Monday, May 11, 2009

Spoon-dent cookies with lemon curd

Spoon-dent cookies with lemon curd / Cookies recheados com curd de limão siciliano

Have you read about Benicio Del Toro’s new movie? It’s not even ready yet and I’m eager to see it – the cast is amazing and I love stories that take place in the Victorian age. One could say that I am in a wolf state of mind after watching my favorite mutant on screen. :D

I am indeed in a lemony state of mind and present you these cookies: one of the most delicious I have ever baked. Top 3 delicious – really.
The curd is wonderful – much better than the one I made a while ago - and goes perfectly well with the buttery dough. Try them and tell me later.

Spoon-dent cookies with lemon curd / Cookies recheados com curd de limão siciliano

Spoon-dent cookies with lemon curd
from Donna Hay magazine

Lemon curd*:
½ cup (120ml) lemon juice
zest of the juiced lemons
125g unsalted butter, chopped
1 cup (200g) sugar
3 eggs, beaten

Cookie dough:
180g unsalted butter, softened
1 cup (200g) sugar
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract
1 egg
2 cups (280g) all purpose flour, sifted
½ teaspoon baking powder

Start with the curd: place the lemon juice, zest, butter, sugar and eggs in a heatproof bowl over a saucepan if rapidly simmering water. Cook, stirring continuously, for 20 minutes or until mixture has thickened slightly. Pass through a sieve into a glass/ceramic bowl and cover with plastic wrap touching the surface of the curd to prevent a skin from forming. Refrigerate until cool and thick.

Make the cookie dough: preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF; line two large baking sheets with baking paper.

Place the butter, sugar and vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat until light and creamy. Add the egg and beat well. Using a spatula, stir through the flour and baking powder to form a dough. Roll 2 teaspoons of the mixture into balls and place onto prepared sheets 5cm (2in) apart.
Press deep dents into the middle of the balls with the back of a small teaspoon, wetting the spoon if the dough starts to stick – I though it was easier to do that with my index fingertip.
Fill each of the indents with ½ teaspoon of the cooled lemon curd and bake for 10-15 minutes or until golden.

* there was some curd left – I think that ¾ of the recipe should be enough to fill all the cookies

Makes 35 – I halved the recipe and still got 24

Spoon-dent cookies with lemon curd / Cookies recheados com curd de limão siciliano


  1. these looks great!! I love anything lemon!!!

  2. oh these look super delicious and so nice!

  3. Nooo, it's too late in the evening to make them right now, have to work tomorrow...
    I do have 2 jars of home made slow cooker curd in the fridge, tomorrow night it's cookie night!

  4. AnonymousMay 11, 2009

    Oooh... I've been thinking about lemon curd lately. I may have to give these a try. Yum!

  5. Oh yummy. These might be the perfect cookie! Can't wait to try them!

    p.s. Saw this on and had to check them out!

  6. I feel like I could eat them all, Patricia! Is the texture of the cookie chewy or crumbly?

  7. droooooool! they look *melt-in-your-mouth-delicious*!

  8. Those cookies look very yummy, I love lemon curd! I'm also excited for the Wolfman movie. I generally do prefer old horror movies, but who can say no to Benicio??

  9. So cute, and cheerful-looking, too! Bet they're delicious. Mmm... lemons...

  10. Oh delicious!! I love lemon curd. I've never had cookies with lemon curd but I can imagine they're delicious!

  11. Ash, tks! I love anything lemon, too. :D

    Natalie, and they are not difficult to make!

    Hi, sweetie! Wanna share one of those jars?? :D

    Michelle, I'm a sucker for lemon curd.

    Kate, thank you for your visit, I'm glad you like the recipe!

    Mark, I had a hard time NOT eating them all. :D
    It's crumbly on the edges and softer in the middle, where the filling goes.

    Pia, thank you, sweetie!

    Miss Kate, I know I can't. ;)

    Anna, Benicio is perfect, isn't he? :D

    A Fork Full..., they look cute, don't they? Thank you!

    Ashley, I love lemon curd, too and it was my first having it in cookies. I think you would like these!

  12. I love anything lemon! Lemon curd sounds amazing on a butter cookie. What a bright springtime treat!

  13. Oh yum! Those cookies look so pretty, and I'm willing to bet they are really refreshing too!

  14. Patricia, I've been thinking of making my own lemon curd for ages, but always something else comes on the way.. Maybe a cookie project would help me to stay on track :)

  15. These look great. I worked at a bakery where we made a similar cookie, but we rolled the sides of the dough in coconut first. It was my all time favorite.

  16. Hi, Pinky!
    Thank you for your visit - I love lemon and coconut together, I'm sure those cookies you baked were amazing!


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