Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spiced blueberry rolls + some comedy after the drama

Spiced blueberry rolls / PĆ£ezinhos de mirtilo e canela

After watching several drama shows in a row a girl needs something to make her laugh, right? I have found the perfect way to do that by watching “Parks and Recreation”: I haven’t finished the first season yet but I’m completely hooked! Amy Poehler is absolutely hilarious – I start laughing just by looking at her – and the other actors are great, too, my favorites being Nick Offerman and Aziz Ansari. There are days when there’s nothing better than sitting down with something freshly baked – liked these delicious blueberry rolls – to watch “Parks and Recreation”; one just has to be careful not to choke – eating and laughing at the same time can be really dangerous, and I speak from experience. :D

Spiced blueberry rolls
slightly adapted from one of the most beautiful and delicious cookbooks I own

225ml whole milk
75g unsalted butter
300g all purpose flour
125g whole wheat flour
70g granulated sugar
finely grated zest of 1 lemon
pinch of salt
2 ½ teaspoons dried yeast
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

75g unsalted butter, softened
75g granulated sugar + about 2 teaspoons extra, for sprinkling over the rolls
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
200g fresh or frozen (unthawed) blueberries

Dough: in a small saucepan, heat milk and butter together until milk almost boils and butter melts almost completely. Cool to lukewarm.
In the large bowl of an electric mixer, combine the flours, sugar, zest, salt and yeast. Make a well in the center, add the egg, vanilla and the milk mixture and, using the dough hook, mix in medium-low speed until a smooth dough forms, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a lightly buttered large bowl, cover with plastic wrap and prove for about 1 hour.
Filling: with an electric mixer, cream butter, sugar and cinnamon together until smooth. Set aside.
Lightly butter a 20x30cm (12x8in) baking pan. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface until you get a 30x50cm (12x20in) rectangle. Spread the filling evenly over the dough then sprinkle with the blueberries. Roll it like a cylinder, beginning with the longer side. Cut into 8 slices then arrange them about 2.5cm (1in) apart onto the prepared pan. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and leave to prove for about 1 ½ hours (if you’re using frozen berries prove your rolls for 2 hours); in the meantime, preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F.
Sprinkle the rolls with the extra granulated sugar and bake for about 20 minutes or until risen and golden brown.

Makes 8


  1. Beautiful rolls, I love the blueberry filling!

  2. Lovely rolls! These look super delicious. :)

  3. Your rolls look and sound so delicious!

  4. That looks so good!
    The book seems great too!
    That reminded me that I recently bought the most beautiful cookbook i've seen in a while :

    Lots of beautiful pictures, Lifestyle tips, and all things breakfast :)
    have a nice week end! Sandra

  5. I love watching Parks and Rec! And these rolls sound amazing! I love blueberry desserts!

  6. Hi Patricia,

    I made these blueberry rolls today. They are so good. The flavors are perfect together. I love how the blueberries turned into delicious blueberry jam inside the rolls. The whole wheat flour adds nuttiness and depth of flavor. I appreciate the restrained amount of sugar which allows the rest of the flavors to shine.

    They are so delicious that there are only two left. My husband ate three, a guest ate one and I ate one. I always tell my husband that since he tells me that he likes everything I bake the real tell is how much he eats.

    Thanks as always for sharing such a wonderful recipe.



  7. Dear Ellen, I am so glad you and Conrad like the recipe! I adore baking with blueberries, they turn into something even more amazing after some heat is applied.
    Thank you for your kind comment! xx


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