Friday, December 28, 2007

Dark chocolate madeleines

Dark chocolate madeleines

These madeleines were especially made for a person I hold very dear. A woman who has been a friend for a while now. We talk about a million things, laugh together and sometimes cry together too.
C., I adore you and wish you all the best not only in 2008 but always!

I made the madeleines using one of the hundreds of wonderful recipes at Bake or Break and the lovely Jennifer was kind enough to let me post it here on my blog as well.

The madeleines were delicious and quite moist on the inside – the flavor and texture reminded me of those luxurious chocolate cakes that call for little or no flour at all, like the Suzy’s cake by Pierre Hermé.

Dark chocolate madeleines

Dark chocolate madeleines

1 tablespoon unsalted butter, melted (for coating madeleine pans)
85g (3 ounces) bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped
85g (3 ounces/6 tablespoons) unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 extra large eggs*, at room temperature
1/3 cup (65g) superfine sugar
½ cup (70g) all-purpose flour, sifted
¼ teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 175ºC/350ºF. Using a paper towel or pastry brush, coat the insides of madeleine pan with melted butter.

Melt the chocolate and butter in a microwave-safe bowl. Melt on low microwave power, stirring every 30 seconds until melted. Add vanilla extract and combine.

Using the whisk attachment of a stand mixer or hand mixer, beat the eggs on medium speed until frothy (about 1 minute). Add the sugar and mix until mixture is very thick and pale (about 5 minutes). The mixture should hold a slowly dissolving ribbon when the beater is lifted.

In a separate bowl, combine flour and salt. Add to the egg mixture in three stages, mixing well on low speed after each addition. Mixture should be smooth. Pour the chocolate mixture into the batter and mix well.

Pour or pipe (very tightly) the batter into the madeleine pan, filling them ¾ full (I was a bad girl and poured a little bit more batter). Place the pan on a baking sheet. Bake for 10 minutes. If baking two pans at once, bake 6-7 minutes, then switch the position of the pans and bake another 6-7 minutes. Madeleines are done when the tops spring back lightly when touched.

Can be stored at room temperature in an airtight container between layers of waxed paper for 3 days.

*Large eggs and extra-large eggs are interchangeable until you need more than 4 eggs.

Makes 15 small madeleines and 6 bigger ones (the scallop pan I have)

Dark chocolate madeleines


  1. Due to Madeleines' shape, they are sheer simplicity and elegance, great with coffee/tea.

  2. Yum! These look beautiful Patricia! Your friend is very lucky. I don't think I've ever had chocolate madeleines. Happy New Year! Wishing you and your good health, love and prosperity in the coming year.

  3. Patricia, I'm so glad you and your friend liked them! They look great.

  4. I just bought a mini madeleine pan. Might have to give these a try.

  5. Patricia, so pretty! I really need to get a pan for these. I want to try them.

  6. Those look lovely, I have yet to try making madeleines...!

  7. Dark chocolate--what a lovely twist on this delicious classsic treat, Patricia. And thanks for the info on large and extra large eggs!

  8. Aww, you're so sweet, Patricia-- have you tried refrigerating for a few hours to get a large hump on the back? I don't have a Mad. pan so I'm not sure if it works all the time :)

  9. Two words that always catch my attention, 'madeleine' and 'chocolate' reunited in one recipe. I love it! :-)

  10. Lovely! I got a madeleine pan a while back and have been putting of my experiments in favor of easier baking projects, but this post has inspired me to finally give it a shot. Hope mine come out as perfectly as yours!

  11. I'm forwarding this post to my hubby, who is the madeleine baker in our family. Maybe I'll get lucky and he'll decide to make them for me. Patricia, happy new year to you and Joao!

  12. These look fabulous. I'd love to share a plate of these and a pot of tea with you, Patricia.

  13. These look good and your description of them sounds like they are really good. I am going to have to see if I can find a Madeleine baking pan.

  14. Your chocolate madeleines sound wonderful! And that egg hint is excellent.

  15. Those look great, Patricia... send some my way!

  16. I adore making madeleines; aren't they fun?

  17. A lucky friend! A lucky anyone, to get a gift like this!

  18. Now I just need to get a a madeleine pan!

  19. I've never made or tasted madeleines. These look so delectable. I might just go buy a madeleine pan

  20. They look just gorgeous! All the best to you in 2008.

  21. I love madeleines! These look yummy, I'll have to save the recipe. :)

  22. they look great. i am sure your dear friend enjoyed them. lucky her.

  23. Peter, I love their shape, too.

    Bri, I wish you and your family all the best too, my dear friend!

    Jen, I'm glad you like my version of these!

    Pea, the next madeleine recipe I want to try is your for choc chip madeleines.

    Pam, you should definitely try these, my dear.

    Jenn, they are so cute. :)

    Terry, that info is from Jennifer - her blog is fantastic!

    Manggy, I didn't have time to refrigerate the batter, that's why I ended up using this recipe. I'll try it next time.

    Zen, thank you!

    Hannah, you should start now, sweetie. :)

    Lydia, I do hope he tries these, they're wonderful!
    Happy New Year to you and all your family, my dear friend!

    Lynn, I'd love to have you over.

    Kevin, I was intrigued by their texture, so good! :)

    Julie, thank you!

    Curt, have as many as you want. :)

    Emiline, they are loads of fun, you are right!

    Cakespy, thank you!

    Deb, definitely! :)

    Veron, it took me forever to start baking them, but now I don't see myself stopping. :)

    Sara, I wish you all the best too, my dear.

    Hy, darling! Do save it!

    Hi, sweetie! She did and I was glad. :)

  24. Oh, those are gorgeous. Maybe I could work up the nerve to try them sometime . . . after getting hold of the proper pan(s), of course.

    Happy new year and looking forward to more of your posts in 2008!

  25. Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é . Um abraço.

  26. I've never had chocolate madeleines but I suspect they are delicious! Very lucky friend indeed.
    Happy New Year Patricia. xx

  27. Hi Patricia,

    That looks and sounds delicous, your friend must have felt very special to receive these.

    My best wishes for the new year to you and hubby. I look forward to reading more yummy posts on your blog.

    xx Nora

  28. The madeleines look very delicious :-)

    Happy New Year !

  29. So delicious-looking, just like the ginger chewies below.

    Happy New Year! I wish you all the very best.


  30. oh yum! madelines are the perfect holiday (and post-holiday) treat! i have to try making them!

  31. You have one lucky friend there Patricia! They look delicious madeleines.

  32. We must be thinking alike Patricia but you've gone and made them. Madelines are just so good and the perfect size.

  33. I'd like those madeleines with a nice hot cup of tea, please!
    Happy New Year!

  34. These are beautiful Patricia! I hope you had a wonderful holiday. Happy New Year!

  35. Dark chocolate will always make my mouth water! Your friend is blessed. Thanks for a wonderful year of sharing your kitchen with us, Patricia. I wish you everything good in '08!

  36. Happy New Year.
    Pleased to see you have found another delicious recipe so that you can use your new tin again!
    I may try these, well, after I have rid myself of the Christmas bulge.

  37. Your madeleines look so very delicous! I bought a silicon madeleine pan a while back that I still have to try out...

    Happy New Year!

  38. Lisa, thank you, dear! Happy New Year!

    Cynthia, Happy New Year to you too!

    Amanda, they are! Happy New Year, all the best for you!

    Nora, my dear friend, I'm glad you like them. I wish you and you family all the best in the world.

    Zu, thank you, sweetie!
    Happy New Year!

    Paz, Happy New Year! I wish you the same!

    Katy, you should!

    Nic, I'm lucky to have her, too.

    Tanna, really? Glad to know you though of madeleines, too!

    Cakebrain, they really go great with tea, you are right!

    Amy, you too, sweetie!

    Toni, you are so sweet, thank you, my friend!

    Margaret, I have other recipes on the list, too. Can't get enough of my pans. :)

    Linda, Happy New Year! I know you'll be making something delicious with that pan. :)

  39. I love madeleines, whicever way and your pics are beautiful!

  40. What a wonderful present and lovely way to show you care. They are absolutely beautiful!

  41. My mouth is watering with your gorgeous madeleines! Chocolate...can't get any more perfect than that :)

    I have only used my madeleine pan've inspired me to go dust it off!


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