Friday, July 25, 2008

Garlic lime shrimp

Garlic lime shrimp

It’s winter here now and you guys from the Northern Hemisphere keep tempting me with your ice creams and sorbets... Not to mention the cherry recipes, right, Susan? :)
To make things worse, the Mail Service is working again and yesterday I finally received the July issue of Bon Appétit – loads of ideas for barbecues and grilling outdoors. I’m not a fan of barbecues, but Joao loves them. And I even think he would be interested in grilling on the weekends, but we live in an apartment – no yard.:(

So, no barbie. But that doesn’t mean he can’t have something he absolutely loves: shrimp. For the hubby, the simpler, the better. And the recipe I adapted from the DH mag #37 was a huge hit.

I cooked the shrimp using a frying pan, but also posted how to make them on the grill, if anyone wants to give it a try.

Garlic lime shrimp

Garlic lime shrimp
from Donna Hay magazine

1kg large raw shrimp, peeled, tails intact
1/3 cup (80ml) lime juice
4 tablespoons garlic infused olive oil, divided
2 garlic cloves, finely sliced
salt and freshly ground black pepper
chopped flat leaf parsley, to taste
lime wedges, to serve
aioli or mayonnaise, to serve

Place the shrimp, lime juice, 2 tablespoons olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper in a bowl and toss to combine. Cover with plastic/cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Remove the shrimp from the refrigerator and strain any juices – remove the garlic slices, also. Drizzle the remaining olive oil over the shrimp and toss to combine. Heat a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the shrimp, turning to avoid burning. Cook until the shrimp turn pink, about 2 minutes each side – don’t overcook, or they will become rubbery.
Remove from heat, sprinkle with the parsley and serve immediately.

If you want to make them on the barbie: thread three shrimp onto a skewer (if they are wooden skewers, soak them in cold water for 30 minutes before using, to avoid burning). Repeat with the remaining shrimp. Heat a barbecue over high heat. Barbecue the shrimp for 2 minutes each side or until cooked through.

Serves 4


  1. AnonymousJuly 25, 2008

    Hey winter or summer this is the perfect meal. It looks delightful!

  2. I miss my barbecue so much! We can't have one where we live now, but we used to and I loved it! Those shrimp sound great though, on the grill or not, I'll definitely give them a go!

  3. AnonymousJuly 25, 2008

    This looks great, and relatively simple. I love the combination of garlic and lime.

  4. galric, lime and shrimp - presto you have just made me my fave dish. Patricia, this is sensational. I was just thinking what to make for dinner and here you are.

  5. Hee! I totally forgot how the seasons are reversed there. No matter: I'd gladly have your shrimp any time of the year! :)

  6. I'm with Meeta -- this is the perfect combination, and I love to throw shrimp on the grill with seasoning like this. A nice salad made with orzo and tomatoes goes really well with grilled shrimp, too.

  7. AnonymousJuly 25, 2008

    wow, i dont eat seafood but this makes me want to. I cant believe how wonderful they look!

  8. AnonymousJuly 25, 2008

    We all love shrimp in our family, especially my 5 year old daughter. she is crazy about them. this is a great recipe! I love the combo of ingredients you used. Garlic and lime, yum!

  9. Okay, it's lunch time here and I want to fly to your house right now. Shrimp + garlic + lime = I'M IN! The high here today is 110 degrees - so this light dish sounds like perfection, my dear! :)

  10. You don't post as many savory dishes but when you do, you thrill me...succulent shrimp I say!

  11. Garlic and lime, can't go wrong with those two. Yummy-looking shrimp!

  12. Classic combination Patricia and you make the shrimp look so delicious!

  13. Patricia, this is my kind of recipe! Simple and classic. Love it!

  14. You read my mind! I picked up some shrimp today to make for a friend tomorrow... wasn't sure what I was going to do with them, but I do now! They look fantastic (and I have lime on the brain lately). xxoo

  15. Simple and delish! Just perfect.

  16. AnonymousJuly 26, 2008

    We live in a co-op apartment in Manhattan and cannot have a grill. I miss it (I'm originally from Texas, land of the grill). Your shrimp recipe looks so good - good enough to make me forget my lack of a grill!

  17. AnonymousJuly 26, 2008

    ooh you make miss eating shrimp soo soo much. this looks so darn delish. nice job P.

  18. Those shrimp look really tasty!

  19. AnonymousJuly 26, 2008

    I'm so used to you making sweet baked goods that I was surprised to see a savoury dish. It looks every bit as delicious as your cakes though! :)

  20. Simply delicious! I love it!

  21. I am so glad to hear someone else sharing the winter weather. As I am writing this, it is pouring with rain. However, I am fortunate to have a indoor barbecue, so I can do this sometime this week. Love the combination of flavors...

  22. AnonymousJuly 27, 2008

    I share the frustration of inverted seasons...That's an excellent idea ! shrimps all year round, barbecue or not !

  23. Those shrimp look perfect! The garlic and lime with them is a marriage made in heaven! I love to make shrimp because it is so quick and delicious. This is a must try!

  24. These shrimp have my name on them. I'm not kidding. Hands off! :)

  25. Any day, any time, any where, any season, this is a favourite.

  26. Delicious!
    I just did exactly the same last nite. I grilled them though. Besides lime juice and parsley, I also put a little bit minced jalapeno. You wouldn't believe how nice the spice kicked in!

  27. Winter, summer, grill or none, these look fabulous! Lime makes so many things so delicious.

  28. AnonymousJuly 28, 2008

    This looks delicious! I love garlic lime shrimp. Yours look perfect!

  29. Cathy, I agree!

    LyB, I bet you miss it, darling!

    Fearless Kitchen, thank you for stopping by!

    Meeta, you are so sweet, thank you!

    Mark, I'd gladly have you over for dinner, winter or summer! :)

    Lydia, that is a great idea for a salad, I'll be trying it!

    Courtney, thank you for visiting! I don't eat shrimp (can't and don't like, actually), but the hubby loves it. :)

    Farida, I'm glad to hear your 5 year old is not picky!

    Ann, sweetie, I'm glad to hear that!

    Pete, I should post more savory dishes, shouldn't I?? ;)

    Eating Club, thank you!

    Pete, I'm glad you like it!

    Pam, thank you, darling!

    Jen, I'm sure your friend will have the best meal ever!
    Thank you, darling!

    Mary, tks!

    Lori, you feel my pain, don't you? :D

    Bren, thank you for visiting!

    Kevin, tks!

    Lorraine, I have to post more savory recipes here!

    Anh, thank you!

    Nina, so we are on the same boat. :S
    Don't worry - spring is just around the corner. ;)

    Vanille, so let's share Donna Hay's amazing recipes, too! :)

    Susan, very quick, indeed!

    Dragon, help yourself!

    Cynthia, my hubby agrees with you. :)

    Lu, that sounds like something I would love to try!

    Elle, I love lime. We all do here.

    Tanya, thank you for stopping by!

  30. That looks like a perfect dish: flavorful and easy!

  31. What a gorgeous dish - perfect for any weather!

  32. AnonymousJuly 29, 2008

    Shrimp is one of my favorite things. As a mom, I like things that I can get on the table quickly and shrimp always does it. Quick, easy and delicious.
    Can't wait to give this recipe a try.
    What did you think of BA's cover this month? I don't think I like the new look... can't quite get used to it!

  33. somehow i know for sure that my hubby would love to eat these for dinner.
    btw can you not like bbq ???:)

  34. I hate when you crave things that aren't in season. I'm actually wanting some winter-y meals right now, but it's just too damn hot.
    Your shrimp looks so tasty, though!

  35. AnonymousJuly 29, 2008

    Hi Patricia, these look fabulous. I'm going to try them out for dinner. Yum.

  36. mmmmm i love garlic and lime! i don't have a bbq but i use my george foreman for most "grilling" :) that looks mouth watering good

  37. Looks so quick, easy, and summery. Not to mention just plan yummy!

  38. Patricia, if anything can stop me in my tracks, it's shrimp cooked just this way. Looks absolutely delicious!

  39. Oh wow, these look incredible. I think we may have to try them next time we BBQ!

  40. Looks great and easy. Your deveining is perfect.


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