Friday, August 26, 2011

White chocolate, lime and candied kumquat truffles and two kinds of recycling

White chocolate, lime and dandied kumquat truffles / Trufas de chocolate branco, limão e quincans em calda

Hollywood has been recycling some of the movies I loved watching on TV as a kid; last night at the movies I saw the trailer for the new “Conan the Barbarian”, which, to be honest, did not impress me much – for starters, they do not have James Earl Jones as the villain. :)

I’ll stick to recycling food – isn’t it much better? Needing to use up the candied kumquats left from the cupcake recipe, I made truffles – and they turned out absolutely delicious.

White chocolate, lime and dandied kumquat truffles / Trufas de chocolate branco, limão e quincans em calda

White chocolate, lime and candied kumquat truffles
based on a truffle recipe from the gorgeous The Sweet Life: Desserts from Chanterelle

1/3 cup (80ml) heavy cream
225g (8oz) good white chocolate, finely chopped
finely grated zest of 1 lime
1 ½ teaspoons lime juice
heaping 1/3 cup finely chopped candied kumquats*
icing sugar or cocoa powder, for rolling

Place cream and chocolate in a heatproof bowl and melt over a saucepan of simmering water, stirring until creamy and smooth. Remove from the heat, add the lime zest, juice and kumquats and mix to combine. Set aside to cool, then cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm, about 2 hours or overnight. Using a small cookie-scoop or a small spoon, make truffles with 1 slightly rounded teaspoon of ganache per truffle and roll into the icing sugar or cocoa. Place in fluted paper cases and serve.
Truffles can be refrigerated for up to 5 days.

* remove the kumquat slices from syrup and place over a wire rack; set aside overnight to dry, then chop

Makes about 25 truffles


  1. These sound like nothing i would have ever tried before, seriously intriguing recipe that im definitely very tempted to try! Beautiful photos too, makes me want to pop 1..2..ok alllll of them, in my mouth :)

  2. I have a confession,

    I don't know if I've ever had a kumquat (it does sound like a good nickname for Mr. Sweet Butter when he makes me mad though)
    "Don't be such a kumquat!" hehe.

    regardless, these look really yummy and something new. I'll have to endeavor to cook with a kumquat in the near future for sure.

  3. What a great idea to make a truffle with white chocolate :)

  4. i never made truffles and this looks so pretty. You made the recipe sound so nice and easy.

  5. Pretty and elegant truffles.

  6. Candied kumquats sound divine! I'm not usually a fan of white chocolate but I'm sure these would change my mind.

  7. Sounds so exotic! And delicious. :)

  8. They are absolutely gorgeous.

  9. I too have never tasted, and I confess, never heard of kumquats. I feel

    I have heard of truffles thought, unfortunately I love to test them too!!

    Great recipe, and love your blog.

    Lois from Ontario Canada

  10. It's a colorful treat for my kids. I love it.

  11. as usual a beautiful post... candied kumquats! Love the truffle recipe ~ Megan

  12. I am all for leftover recycling and avoiding food waste! These look divine!

  13. Cute, cute, cute. I love the colors!

  14. Would you believe it, I just brought back a jar of candied kumquats from Greece! This would be a GREAT way to use them - thanks :))


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