the risotto.

    I made the mushroom risotto instead. Baked risotto is a breeze. It's my first time making a risotto by the way. Didn't manage to get arborio rice but pasta grain called risoni, the closest I can get. Color is not as nice, the grains are yellow in color.

  43. How yummy of a combination does that sound! I might just make that soon :) I grew up eating Spinach Rice, but Indian this is a great with version to serve with a western dinner!

  44. This is a new one for me! Looks really yummy too..gearing up with recipes for the cold winter days
    hopefully ahead!


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