Monday, April 7, 2008

Crispy sage and brown butter pasta

Crispy sage and brown butter pasta

I love growing my own herbs. I have been doing that with basil and parsley for over 2years now, rosemary and chives for a little less time and a couple of months ago I started growing sage and oregano.
After cooking with sage for the first time, I felt like trying it again, using a recipe from the same article (DH magazine #32). One of the quickest pasta dishes I have ever put together, this is absolutely delicious. And Joey seems to think so, too. :)

There’s only a handful of ingredients here, so use the best and freshest you can find.

Crispy sage and brown butter pasta
from Donna Hay magazine

200g (7oz) spaghetti
50g (1 ¾oz) unsalted butter
1/3 cup sage leaves
1 tablespoon lemon juice
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
grated parmesan, to serve

Place the pasta in a large saucepan of salted boiling water and cook until al dente; drain and set aside.
Meanwhile, heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add the butter and stir until melted. Add the sage and cook for 2-3 minutes or until the sage is crispy and the butter is browned.
Stir through the lemon juice, drained pasta, salt and pepper and toss to combine.
Top with the parmesan and serve.

Serves 2


  1. So simple - so good

  2. Aaaah! The simplicity of butter and sage. A tasty classic that never goes out of style. I love all the cheese on the pasta Patricia.

  3. Patricia--that sounds so divine!

    I made some kind of similar pasta last night--it was something I used to make when I was in college. It was tolerable, but now after seeing your recipe....well, I don't think I could ever make my noodles again. I adore fresh sage and butter.


    By the way, I need to check out your archives, but do you have a recipe for pao de queijo? I've been using that packaged stuff from my local Brasilian market--not as good as the real thing. Ah, there are so many recipes I need to look on your site for! My husband is half-Brasilian. (He was born in Belo Horizonte, MG.)

  4. So delicious sounding! I love growing my own herbs too- they are just returning through the snow.

  5. that is my favorite way to use leftover sage. my roommates and i are going to start an herb garden soon, I can't wait!

  6. Simple ,yet delicious!

    Btw, just wanna tell you that I already made choco cola's excellent and everybody liked it..please have a look at my blog if you have time..thanks again for a great recipe !

  7. I need to start growing my own herbs...especially if I can make such yummy things as that pasta.

  8. I tried the recipe from Joey too. Isn't it the best. This lo0ks absolutely delicious Patricia!

  9. Thanks for your visit and leaving me such a nice comment !!

  10. Mmmmm...I've been reading so many recipes using browned butter lately, I'm really going to have to try it sometime soon! Looks great, especially with all the parmesan!

  11. Ah! I misread the title-- I thought this would be fried spaghetti. Regardless, this is still a winning flavor combination! :)

  12. That seems so simple! Yum!
    I agree with you... there is nothing like fresh herbs.

  13. One of our favorite flavor combos -- we add a bit of sausage & some cannelinis and then swoon! This is making me very hungry!

  14. Oh this looks really good, dearie! Now I need to look around for sage. It's such a delight that you're growing your own herbs :)

  15. I really don't have a green thumb, my plants don't like me much, I forget to water them, so I can't imagine what I'd do to poor fragile herbs! That pasta dish looks totally delicious though, I could probably do it with store bought herbs, right? ;)

  16. The simplest recipes are so often the most delicious! This pasta look just like what I'd love on a busy week night!

  17. oooh I love sage. This sounds delicious. And quick is always good.

  18. Isn't it yummy? :) I'm so glad you tried it and liked it! Donna's simple preparations are so good :)

    I would love to grow my own herbs but it's pretty hard without a garden. But I'm not giving up! I have killed a lot of thyme plants already but I have a kaffir lime plant that seems to be doing well. Will try more herbs soon! :)

  19. I've made a similar recipe, and you can't go wrong with butter and sage. Mmmm....

  20. Pat, you're the pasta expert!
    And I agree with you about growing yr own herbs... We grow mint, basil, thym & curry leaves at home & they're so handy!

  21. Hi! I'm visiting your blog for the first time and I find it gorgeous!! With so many incredible recipe and even so tasty!!
    Fantastic this pasta (I'm italian and I can recognize a good pasta when I see it :-P) delicious and yet so easy.
    Great!! If you don't mind I'll follow your post with much interest!!

  22. This looks simple but so delicious and filling. I love the combination of savory and tart flavors!

  23. I love pasta in brown butter. And I have really loved sage lately - this sounds so perfect!

  24. Brown butter and sage sauce is seriously one of my favorite things ever. So simple and delicious. I especially love it over homemade gnocchi.

  25. This is a great idea for a quick meal. It looks so good! I have to remember to buy some fresh sage.

  26. I know this is good ...because I have that issue! I really enjoyed this pasta dish. ...mmmm!

  27. Patricia - we are living on the same food level. I made this for dinner today but served gnocchi with it. soeren has gardening on tuesday afternoons and today he came home with a huge bunch of gorgeous sage. and i decided to make exactly this. Perfect!

  28. I've made Donna Hay's pasta with butternut squash and sage brown butter. It's really good too!

  29. Lovely photos, Patricia!

    I had a sage kick earlier this year and then I think I saged myself out. But I've got to say it seems that your recipe could get me back in the mood for it!


  30. Mmmm... butter and sage... the perfect combination!

  31. i love the deep nutty flavour when crisping up sage in brown butter. yum.

  32. Sage with brown butter sauce is so good!! It is nice and simple and yet really tasty.

  33. Patricia you are so right, there is undeniable pleasure in growing ones own herbs. I like these quick sauces for pasta, they are a real life saver when one does not have a lot of time in the kitchen.

  34. Nothing beats eating your home-grown herbs with your favorite pasta.

  35. You just gave me an idea for something! You're amazing!

    This looks great. I really like sage. We grow our own herbs too (highfive) and our sage grows like crazy. We have big bushes of it.

  36. Giz, thank you!

    Peter, I'm crazy about cheese. :)

    Lindsey, I'll be sending you a great recipe for pão de queijo! And it's so cool to know your husband is half Brazilian! :)

    Gabi, I'm glad to know that.

    Ginny, you'll have loads of fun with your herbs.

    Pepsakoy, your cake was beautiful!

    Pea, I think you'd do an excellent job!

    Veron, so simple!

    Pepsakoy, there's no need to thank me! I thank you for letting me know how the cake turned out.

    Sarah, it was my first time with brown butter and definitely I'll be trying it again!

    Mark, you crack me up! :)

    Kristen, I agree. Fresh herbs are the best!

    Kelly, my husband would like the version with sausage.

    Hi sweetie! Thank you!

    LyB, sometimes I forget to water them, luckily my husband helps me out with that!

    Susan, you've said it all.

    KJ, very quick.

    Joey, you and I could start a fan club for Donna. :)
    I live in an apartment and grow my herbs in vases, in the balcony.
    Don't give up, sweetie!

    Cate, I'm glad you like it too!

    Stella, I have to start growing mint, too!

    Silvia, thank you for your lovely comment, I really appreciate it! If an Italian girl is saying my pasta is good, what else can I ask for? :)
    I'd be delighted to have you as a reader.

    Cakespy, savory and tart are great together, aren't they?

    Deb, I've been on a sage kick, too. :)

    Sarah, I have to try it with gnocchi, too.

    Anali, thank you for your visit!

    Gigi, DH magazine is so great, isn't it?

    Meeta, you know what they say, great minds think alike! :)
    I'm glad to know your son is involved in gardening, that is so fantastic!

    Pam, butternut squash is a favorite of mine, too.

    Robin, thank you, darling!
    Maybe you'll go back to it, little by little. :)

    Michelle, I agree!

    May, thank you!

    Kevin, very simple, indeed.

    Cynthia, a delicious shortcut.

    Didally, I agree!

    Emiline, you are the sweetest, tks, darling! You give loads of great ideas every single day, too. :)

  37. Ooooh, you can't beat growing your own herbs! It's great to be able to pop out into the garden and pick them there and then!
    Crispy sage? I love it!

  38. I can't wait to grow my herbs again..

  39. Pat, I luuuuuuuuve crispy sage! I used to fry a big pile to go with white wine, delicious!

  40. I love this simple pasta...I can just already taste every flavour standing on its own!

  41. I tried the classic brown butter and sage combo once, determined that it would go on some pumpkin gnocchi, but i was impatient and didnt really brown the butter. the problem was that at the time we only had dark-coated nonstick pans. lousy for browning (or so my husband, with the savvy food technique told me afterwards, when i served obviously yellow butter). Congrats on a delicious and light looking meal!

  42. That looks simple and delicious! IMHO pasta is always better with simple, quality ingredients :)

  43. Oh praise the lord! This look so delicious. :-)

  44. I love your pasta recipes - they always look soo good.

  45. Oh my gosh, this looks delicious!

  46. I always see recipes calling for "crispy sage" but have never tried it myself. This is the push I need! Looks amazing and I love how simple it all comes together.


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