Monday, December 17, 2012

Mulled wine jelly and a giveaway

Mulled wine jelly / Gelatina de vinho quente

Christmas is coming and I have a gift for you, my dear readers: Zinio has given me 5 free magazine subscriptions to share with you! If you’re not familiar with Zinio, take a look at their website and you’ll see that there are hundreds of wonderful digital magazines for you to choose, including my favorites Donna Hay and Delicious Australia.

To enter the giveaway, just leave a comment on this post between today, December 17th and December 31st – only one entry per person, no anonymous comment will be eligible. I’ll announce the winners on January, 3rd. Good luck!

And while you take part in this great giveaway, I’ll leave you with some delicious and boozy jelly, a nice dessert idea for Christmas since it can be made in advance, and the recipe comes from DH mag, one of the great digital magazines you’ll find at Zinio.

Mulled wine jelly
from the always beautiful Donna Hay Magazine

1 ½ tablespoons gelatin powder
2 cups (480ml) cranberry juice
4 cups (960ml) red wine, such as Pinot Noir – I used Shiraz*
1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
2 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
1 whole nutmeg
rind of 1 orange, remove with a vegetable peeler
1 cup heavy cream, whipped with 2 teaspoons icing sugar until soft peaks form

In a small bowl, combine the gelatin with ¼ cup of the cranberry juice. Set aside.
In a medium saucepan combine the red wine, remaining cranberry juice, sugar, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and orange rind and stir over low heat until sugar is dissolved. Increase heat to high and boil for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and stir through the gelatin. Set aside to cool for 10 minutes. Strain mixture through a fine sieve into a 3-liter capacity serving dish (or individual cups as I did). Refrigerate for 2-3 hours or until set.
Serve with a dollop of the whipped cream.

* the jelly tasted great but to my taste it was a bit too strong on the alcoholic side – I would definitely use less wine and more cranberry juice next time

Serves 8-10


  1. Oooh, I wonder if this would work for canned jelly...possibly replacing the gelatin with pectin. This would be great smeared on a scone. Yum, thanks for sharing, it sounds wonderful even without my tinkering :D

  2. I've never thought about mulled wine jelly...sounds strange (but interesting) to me!!! Thanks for the opportunity
    have a lovely Christmas

  3. Wow. That is a high ratio of wine to juice. Could see that it may need some tinkering.

    As always, what a lovely photograph.


  4. Love your style and photos :)
    Have been reading your blog for a while now))
    Like the idea with the wine jelly - definately will be trying it one of these days!
    Best wishes,
    Kat x

  5. This would make a beautiful addition to my wine basket gift! Thank you... perfect timing! (And thank you for the giveaway.)

  6. I love your blog and your recipes. This is another great recipe.

  7. Would love love to enter your giveaway!! Thank you sweet one :)

  8. Pat, this jelly looks so inviting. A lovely seasonal touch that goes very well with hot weather.

  9. I'm torn! I love the flavor of mulled wine, but just can't quite wrap my brain around enjoying it cool.

    But I do believe I'm going to give this a try.

  10. That recipe looks amazing! And I just checked Zinio web and I want magazines!!!

  11. What a beautiful dessert, the color is stunning!

  12. I would get Martha Stewart Living. Love it.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Looks good. I have a great kosher wine I want to open and it'd be nice to use it before it goes bad (since I don't like more than a glass every few days!).

  15. This would be great, because then I could stop being one of those horrible people that occasionally reads Donna Hay from cover to cover in the bookstore...

  16. Ooo this sounds good, definitely one to be trying out for Christmas!

  17. What a great giveaway. I have been a reader for a while and I really enjoy your blog. The recipie looks really good and I will try it with less wine.


  18. I have made several delicious things from your website -- although I don't think this will be one of them. It sounds too weird. :)

  19. I love Zinio! it's such a temptation... maybe I get lucky here =)
    Thanks for the chance!

  20. Would love to win this giveaway!

  21. Wow, red wine jelly, amazing recipe. I want to try this one day.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. This, as does everything else your blog, looks great! Merry Christmas!


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