Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lemon marshmallows

Lemon marshmallows / Marshmallows de limão siciliano

My brother JP used to be a wonderful company back in my days as a single lady - he’s funny and witty and would always be ready to go to the movies with me even though to this day he doesn’t know who Martin Scorsese is. :D

One thing he didn’t like was going through the trailers prior to watching the actual movie - he didn’t understand how much fun I had watching the trailers at the theater and searching for more later on at home. “Don’t you ever get tired of that?” he once asked.

Now it’s my turn to ask my readers: are you tired of my marshmallow recipes? I just can’t get enough of them... :D

Lemon marshmallows / Marshmallows de limão siciliano

Lemon marshmallows
from Australian Gourmet Traveller

25g powdered gelatin
1 lemon, finely grated zest
¾ cup (180ml) lemon juice
500g caster sugar
1 tablespoon liquid glucose
2 egg whites
icing sugar, sifted, for dusting

Combine gelatin, zest and lemon juice in a small bowl and stand until lemon juice is absorbed (1-2 minutes). Fill a bowl with boiling water and place bowl of gelatin mixture on top and stand until gelatin has dissolved (1-2 minutes). Keep warm.
Combine sugar, glucose and 200ml water in a saucepan. Bring to the boil, stirring to dissolve sugar, then brush down sides of pan using a wet, clean pastry brush and cook over medium heat until syrup reaches 125ºC/257ºF on a sugar thermometer (5-10 minutes).
Meanwhile, whisk egg whites using an electric mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form. Increase speed to high and whisk to firm peaks. With motor running and mixer speed on medium, slowly and simultaneously add syrup and gelatin mixture in a thin stream. Whisk until mixture cools to blood temperature. Spoon into a baking paper-lined* 20cm-square cake pan, smooth top using a wet palette knife and refrigerate until firm (1-2 hours). Remove marshmallow from the pan and place it on a cutting board heavily dusted with icing sugar. Carefully remove paper. Using a sharp knife lightly brushed with vegetable oil, cut into cubes, roll in icing sugar and place in an airtight container. Marshmallows will keep refrigerated for 1 week - I usually keep mine in room temperature but they never last that long. :D

* I saw that Deb used an oiled pan dusted with icing sugar (no paper involved). I’ll try that next time

Makes 64

Lemon marshmallows / Marshmallows de limão siciliano


  1. You have inspired Me! This is the first of your marshmallow posts I found and I immediately thought... ooh what about passion fruit! and you have already done it! The flavors you have made sound amazing. How do you eat these, just alone or in beverages like hot tea or chocolate? I cant wait to see your next marshmallow flavor!

  2. Definitely not tired of your marshmallows posts. =) These are gorgeous and fluffy!

  3. Keep them coming! I have yet to try these, so I'll feast my eyes on yours instead.

  4. I am definitely not tired of them!

  5. I like marshmallow recipes. I think I m in the clouds they re so fluffy :)

  6. These look fantastic!

  7. I'm definitely not tired of them! Everytime I see them I want to make some.

  8. I can never get tired of marshmallows - seeing them or making them myself! Lemon marshmallows are delightful.

  9. omg. these loook lovely:) i havent made my own marshmallows yet but i really want to now!!:)

  10. they look adorable, and I love the simple packaging

  11. I can just imagine the lemony flavor dissolving in my mouth. Who could ever get tired of that?!

  12. lemon marshmallows!!! Oh my!! I must try these!!!

  13. I never even thought to make my own marshmallows, but this is such a wonderful idea. I love that you flavored them with lemon.

  14. Symphonious Sweets, tks for visiting!
    Those passion fruit marshmallows are great, I highly recommend that recipe!

    Ashley, my dear, thank you!

    Aimée, I will! Thank you!

    Risa, I'm glad to hear that. :D

    Natalie, these are really fluffy, so good!
    Thank you, dear!

    Dragon, thank you!

    Pam, you should try it, darling!

    Anna, I was really glad with this flavor (I am a lemon addict, after all). :)

    Chocolate Cup, thank you! I hope you try making marshmallows, homemade is way better than store-bought! :)

    Baking Bliss, tks for stopping by and for your kind words!

    Lydia, I'm all for citrus sweets, you know. :)
    Thank you, my dear!

    Ash, you must! :D

    Julia, I was really glad with the flavor, too. Hope you try them!

  15. I don't think I've ever eaten lemon marshmallows before. Mostly only vanilla. Marshmallows are a solid favourite though. And no, never sick of recipes. Thanks for sharing this. I'll have to bookmark it! :)

  16. I haven't made marshmallows in a long time and you are making me wish I had time to make some right now! They look so fluffy! Lemon sounds fantastic, I would not have thought of that but I'll have to try it. :)

  17. Looks really nice! I also feel like trying!

  18. I totally love making marshmallows, too ^^! So keep on posting about them :_)!

  19. Tired of marshmallows? I don't think so! Lemon marshmallows sound delicious!

  20. Oh dear...and again am bitten by the desire to make marshmallows. These are SUPREME!! I have to find some glucose. Hv finally got a candy thermometer, & am a step away now. These are just beautiful Pat!

  21. those look so fluffy! i love anything fruity and the infusion of lemon flavor into those is probably great. i have yet to attempt homemade marshmallows (a bit scared!)

  22. Hi i was wondering if there is a way to test the syrup without a thermometer, as i don't have one. Thanks!!

  23. These just sound delicious! I usually find marshmallows too sickly, but I can imagine the lemon flavour makes these zingy and totally fantastic!

  24. Souperior, thank you! These are really good, I hope you give the recipe a go!

  25. Hi Patricia
    I made the smittenkitchen version of marshmallows, which were amazing. I rolled them in icing sugar as you did here (and suggested in the recipe), but the next day they became quite wet and sticky - any suggestions on how to stop that happening?

  26. Hey, Wendy,
    I have never tried Deb's recipe, to be honest. And I have made several marshmallow flavors without problem with the coating - after trying one of Donna Hay's recipes for marshmallows I started coating them in icing sugar mixed with a bit of corn starch, like these:
    Hope it helps!


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