Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dorie’s best chocolate chip cookies

Dorie’s best chocolate chip cookies

I hope this doesn’t sound like an Oscar acceptance speech or something, but I would like to thank you all for being so supportive! Thank you for the emails and comments – you are really fantastic!

My dear friend Lydia sent an email to King Arthur informing them about my situation and they found out that the person who shipped my box didn’t add my postal code to the address – the mail service returned the package to them. Now I think things will be OK – I promise to let you know as soon as the products arrive! I can’t wait to start baking with those.

In the meantime, I present you some of the best cookies I have ever tried: these are so delicious! I had already made choc chip cookies, but this was the first time I added nuts to the dough. I never knew pecans would go so well with chocolate.

The recipe yielded a lot and I shared these with many people – they all told me the cookies were wonderful. I'm sure Bri agrees with them. :)

Dorie’s best chocolate chip cookies

Dorie’s best chocolate chip cookies
from Baking: From My Home to Yours

2 cups (280g) all purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
¾ teaspoon baking soda
2 sticks (226g/8 ounces) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 cup (200g) sugar
2/3 cup (115g) packed light brown sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 large eggs
12 ounces (335g) bittersweet chocolate, chopped into chips, or 2 cups (340g) store-bought chocolate chips or chunks
1 cup (100g) finely chopped pecans

Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 190ºC/375ºF. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment or silicone mats.
Sift together the flour, salt and baking soda.
Working with a stand mixer, preferably fitted with a paddle attachment, or with a hand mixer in a large bowl, beat the butter on medium speed for about 1 minute, until smooth. Add the sugars and beat for another 2 minutes or so, until well blended. Beat in the vanilla. Add the eggs one at a time, beating for 1 minute after each egg goes in. Reduce the mixer speed to low and add the dry ingredients in 3 portions, mixing only until each addition is incorporated. On low speed, or by hand with a rubber spatula, mix in the chocolate and nuts. The dough can be covered and refrigerated for up to 3 days or frozen. If you’d like, you can freeze rounded tablespoonfuls of dough, ready for baking. Freeze the mounds on a lined baking sheet, then bag them when they’re solid. There’s no need to defrost the dough before baking – just add another minute or two the baking time.
Spoon the dough by slightly rounded tablespoonfuls* onto the baking sheets, leaving about 5cm (2in) between spoonfuls.
Bake the cookies – one sheet at a time and rotating the sheets at the midway point – for 10 to 12 minutes, or until they are brown at the edges and golden in the center; they may be still a little soft in the middle, and that’s just fine. Pull the sheet from the oven and allow the cookies to rest for 1 minute, then carefully using a wide metal spatula, transfer them to racks to cool to room temperature.
Repeat with the remainder of the dough, cooling the baking sheets between batches.

Makes 45

* I used leveled tablespoonfuls of dough and got 60 cookies

Dorie’s best chocolate chip cookies


Manggy said...

Wow! Those look so good :) I wouldn't use a level tablespoon though-- they make cookies that are relatively small that you don't quite realize you've eaten 30 out of 60 already! Not good for my diet, haha :)

priscilla joy said...

Wow Patricia those look sooo good!

priscilla joy said...

Wow Patricia those look sooo good!

Jamie said...

I love cookies with pecans in them. These cookies look delicious!

Cheryl said...

If they say the best in the them, then they must be. Something I have to try.

Unknown said...

These look great! I definitely need this cookbook, I keep giving it as a gift and I need it for myself!

The one change I would try is using half butter, half margarine, but just because that is the texture of cookie I love - it makes them so soft and chewy!!

Anonymous said...

These look amazing, they're from a bake shoppe! Fancy! Like the pecans in there. Mmmm.... Bookmarked to make soon. :)

Deborah said...

I think I'm officially the last person to make these now...

They look fantastic!

Sarah said...

Chocolate chip cookies are the ultimate comfort food.
I will have to check out that cookbook!

lululu said...

gotta check out that cook book for sure. the cookies look really yummy.

Brilynn said...

Of course I have to love these!
I've been busy baking from Baking, I'll probably have to put a compilation post up soon...

Meeta K. Wolff said...

Dories chocolate chip really are the best. I like how moist yours look. Oscar or not - we thank you for these scrumptious posts!

Cookie baker Lynn said...

And the award for best cookie in the chocolate chip cookie goes to....Dorie and Patricia!

I love the tip for freezing. Great for when you want to bake but don't want to mess up the kitchen.

Katy said...

Oh my gosh, yum. Is there anything better than chocolate chip cookies? I honestly don't think so. Those look terrific!

Anonymous said...

You and your chocolate chip can they be better than the chocolate chip filled chocolate chip cookies? They look delicious though!

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

My husband, who claimed Dorie's book as his own as soon as I brought it into the house, actually made this recipe for me. I must admit they are the best chocolate chip cookies ever -- even better than the old Toll House cookies that we've been baking for years.

test it comm said...

More chocolate chip cookies to tempt me. :) Pecans are one of my favorite nuts and I would think that they would go really well in chocolate chip cookies. I might have to try it just to prove it to myself! :)

BitterSweet said...

Aw, aren't fellow bloggers just the best? Glad that the situation is looking better now- And with cookies that look that good, how couldn't they?! :)

Jaime said...

i saw these when i was flipping through the book and thought i should give them a try - i'm glad to hear that they live up to their name :) you should really join us at tuesday's with dorie, it would be fun! :)

Oh for the love of food! said...

These cookies look so pretty sitting on the blue gingham - the best choc-chip cookie recipe, huh? Gotta try them then!
Thanks for the very kind words you wrote in my blog, Patricia - I really appreciate it, Sweetie.

KJ said...

They do look good. I haven't tried any of Dorrie's biscuit recipes yet. This looks like a good place to start.

Curt McAdams said...

Patricia, nice looking cookies. I have a recipe I love, and everyone's tastes are different, but I haven't met many chocolate chip cookies I would pass up (homemade, that is).

A friend of mine wants to do a head to head contest with his and my cookies; I figure 'why not?'...
We both win just by eating cookies!

Susan from Food Blogga said...

Boy, do I want chocolate chips cookies with my morning coffee right now.

aforkfulofspaghetti said...

Well, they look great - and rather elegant! Sure you're going to manage 60 of them? ;)

Anonymous said...

As usual, Dorie's cookies are perfect. Has she ever written a bad recipe????

LyB said...

Those are some gorgeous cookies Patricia! I have got to get that book, I've heard so much about it!

Kelly-Jane said...

They are bound to be good coming from Dorie, they look yummy!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Mark, I made these for the people from work, that's how I managed NOT to eat them all. ;)

Priscilla, tks!

Jamie, now I love pecans in my cookies too. :)

Cheryl, Dorie's recipes are the ones to be trusted, right?

Jenny, get the book as fast as you can! :)
And tks for the tip about margarine!

Joy, I'm so flattered! Tks, sweetie!

Deb, I never knew they could be so good. :)

Sarah, please do!

Lu, loads of great recipes there, I assure you.

Bri, I knew you would! :)

Meeta, her recipes are go great, aren't they?

Lynn, you are so sweet, my dear, tks!
And the freezing does help with all those extra cookies.

Katy, they are certainly a favorite. :)

Linda, those are sinful, too, you are right!

Lydia, really? He's a smart guy - that's an excellent book to have!
I have never tried the Toll House cookies, though... I think I might. :)

Kevin, let me know if you try these!

Hannah, food bloggers are fantastic!

Jaime, I like your idea. A lot! I'm just afraid I won't be able to keep up with you guys. :(

Carol, my dear, there's no need to thank me.

KJ, I want to try more recipes from that book.

Curt, that is a win/win competition, indeed!

Susan, have as many as you want, sweetie.

Hi! I spread them around the office - too dangerous having those around me! :)

Anna, I don't think she ever will! :)

LyB, that book is a must have. :)

LyB said...

Hi Patricia, me again :)

I tagged you for a meme, hope you don't mind!

Cakebrain said...

i think i could eat a ton of those cookies!

Anonymous said...

Oh, the pain! Do you know how torturous it is to sneak a quick look at a food blog while you're supposed to be busy at work and see a cookie that looks that delicious and be left wanting one but with no hope of having one any time soon?

Anonymous said...

Patricia, You are so much more interesting than the Oscars. Did you see this year's show? Boring. I was snoring.

I was so surprised when I read you were having trouble with King Arthur shipping. I've called them a few times to ask questions about some products and the people there are so courteous they make you feel like calling them up just to talk. I'm glad to hear that things got sorted out.

Too bad I'm avoiding sugar at the moment. Yes, me, avoiding sugar. It's that old tire around my waist...can't seem to get rid of it.


Anonymous said...

Pat, you always have such great classic recipes with easy ingredients, thanks for sharing!

Susan @ SGCC said...

Patricia- Those are some pretty great looking cookies. Now, I won't be able to rest until I make some!

Emily said...

Yay! More cookies.
Those look big and delicious.

Anonymous said...

They look good! And I love the book too, it's my most utilised cookbook. :D

meokha said...

just read your second last post, i hope you package arrives soon :) nice cookies.

Katie B. said...

I love these cookies! We've gone through two batches in the last month and we don't eve share with other people!!! The second time around, I used a small ice cream scooper to form the cookies and then I put them ALL into the freezer!! Reason being, I prefer them baked, but my husband prefers the dough raw, straight from the freezer... everybody wins! Truly nothing nicer than a couple of freshly-baked, delicious cookies anytime you want!

Susan said...

There isn't a nut alive that doesn't pair well with chocolate. Nice treats, Patricia.

sher said...

Well, they look amazing--and if you say they are the best cookies you've tasted....they must be almost dangerous! :):)

Nic said...

They look absolutely yummy - that is a great book.
Glad to hear you will soon get your baking bits and bobs - I'm as excited as you are - can't wait to see what you cook up!!

Patricia Scarpin said...

LyB, I'll check it out!

Cakebrain, I'm glad you like them!

Julie, I know, sweetie - I do that all the time! And then I want to tell my boss I have a stomach flu or something, so I can go home and bake all day long. :)

Mari, you are so sweet, my dear, tks!
I have to say I fell asleep, too. Right after the best actress award. No Scorcese winning this year, so I'm not interested. :)
Diets suck, I know, but sometimes they're necessary...

Farhan, thank you! You are so kind.

Hi, sweetie! You should definitely try these.

Emiline, I'm a cookie crazy. :)

Bernice, that book is amazing!

Aamena, thank you for your support, it means a lot to me!

Katie, really? I can totally understand why they go away in a minute. And that idea of turning them into ice cream is fabulous!
I'm a sucker for cookie dough, too, I'll have loads of it while I'm baking... :)

Susan, I agree with you. :)

Sher, it's very dangerous to have these around. :)

Nic, I'm excited too - thank you for your support, dear!

Lesley said...

I'm constantlly looking for a great choc chip cookie recipe. I think I'll try this one! They look so good.

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

It's a given that Bri would agree.
I'm probably the only person on the planet who doesn't like any nuts in my chocolate chip cookies ;)
Beautiful cookies even with nuts.

T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

Chocolate with pecans! Fantastic, Patricia!

eatme_delicious said...

Mmm chocolate chip cookies! Those look great. I haven't tried her choco chip cookie recipe yet. I was also pleasantly surprised to find out how good pecans are in choco chip cookies. :)

Nora B. said...

Those cookies sure look good. I actually came over to check out your focaccia post, I guess it's not ready yet :-) I come back soon.


Helene said...

Glad the situation got resolved. These cookies are on rotation are our house...we love them allright!!

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear things are getting cleared up... they should throw in some extras for you!

Your cookies look delicious!!

Sarah said...

I have had my eye on this book for a while now- this is just one more reason to go out and get it!

Anonymous said...


I made these~ ^^ and i must really thank you! it's your reviews and yummy pics which encourages me to try out this recipe~ I was careless for my 1st batch though! left out baking soda >.< but it still turns out good! :D i'm thankful for your effort in doing all the metric conversions as well! Thanks alot! :D


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