Monday, September 22, 2008

I think I'm obsessed... Double-lemon bars

Double-lemon bars

We accidentally found out that there were more channels available for free on cable on the weekend. My first reaction was “I bet there won’t be anything good on” but I bit my tongue: last night, on Cinemax, several of Kubrick's films in a row. “The Shining” – which I have seen 5 times or so - followed by “Full Metal Jacket” (Vincent!) and “Barry Lyndon”.

I guess you’ve noticed my obsession for Mr. Kubrick... Sort of like the one I have for lemons. :)

Double-lemon bars

Double-lemon bars
from here

1 cup (226g/2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature
2/3 cup (94g) powdered sugar
2 cups (280g) all purpose flour

2 cups (400g) sugar
4 large eggs
7 tablespoons fresh lemon juice with pulp*
¼ cup finely grated lemon zest (from about 5 large lemons)
1 teaspoon baking powder
¼ cup (35g) all purpose flour

additional powdered sugar, for dusting

Preheat oven to 180ºC/350ºF. Using electric mixer, beat butter in large bowl until fluffy. Beat in 2/3 cup powdered sugar. Add the flour, 1 cup at a time, beating until moist clumps form. Using back of fork (I preferred a spatula), press dough over bottom of nonstick 13x9x2-inch (32.5x22.5x5cm) metal baking pan – I used a regular 20x30cm pan and lined it with baking paper.
Bake crust until light golden, about 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, beat sugar and eggs in medium bowl until blended. Beat in fresh lemon juice with pulp, lemon zest, baking powder, then flour for filling.

Pour lemon filling over hot crust. Bake until filling is set in center and begins to brown on top, about 20 minutes. Transfer pan to rack and cool completely. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate.)

Cut pastry into 24 bars. Transfer lemon bars to serving platter and dust with additional powdered sugar.

* to remove all juice and pulp for the lemon filling, cut lemons in half and use a spoon to scoop between the membranes; discard seeds.

Makes 24

Double-lemon bars


  1. I love when there is a free preview for channels on tv, and I love lemon bars!!

  2. You and I are both in obsessive, addictive bar loving lemon moods today! Yahoo, these are beautiful!

  3. You have excellent taste in both movies and desserts! Your lemon bars look and sound amazing.

  4. holy smokes! these look delicious! i love the "full" use of the lemon.

  5. I would nibble on each square, savoring the lemony sweetness.

  6. Kubrick and Lemons. Go very well together.

  7. Oh my, they look so fresh and yummy

  8. I have to laugh. My husband and daughter are both obsessed with The Shining. They watch it over and over!

    Now, I could get obsessed with those scrumptious lemon bars. They look amazing!

  9. Oh those look good. I think The Shining is one of the scariest movies ever. I've seen it so many times, I can probably quote the dialogue word for word!

  10. An addiction to lemon must be a good thing. You will never get rickets!!! And you get to eat these yummy lemon bars.

  11. Oh! This is Eyes Wide Shut guy right? Great movie! Ha ha ha. I'm just teasing :) You know, these are the kind of lemon bars that develop and intense craving for! Keep 'em coming! :P````

  12. I used to not really like lemon bars but now I think they're fantastic, these look great!

  13. Patricia! how good is to come back here and find this gorgeous recipe for my poor stomach ;-) i adore lemons so this is double perfect for me!
    A big kiss

  14. Those look like some lovely lemon bars and I have to say that I love your title for this post...too funny!

  15. Double the lemon? You just made my lemon loving dreams come true! :)

  16. I haven't made lemon bars in a long time... I love them though and yours are so tempting. Delicious pictures!

  17. Although my hubby doesn't like sweets, the stuff he most gravitates to are fruity things, with lemony things being on top...this looks like just the ticket! :)

  18. One of my favorites! I haven't made them in a long time -- simply delicious.

  19. can you believe that i've never made lemon bars??? it's true. i'm bookmarking this recipe as it looks so delicious!

  20. Ditto on both (The Shining, and Lemon desserts) obsessions! Lovely, just lovely.

  21. I was once told I looked like the Mom in the shining. It was an odd compliment I guess. But these look fantastic.

  22. i could easily get obsessed on these bars. and The Shining is my all time favorite!

  23. Beautiful looking bars! I am getting obsessed too:)

  24. One of my favorite recipes of all TIME. And the odd thing is...I was just thinking about craving them (or lemon pie or key lime pie) as I was going through my Reader. How funny. I made them for the first time back in March ( and it looks like I'll be doing it again tonight:)

  25. Those bars look so creamy and lemony, really, the perfect lemon bars! And whenever I see The Shining, I can't help but think of that parody in a Simpsons Halloween episode.

    Homer- No beer and no TV make Homer... Something, something...

    Marge- Go crazy?

    Homer- Don't mind if I do!

    And then Homer proceeds to make a bunch of silly faces and noises. It is hilarious! :)

  26. Definitely noticed your obsession with lemons lately, but everything you're baking looks so delicious!

  27. Those have to be the most gorgeous lemon bars I have seen! Beautiful!

  28. P, I was just talking with a friend about lemon square/bars... now I see yours in here!

  29. Cinemax! Or should I say, Skinemax?

    I haven't had a lemon bar in ages...

  30. Deb, I love it too! Good movies are always welcome.

    Cathy, I'd trade these for those you made with blueberries, yum!

    Jamie, tks for visiting - I'm glad you like Kubrick, too! The man was a genius.

    Food Librarian, lots of lemon on these!

    Pete, they were small but pungent. :)

    Mari, I agree. Both are acidic. :)

    Mindy, thank you!

    Susan, they have great taste, I have to say! :)
    What about the little boy, isn't he cute?

    Pam, it is very scary - I have nightmares every time I watch it.

    KJ, you see? Delicious and healthy. I'll be using lemons again. :)

    Mark, Tom Cruise was the problem in that movie, you know. The guy can't act, not even Kubrick could solve that.

    Bri, really, darling? I'm glad you changed your mind!

    Silvia, my dear! It's great to have you back!

    Melody, tks, sweetie!

    Snooky Doodle, thank you!

    Lorraine, and you made mine with those sandwich polenta lemon cookies!

    Alexa, you definitely should, dear!
    Thank you!

    Joey, your hubby has great taste. ;)

    Allen, my friend, it has become one of my favorites, too!

    Kickpleat, it was my first time, too!

    Marysol, isn't Jack Nicholson the best?

    Katie, the actress had such a hard time with Kubrick... There were scenes she made her repeat 75 times. :S

    Meeta, yay!

    Farida, thank you, dear!

    TKTC, this is a nice coincidence, isn't it? :)

    LyB, I haven't seen that episode of "The Simpsons", but it makes me laugh already. :)

    Lydia, thank you, my friend.

    Kristen, you are far too kind, sweetie!

    Gattina, these would make your friend a happy one. :)

    Emiline, I don't think I get your joke - my English was not good enough for it!

  31. Those lemon bars are really beautiful. I am obsessed and I've just barely seen them!

  32. You know, I don't always like lemon-y things for dessert, but these sound like the best things ever right now!!

  33. I'm obsessed with lemon bars too! These ones are particular obsession-worthy. Yummy! Wish you could send some this way. . .

  34. Dr. Strangelove (dear kooky Peter Sellers) will always be one of my top favorites, just like lemon. I'll call these "Beauty Bars," Patricia.

  35. Delish Patricia! I love lemon slices. They are really popular here in Canada especially with coconut on top. Yum!

  36. These lemon bars look wonderfull, I Will have to have a taste,

  37. Why do I read food blogs at night when I want a snack??

  38. I've been meaning to make lemon bars for ages now. Thanks for the reminder! Yours look great!

  39. ok these look so good I am making them this afternoon, thanks for the inspiration!!!

  40. Your lemon bars disappeared within a couple hours! I love all your recipes!

  41. Hi, Bonnie!
    I'm so glad the recipe worked out fine for you - thank you so much for letting me know!

  42. WOW. They look incredible!!! I'm also obsessed with lemons, particularly lemon bars. Can't wait to try these soon! your blog is great, I'm your newest follower :)
    City Girl x

  43. Hey, there, City Girl! How are you?
    Thank you for visiting! I'm glad you're enjoying the blog!
    If you're like me - crazy for lemon bars - may I suggest these?
    They are the BEST lemon bars out there! :D


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