Monday, October 19, 2009

Cinnamon sugar-coated maple apple cakes

Cinnamon sugar-coated maple apple cakes / Bolinhos de maçã e xarope de bordo com cobertura de açúcar e canela

Spring is my favorite season of the year – I’m a not a summery kind of girl – but the minute I saw (then tasted) these cakes it felt like fall: the moist touch of the apples and the caramely aftertaste from the maple syrup reminded me of the beautiful green/red/yellow trees I saw on my vacation. By the way, the photos are posted, in case you are curious. :D

I hope you like these as much as I did. And if you replace the maple syrup for, let’s say, honey, let me know how the cakes turn out.

UPDATE: one of my Brazilian readers made the recipe using molasses instead of maple syrup and loved it!

Cinnamon sugar-coated maple apple cakes / Bolinhos de maçã e xarope de bordo com cobertura de açúcar e canela

Cinnamon sugar-coated maple apple cakes
from Donna Hay magazine

2½ cups + 2 ½ tablespoons (375g) self-rising flour, sifted
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
250g unsalted butter, melted and cooled
1 cup (175g) packed brown sugar
½ cup (120ml) maple syrup
4 eggs
6 red apples, peeled and coarsely grated
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon, extra
1 cup (200g) caster sugar

Preheat oven to 180ºC/350ºF; butter really well twelve 1-cup (240ml) capacity mini bundt cake pans.

Place the flour and cinnamon in a large bowl and mix to combine. Add the butter, brown sugar, maple syrup, eggs and apple and mix well to combine. Spoon into prepared pans.
Bake for 20 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer. Turn out immediately onto a rack – carefully because the cakes are really tender.
Place the extra cinnamon and sugar in a bowl and mix to combine. Coat the cooled cakes – they are much too delicate while warm - in the sugar mixture.

Makes 12

Cinnamon sugar-coated maple apple cakes / Bolinhos de maçã e xarope de bordo com cobertura de açúcar e canela


  1. Those little cakes do look like a bite of Fall! Gorgeous!!!

  2. could i use a muffin tin instead of the mini bundt cake pan? would i need to adjust the baking time at all?

  3. I have a little mini cake pan that is dying to be used for this recipe!

  4. The minute I saw the photos on Flickr, I knew those were from Donna Hay! They are just dreamy! I've yet to make them but I really, really want to. And seeing as it is Fall here, I have the perfect excuse, right? Your photos are just perfect, Patricia. :)

  5. you never stop surprising me with your desserts gal! beautiful cakes, and so are the banana cakes below with that lovely passionfruit icing!

    if you don't mind, you should send these in for the sweet celebration recipe contest running on my blog:)

  6. These look dense, moist and, like you said, just like fall. I love maple syrup so when I make them I won't be able to be your honey tester unfortunately. However, I am sure that I'll be thanking you once I take a bite.

  7. I'd love to try these as well, but I don't have a mini bundt pan, alas. Could you put this in one big bundt pan? Or like someone else asked, as cupcakes? These would go over great at work. :)

  8. Wow... Those look so delicious. I love all of the fall recipes.

  9. We're trying to leave winter behind over here in New Zealand but dang it these look absolutely delicious! Thanks for sharing :)

  10. I really love the ingredients used, cinnamon, maple syrup and apple... give me the autumn feel. :)

  11. I'll bet these were moist and delicious with just a hint of maple flavour.

  12. Oh wow - these cakes sound amazing. Just about anything coated in sugar is good in my books :D

  13. The texture looks perfect!

  14. Half Baked, thank you!

    Lotuspixie, you would have to ajust the time, indeed.

    Jenny, that is a sign - you have to make these! ;)
    Tks for stopping by!

    LyB, her recipes are really something, don't you think? Thank you for your kind words, my dear!

    Mansi, thank you! You are far too kind. :D
    I'll check the event out, tks for letting me know!

    Frenchie, tks for visiting! Go ahead and use the maple syrup - you'll like it, I'm sure!

    Melissa, I would not know that - let me know if you try it in a different baking pan.

    Mimi, thank you!

    Fried Blue, same here - spring is here, but some dishes are worth trying! :D
    Thank you!

    Leemei, thank you! I'm glad you like it.

    Bellini, you are right. ;)

    Alicia, you've got a point there. ;)

    Abby, thank you!

  15. These just look amazing!! gotta love a maple treat!

  16. Ooh! Ooooh! I just made a different apple cake, but this looks amazing with maple syrup & the cinnamon sugar. Darn it, now I've got to make this!

  17. You had me at maple!
    Gorgeous as always Patricia!

  18. Wow these sound divine and look so cute!

  19. Oh my, I am loving these. Give me maple and I am all yours. ;)

  20. I love the look of these cakes and I bet they also taste delicious! The photo is also perfect with the autumn leaves accent

  21. wow......i am speechless.......i have to make these asap, they look AMAZING!

  22. Ash, thank you!

    Rose, maple syrup and apples are great together! I did not know that! :D
    Thank you!

    Dayna, thank you!

    Katie, thank you!

    Pea, I know that, darling! ;)

    Taste of Beirut, thank you! I love those leaves.

    Heidi, I bet you'll like the recipe!


Thank you for your comment!