Monday, March 31, 2008

Parmesan wafer salad

Parmesan wafer salad

Donna Hay again. Bear with me, please. :)

This salad was published on her magazine #29, in 2006, and it was part of an article in which she showed the readers some of the recipes from a book she was releasing back then. Such a teaser! I chose this salad because I love each and every ingredient in it, but I must admit that seeing it on the cover of the book made me think of how special it would be.

If you want a light, different and tasty meal, look no further.


This is my entry for the Weekend Herb Blogging, this time hosted by the lovely Kalyn, the mind behind that wonderful event.

Parmesan wafer salad

Parmesan wafer salad
from Donna Hay magazine

1 cup grated parmesan cheese
2 red apples, thinly sliced
80g (3oz) arugula leaves
1 ½ tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
150g (5oz) goat’s cheese

Preheat the oven to 180ºC/355ºF. Arrange 8 x 1 ½ tablespoons of parmesan in circles on a baking tray lined with non-stick baking paper* and bake for 10 minutes or until crispy. Set aside to cool.
Place balsamic vinegar, olive oil, salt and pepper in a small bowl and mix well. Set aside.
Arrange the arugula on serving plates, top with apple slices and goat’s cheese and drizzle with the dressing.
Finish it off with the parmesan wafer.

* I used regular baking paper coated with cooking spray. The cheese got stuck. So I tried it again, using foil coated with cooking spray and it worked out perfectly.

Serves 4


  1. Delicious! Parmesan is sooo delicious, especially with arugula!

  2. Great presentation - very professional! I'd eat that in a heartbeat...

  3. Gorgeous salad Patricia...excellent start to a lunch.

  4. That sounds lovely! The flavors of all the ingredients must really compliment each other. Beautiful presentation!

  5. Don't worry, Patricia, I will always keep coming back even if it was Donna Hay everyday :) Regardless, your wafers look great, and they're so difficult to make!

  6. Oooh! I have been eyeing that recipe...I read the magazine and the book! No need to apologize to me for a Donna Hay recipe :) :) :) And my goodness but your styling is perfect...I love it!

  7. What beautiful plating! It looks so elegant. Are you opening a restaurant, Patricia?

  8. Gorgeous! I love everything about this salad! Right out from a restaurant kitchen!

  9. Love the parmesan wafer Pat!
    Your salad looks wonderful:)

  10. That would be such a delicious first course, and so pretty too, the wafer is so delicate.

  11. Patricia,
    This looks awesome. I'll definitely be making this in the near future.
    Miss you girl, so glad to be back, can't wait to catch up on your blog.

  12. That is truly a gorgeous salad!

  13. What a simple but fresh presentation, very nicely plated.

  14. I love, love, love Donna Hay! Your picture is beautiful and the salad sounds great!

  15. Your photo looks lovely enough to be on the cover of a book! Parmesan crisps dress up any salad, don't they? I love to make them.

  16. yumm! That looks light and lovely.
    What a perfect lunch.

  17. It sounds delicious. Would you believe I've never seen a single Donna Hay book or magazine? I know, I'm culturally deprived. I've never even seen them in stores.

  18. This salad sounds nice and looks good! I like the sweet (apple and balsamic vinegar) and cheese combo.

  19. I am so loving this salad. I love the goat cheese with the apple. I remember seeing this salad in the magazine.

  20. That's wonderful. What a lovely and sophisticated treat. I would love to serve that to guests. I think I will!!! Thanks.

  21. Isn't it just amazing that something so simple turns out to be spectacular? Beautifully done!
    Love your blog.

  22. Linda, I love parmesan, too!

    Hi there! I'm flattered by your comment, tks!

    Pete, thank you!

    LyB, thank you, sweetie!

    Mark, I'm glad to hear that, my friend. ;)
    In the oven they're not difficult, believe me!

    Joey, I knew you'd like this. :)
    You're far too kind!

    Lynn, who knows? Maybe someday... :)

    Helen, thank you, darling!

    Stella, that wafer is oh, so good!

    Kelly-Jane, it's delicate and delicious.

    JB, I've missed you too, my dear friend! It's great to have you back.

    Deb, thank you!

    Hannah, the ingredients were fresh and full of flavor.

    Pam, Donna rocks! :)

    Lydia, you are so kind and sweet, my dear, thank you! *blushing*

    Dayna, thank you!

    Kalyn, I'm glad you like my entry. And you should definitely catch up on Donna's recipes, they're amazing.

    Kevin, apple and cheese are great together.

    Pea, I think you'd like this.

    Sher, I hope you do!

    Mary, thank you for your comment! You are very kind.

  23. oh how adorable! You have a hand of artist, that wafer is perfectly roudn shape!

  24. beautifully-presented, sounds very tasty.

  25. Is it possible to make small "baskets" of grated Parmesan cheese?

    Just before Easter I saw pictures of small Parmesan cheese baskets filled with a salmon-shrimp mixture. I would like to make such baskets but I am afraid to fail.

  26. What a lovely and elegant salad! It looks just beautiful...and tasty!

  27. Ooo... parmesan wafer, that's interesting. It's ok to use Donna Hay's recipes cos I love them as well.

  28. This salad looks so perfectly balanced and delicious! Mmmmm...

  29. That looks very light and healthy

  30. That looks absolutely spectacular.

  31. Just one word. Yum.

  32. My mother-in-law was visiting last week and just told me about a parmesan wafter salad she made. Seriously. She was giving me suggestions on how to make the wafers. Your look perfect, Patricia. It must have been simply delicious.

  33. Isn't this just beautiful. What a clever idea to start a meal. Cheese and apple, a wonderful combo.

  34. OMGoodness anything with parmesan cheese is a sure hit with me. Absolutely love the stuff.

  35. Beautiful presentations. I bought a Donna Hay magazine several months ago, enticed by all the beautiful photographs, but then was disappointed by the first one or dishes I tried out of it (a roasted parsnips with maple syrup recipe was way too sweet...). I guess I'll have to read more of your blog to discover what you think of her!

  36. Well, this could definitely be a magazine cover, no doubt about it. I love these wafers, which I know as frico - I used to make them all the time. Yesterday, my husband asked why I quit making them - I just showed him your picture, and he said they looked wonderful, which was the point he'd been trying to make. Guess I better get going on them!

  37. This looks stunningly beautiful and sounds delicious! I'm not surprised that you had to make it when you saw the photo on the book cover. Your photo of your salad is equally compelling and when arugula and apples are in season, I must remember to try it!


  38. I recently made and blogged about Parmesan cheese bowls. I bet adding this as the salad inside would be yummy!

  39. what brilliant presentation. you got that parmesan wafer so perfectly round!!!
    i imagine that combination of flavours would be fantastic.

  40. Now that is beautifully presented!

  41. Yum! I instantly recognised it was Donna Hay, Patricia. I've been drooling too over that magazine...


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