Sunday, April 22, 2007

Roasted tomato salad

Roasted tomato salad

For this edition of Weekend Herb Blogging, hosted by the lovely Sher - a wonderful cook and my fellow Daring Baker - I chose this delicious and easy to prepare salad, a recipe taken from Delia Smith’s website.


I’ve made three changes: I didn’t skin the tomatoes, I pitted the olives before adding them in the end and I also scattered the tomatoes with some capers.

Although I had it in room temperature – and it’s a warm day here, 28ºC - I think this would be wonderful served as a warm salad in cold days.

Roasted tomato salad

12 large tomatoes
2 large or 4 small cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
12 large fresh basil leaves
salt and freshly milled black pepper

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

To garnish:
fresh basil leaves
24 black olives
1 cup capers

Preheat the oven to 200ºC/400°F.
Oil a shallow 40 x 30cm (16 x 12 in) roasting tin and set aside.

Skin the tomatoes first of all by pouring boiling water over them and leaving for 1 minute, then drain and, as soon as they are cool enough to handle, slip off the skins. (Protect your hands with a cloth if necessary.)
Cut each tomato in half, around the middle rather than vertically, and place the halves in the roasting tin (cut side uppermost) and season with salt and freshly milled pepper. After that, sprinkle on the chopped garlic, distributing it evenly between the tomatoes. Follow this with a few droplets of olive oil on each one, then top each one with half a basil leaf, turning each piece of leaf over to get a coating of oil.

Place the roasting tin in the top half of the oven and roast the tomatoes for 50-60 minutes or until the edges are slightly blackened. Then remove the tin from the oven and allow the tomatoes to cool. All this can be done several hours ahead.

To serve the tomatoes, transfer them to individual serving plates, then whisk the oil and balsamic vinegar together and drizzle this over the tomatoes. Finally top each one with an olive and garnish with basil leaves. Lots of crusty bread is an essential accompaniment to this.

Serves 4-6 as a starter


  1. What a delicous salad.

    It can be put together very quickly, can't it?!? I loved your idea of adding the capers.; o )

  2. Patricia, the salad looks lovely! The olives are such a beautiful colour!

  3. Love tomatoes, olives, basil and garlic together. Makes me feel like I'm enjoying a meal in Provence.

  4. Patricia, that salad would brighten any table -- don't you just love the intense flavor of roasted tomatoes?

  5. I just planted more tomatoes today! I need fabulous recipes like this for when I start picking them. I love this recipe--and I wouldn't skin them either Thanks for sharing this.

  6. I love tomatoes, but the season peak has gone now. They have become rather expensive and tasteless lately! Your salad looks so delicious... Perfect with a good sourdough bread. ;)

  7. Oooh, how beautiful! I adore roasted tomatoes, but I've never thought to use them as the base for a salad! Thanks for the idea :D

  8. In my opinon the sharp saltiness of capers just can't be beat, I love them on fish and even on pasta!

    This dish looks delicious, it reminds me of the salads I ate while I was in Israel. I know this sounds wierd but Israel has the best tasting tomatoes ever. You can eat them raw like apples, which is something I would never do with the mass produced ones you find in the States. How are tomatoes in Brazil?

    ps. What is this "Daring Bakers" image I'm seeing everywhere?


    Ari (Baking and Books)

  9. Your salad looks delicious! I love the mix of flavors you've got there :)

    This is the 2nd post I have read today that mentions Delia Smith...oh boy, the bookstore is calling!

  10. You can't go wrong with that combination of tomatoes, olives and capers. Triple yum!

  11. You are a talented baker & COOK.
    I love healthy dishes like yours, I'm addicted to your food, the only problem is that I can't have access to it...:(

  12. I love roasted tomatoes and these look divine! I agree with Mary, too.. that combination of flavors is a definite winner!


  13. What great salad, and you´re perfectly right: it´s suitable in winter as well. Thanks for sharing!! :)

  14. I agree with Valentina about the capers--a nice touch, Patricia. Marion cooked some delicious skate wing fillets this weekend, sautéing them in brown butter and adding capers. I should have photographed it for a post, but we were too greedy to wait. Oh, well. She'll just have to cook it again!

  15. If I could be a dish, this would be it. Yes, Provence!

  16. That looks fabulous! I always love roasted tomatoes and this is a beautiful!

  17. I could just write "ditto on everything Tanna said!" I think roasted tomatoes are one of the most perfect flavors. I like the sound of everything about this. Must save to right now!

  18. Tina, I ate so much. It was delicious with bread. :)

    Freya, thank you! They were delicious, too!

    Lydia, now I'll imagine I'm in Provence too. ;)

    T.W., I love it!

    Sher, I'd love to take a walk around your garden and pick some of those delicious veggies and herbs you grow, sweetie!

    Anh, now I want some to make sourdough bread, I've never had any! :)

    Ellie, Delia rules. ;)

    Ari, it's a group of foodies that pick a challenge once a month and all of them must make the same recipe. Wait and see the results! :)
    Tomatoes here are delicious, too. And I used to eat them just like you described when I was a kid.

    Joey, try her website, is packed with delicious tips and recipes!

    Mary, triple thank you! ;)

    Valentina, if you ever come to Brazil you're more than invited to have dinner (lunch, breakfast...) at my house. ;)

    Lis, thank you, dear!

    Helene, next time I want to add a bit of buffalo mozzarella. ;)

    Terry, I'll hope Marion does and my fingers are crossed for you to photograph it. ;)

    Mimi, loved that idea! :)

    Tanna, me too, sweetie!

    Kalyn, this event is wonderful. I'm so glad to take part again and I intend to keep up with it!

  19. How delicious. Tomatos are my very favorite food.

  20. I can only imagine how wonderful this would be. What a great looking dish!

  21. Oh my gosh, this is just what I need! :oD


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