Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cinnamon ice cream

Cinnamon ice cream

Doing several things at the same time can be tricky – Dr. Manhattan knows that well. :D

I gathered the ingredients for this recipe while watching Nigella and talking on the phone - something got lost in between. I ended up using less cinnamon sticks than required but the ice cream still tasted wonderful - the cinnamon flavor is subtle but you can definitely feel it.

I had doubts about posting the recipe due to my mistake, but my best friend helped me make up my mind – she liked the ice cream so much I thought I should share it with you, too.

Cinnamon ice cream

Cinnamon ice cream
from The Perfect Scoop

1 cup (240ml) whole milk
¾ cup (150g) sugar
pinch of salt
four 3-inch (8cm) cinnamon sticks, broken up*
2 cups (480ml) heavy cream
5 large egg yolks

Warm the milk, sugar, salt, cinnamon sticks and 1 cup (240ml) of the cream in a medium saucepan. When it comes to a boil, cover, remove from the heat and let steep at room temperature for 1 hour – mine steeped for almost 2 hours.
Rewarm the cinnamon-infused milk mixture; pour the remaining 1 cup cream into a large bowl and set a mesh strainer on top.
In a separate bowl, whisk together the egg yolks. Slowly pour the warm mixture into the yolks, whisking constantly, then scrape the warmed egg yolks back into the saucepan.
Stir the mixture constantly over medium-low hear with a heatproof spatula, scraping the bottom as you stir, until the mixture thickens and coats the spatula – do not let it boil.
Pour the custard through the strainer into the cream and discard the cinnamon sticks. Set aside to cool then refrigerate for at least 5 hours.
Freeze it in your ice cream maker according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

* the original recipe calls for 10 sticks, but I got distracted and used only 4; since they were strong (the Fauchon cinnamon sticks I got from my friend Clarice) the cinnamon flavor was subtle, but noticeable.

Makes 1 quart (1 liter)


  1. I love cinnamon ice cream! I make ice cream sandwiches with it using frozen sugar cookies. Mmmm.

  2. oh i love cinnamon. this ice cream must be so so good :)

  3. Gosh that sounds perfect right about now! Makes me think of creamy, frozen french toast... Yum!

  4. I love Cinnamon Ice cream and yours sounds great!

  5. mmmm ... looks delicious! :-)

  6. I have enjoyed reading about all the ice cream flavors you have made over the past few weeks. Great job Patricia!

  7. I've been jonesing hard for ice cream lately - looks amazing! Pass a spoon my way!

  8. You really can't go wrong with ice cream! I haven't made cinnamon yet though, i'll add it to the list.

  9. I don't know how Dr. Manhattan does it! (And looks darn good doing it, too.) Seems like your multi-tasking turned out a great ice cream, though!! I love the idea of a creamy ice cream mixed with spicy cinnamon flavor. Delicious! So glad your friend convinced you to post this recipe.

  10. Such gorgeous photos! I love cinnamon ice cream too. Or anything involving cinnamon, really.

  11. i've only made vanilla so far and loved it. am definitely making this!

  12. Sounds delectable! I love the photo of the cinnamon.

  13. Mmm, that sounds so good! I love cinnamon ice cream.

  14. Cinnamon ice cream, so simple and yet so good!

  15. Oh rich & delightful this looks. Love it. Never heard of cinnamon ice-cream. WOW...loce the pictures too! Just beautiful!

  16. Ooh, lovely! I wonder what it would go best with? Hot fudge? Apple cake? :)

  17. Cinnamon ice cream is my favorite!!! I still remember this homemade ice cream place from my neighborhood in Texas when I was growing up, and they had the most unbelievable cinnamon ice cream that I still dream about...

    Is there any way you can finish this off without an ice cream maker?

  18. best ice cream ever, patricia, and i'm dead serious. why can't i ever find cinnamon ice cream in the grocery store? homemade is my only option, so i guess i'll have to invest in an ice cream maker. :)

  19. Kelly, that sounds like an idea I'm willing to copy. ;D

    Natalie, it was really good, indeed. :D

    Hannah, what a wonderful idea! Yum, yum!

    Katie, thank you!

    Gine, thank you for stopping by!

    Gigi, I'm glad to hear that, tks, darling!

    Michelle, I'll serve you a big bowl!

    Bri, you are one of the girls I should "blame" for making me buy an ice cream maker. ;)

    Elyse, I could use some of this power, sometimes. :D
    Thank you, dearie!

    Y, thank you! I love anything cinnamon, too. :D

    Arundathi, I made vanilla a while ago, too, and it was amazing - David's recipe.

    Julia, tks for stopping by!

    Anna, I was really glad with the result.

    Kevin, you've said it all!

    Deeba, thank you, darling!

    Mark, I had it plain, but anything chocolate goes wonderful here.

    Kirby, I'm not sure how, but I know there are some recipes on the web for making ice cream without a machine.
    Hope you manage to make it!

    Dragon, thank you!

    Grace, thank you so, so much. And if you want my honest opinion, anything homemade is a lot better than store bought... :D

  20. Time to dust off the ice cream maker!

  21. Wonderful photos, the dark and bright tones look very inviting! You always make me wish for an ice cream maker...

  22. Sounds divine. I adore cinnamon ice cream but only had it a few times as you can't seem to buy it in the shops. Will have to make my own.

  23. It sounds yummy. I love these pictures - so beautiful!

  24. Patricia, your recipes are so great!!! Awesome Cinnamon Ice Cream!!!

  25. Anyuta, did you like it? I'm glad to hear that! Tks for letting me know!


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