Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Carrot muffins

Carrot muffins / Muffins de cenoura

Wanna hear something sad? I baked a cake last week and while removing it from the oven the pan slipped from my hands – the cake immediately popped out of the pan, into the floor. There was nothing but crumbs that ended up in the garbage can. :(

I was absolutely devastated, but something cheered me up: my thoughts on “Julie & Julia” got published on a Brazilian magazine - I immediately felt like baking again. :D

Carrot muffins / Muffins de cenoura

Carrot muffins
from Donna Hay magazine

2 cups (280g) all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
¾ cup + 1 tablespoon (162g) caster sugar
pinch of salt
1 cup (260g) plain yogurt
2 eggs
½ cup (120ml) vegetable oil
finely grated zest of 1 large lemon
1 ½ cups (135g) grated carrot
icing sugar, to serve

Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F; line twelve ½-cup (120ml) capacity muffin pans with paper cases.

Sift flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Add the sugar and salt and stir to combine. Set aside.
Place the yogurt, eggs, oil and lemon zest in a bowl and whisk until smooth. Add the yogurt mixture and carrot to the flour mixture and whisk just until combined – use a fork to mix and do not overmix; the batter is supposed to be lumpy.
Spoon the batter into the prepared cases and bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden and cooked when tested with a skewer.
Sprinkle with icing sugar to serve.

Makes 12 – I used 1/3-cup (80ml) muffin pans and got 12, too


  1. I thought of you last night as I spent a lazy evening browsing through old DH mags. I'm going to try to bake something pretty like you do!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry about your cake, Patricia, but your carrot muffins more than make up for it!

  4. these muffins sound delicious!

  5. Oh I hate when that happens....
    Congratulations on your published thoughts!

  6. Congrats on getting published! How exciting! Your carrot muffins look so cute! I love the streak of carrot orange across the top! Yum!!

  7. yeah don t give up. That happened to me too but with 6 cupcakes . they got all squashed in the oven :(
    these carrot muffins look delicious

  8. Beautiful pictures, I love the muffins sitting there with the glasses of milk.

  9. I am sorry for your cake! I hate it when something bad happens to meals I cook or to my baking.

    You seem to have done a great job with your muffins :)

  10. Oh no! I hate baking mishaps - but I'm glad to see that you are back to baking :)

  11. Perfect muffins!! I love carrot anything and I'm receiving so many in my CSA share lately. These muffins look perfect.

  12. I make carrot cake but have never made carrot muffins. Sounds like a great idea! Thanks for the recipe. A must try.

  13. I hope you can laugh about it now! That sort of kitchen disaster has happened to me before. Terrible at the time, but hopefully funny later. :)

    How great is that movie? I've seen it four times already!

  14. I love these muffins, so much better than baking a huge carrot cake. I like the fact that you use yoghurt in the batter.

  15. Pam, my dear, thank you - I always think of you when I reach for my DH mags, too. ;)

    Barbara, thank you, darling!

    Peggy, tks for stopping by!

    Gala, thank you!

    Kelly, thank you! They turned out really good, and simple at the same time.

    Natalie, thank you for your support, dear! Sorry about your cupcakes.

    Katerina, thank you!

    Karine, thank you!
    It's rather frustrating, isn't it?

    Alicia, I'm back - and tks for your support, dearie!

    Kickpleat, carrots are delicious in just about anything, don't you think?
    Thank you!

    Farida, I've made lots of carrot cakes but these were the first carrot muffins, too!

    Julia, now I can - but at the moment I felt like crying. :S
    And that movie is adorable! :D

    Taste of Beirut, thank you - I love using yogurt in baking, it adds such a moist touch.

  16. So sad that the cake ended up on the floor! But the carrot muffins look amazing!

  17. these muffins are really nice. and i don't even like carrot cake. made them for a group i go to and everyone wanted the recipe. that's a first! so thank you.

  18. Deb, thank you, sweetie! I'll be making that recipe again - someday. :)

    Katrina, thank YOU for letting me know how the recipe turned out - I'm so glad!

  19. Dear Patricia, these carrot muffins are super awesome! I made a batch last week (with less sugar but more carrots) and gave most of them to my girl friends. They (and the kids) love the muffins. Even the non-food glutton asked for your recipe and intended to try her hands on it! Thank you for the recipe :)

  20. Hi Po!
    I'm so glad to hear that you liked the muffins - thank YOU for letting me know how the recipe turned out for you!


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