Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Lemon Pasta

Lemon pasta

Thank you all for your lovely comments on my last post – you sure do know how to put a smile on a girl’s face!

There were two different holidays here in Sao Paulo and I didn’t go to work for 6 days in a row – how great is that? :)

I had a wonderful time at home, friends over for dinner, my sister spent a day with me (we played Super Mario Bros. a hundred times). I took care of my herbs and cooked some new recipes.


I’m pretty sure this pasta sauce is known by everyone, but since it was the first time I had lemon pasta and it tasted really good (without the addition of cream, which was a plus in my opinion), I decided to post it. And it will also be my post for the Weekend Herb Blogging, this week hosted by the dear Truffle, from What’s on my Plate.

Lemon Pasta
from Kitchen: The Best of the Best

400g spaghetti
3 lemons
1 handful chopped flat-leaf parsley
10 basil leaves, torn
100g (3 ½ oz/1 cup) grated Parmesan cheese
3-4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Finely grate the zest of the lemons into a bowl. Add the juice of 2 of the lemons to the bowl and add the juice of the other lemon to the cooking water for the pasta. Cook the pasta until al dente.
Add the parsley, basil, parmesan, olive oil, salt and pepper to the lemon zest/juice. Mix together well.
Drain the pasta and immediately toss it through the sauce. Serve at once.

Serves 4


  1. Pat, a nice ,simple and light dish for the summer.

  2. I agree, sometimes we can be overindulgent with cream and forget that it can take away from a dish's freshness :) Lemon+pepper=love!

  3. 6 days! lucky you! If I had 6 days off.....I would love to learn how to code html. gosh i'm a dork!

  4. My daughters hog the computer playing Mario. How wonderful that you got 6 days off to play.

    Your pasta looks lovely and tasty!

  5. This is my absolute favourite way with pasta. You cannot beat lemon, pepper and Parmesan.


  6. Classic and delicious recipe -- I often forget how wonderful lemon tastes, especially here in the middle of winter.

  7. 6 whole days off from work... in November? That´s not going to happen here until Cristmas Holidays.

    Your pasta dish reminds me of summer. Now it´s winter with a lot of snow and - 10 C.

  8. So beautifully done! I love lemony pasta, too!

  9. When there is pasta, I'm definitely in. Happy first anniversary!

  10. This is my mom's absolute favorite way to eat pasta. Lemon and parsley are a perfect pair.

  11. I love lemon pasta...such simple flavors but still so good.

  12. No work for 6 days? You lucky gal. I love this combination of lemon pasta. Last but not least, happy blog birthday! I'm so glad you're here.


  13. Lemon, my favorite in pasta! Will have to try this...

    Congrats too, on your blog turning 1 year old. I can only hope I have the same loyal readership as you a year in!

  14. Sensational Patricia! Thanks for contributing!

  15. 6 days off without taking annual leave is a real bonus!

    I know what you mean about lemon pastas needing cream sometimes! This one sounds delicious.

  16. Peter, I'm glad you like it!

    Manggy, I had all the ingredients at home, it was a good choice.

    Jaden, I had a laugh with you - I know so little, I relate to you! :)

    Lynn, I used to play it in the Nintendo when I was little and now I play it with Jessica. :)

    Graeme, thank you, my dear friend.

    Lydia, I'm a total sucker for citrus flavors, love cooking with limes, lemons and oranges.

    Karin, it was our Independence Day on Nov, 15.

    Anh, thank you, dear!

    Tijen, love pasta too! Thanks!

    Susan, I agree. :)

    Pea, and the ingredients are always around the house.

    Paz, thank you!

    Nemmie, thank you! My readers mean the world to me - and you are part of that amazing group, I'm glad!

    Truffle, thank you, sweetie!

    Freya, tks, darling!

    Kelly-Jane, that's not gonna happen again soon. :(

  17. Oi Patrícia,
    Nem preciso dizer que sou fã do seu blog, pois você já está na minha lista de favoritos! Obrigada pelas dicas, todas práticas, todas ótimas. Aproveitando e respondendo, seremos entre 15- 20 pessoas, nas duas refeições.
    Beijos, e seja bem vinda por lá!

  18. Lemon is a beautiful change of pace from the typical garlic-based pastas. That nice little nest of noodles looks perfect to twist a fork into.

  19. How wonderful - 6 days of vacation. I'm all for this simple lemon based pasta sounds light and a change from the Thanksgiving fare I had yesterday!

  20. Mmmm. Delicious pasta AND Super Mario Brothers? You're so lucky!

    I really love this pasta recipe. The first time I made something like this was when I was head-over-heels in love with the Meyer lemons that I discovered by a miracle in a huge chain market in a small town in northern Ontario while I was on vacation. We figured a delivery must have been rerouted. I'm sure they were destined for a specialty shop in Toronto, but there they were! Anyway, it's lovely with Meyer lemons. I like your addition of Basil. Mine didn't have have that, and I imagine it would be lovely.

  21. Chris, querida, imagina! Fico feliz com o carinho, obrigada a você!

    Susan, I really liked the result of this recipe. It was a nice surprise.

    Veron, the days flew, my dear. :)

    Hanne, I can't wait for her to be on vacation so we can play and cook together again (we made cookies, too, you know?) :)
    Those Meyer lemons sound heavenly! I heard they're not very tart, is it true?
    Tks for commenting!

  22. Lemon pasta is a light and delicious treat, good on its own or as a side dish with grilled fish. Wish I had some now - yours looks delicious -- thanks!

  23. yum, i love lemon and pasta! this looks simple and perfect.

  24. That sounds like a wonderful day! I haven't had lemon pasta but I love the sound of it.

  25. Sometimes simple things are the very best! Beautiful!


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