Friday, July 11, 2008

Lemon curd

Lemon curd

Reading food blogs and cookbooks is wonderful. But it can also be devastating for a curious person like me. I won’t rest until I make/try something new... And lemon curd was absolutely new to me.

Lemon curd is not part of our food habits here in Brazil and I had not known about it until I started blogging. Being the citrus freak that I am, it immediately caught my attention. No lemon curd in grocery stores around here?? No problem – off to the kitchen to make some.

I had some egg yolks left from the Zuger Kirschtorte and, with Rose Levy’s book on one hand and some beautiful lemons on the other, I was determined to taste what my fellow foodies loved so much.

It was... Sublime. I would never have thought that something so delicious would come up from mixing only eggs, butter and lemons. I want to use it as a cake filling, too.

It says on the recipe that the curd can be refrigerated for up to 3 weeks, but I think that after the first week the flavor was a little off, kind of eggy.

Lemon curd

Lemon curd
from The Cake Bible

4 large egg yolks
½ cup + 2 tablespoons (125g) sugar
3 fl oz (93ml or about 2 ½ large lemons) lemon juice, freshly squeezed
4 tablespoons (56g) unsalted butter, softened
pinch of salt
2 teaspoons finely grated lemon zest

In a heavy noncorrodible saucepan beat the yolks and sugar until well blended. Stir in the remaining ingredients except the lemon zest. Cook over medium-low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened and resembling a thin hollandaise sauce, which thickly coats a wooden spoon but is still liquid enough to pour. The mixture will change from translucent to opaque and being to take on a yellow color on the back of wooden spoon. It must not be allowed to boil or it will curdle. Whenever steam appears, remove briefly from heat, stirring constantly to keep from boiling. When the curd has thickened, pour at once into a strainer. Press with the back of a spoon until only coarse residue remains; discard the residue. Stir in the lemon zest and cool – more sugar can be added to taste while the curd is still warm, but I did not think it was necessary.
Pour into an airtight container. The curd will continue to thicken while resting and chilling.

Makes 1 full cup

Lemon curd


  1. Lemon curd is not sold in stores here, so I'm not familiar with it on toast, but I gotta say, after all this cooking, one of my favorite places for it? Inside a doughnut! Yeaah! :)

  2. I haven't tried making curd from scratch. your curd looks good.

  3. AnonymousJuly 11, 2008

    I love lemon curd-- and the homemade kind is a thousand times better than store-bought! Great photos!

  4. AnonymousJuly 11, 2008

    I have never tried this, you are such a champ.

  5. I haven't tried lemon curd yet (it's on the list!) only Dorie's Lemon Cream. I so love its texture. The curd looks wonderful too, I love citrus as well so I should really try making some!

  6. I'm bookmarking it! Can you believe I have never tried curd yet...?

    Have a wonderful weekend, Margot

  7. The lemon curd looks great! I bet it would be delicious on bread mmm.

  8. Lemon curd is one of my favorite things EVER!

  9. AnonymousJuly 11, 2008

    ooh yeah, this one is on my list to make soon! lemon curd as a cake filling is wonderfully delicious.
    i give you an award, Pat! check it out in my blog

  10. I recently made lemon curd for the first time as well, (after seeing it on so many blogs) and it was fantastic!

    Also- I baked cheesy bread last night because of your last post, I had to do it!

  11. there is nothing like homemade curd, this looks fantastic, am just finished my jar so much make more this weekend, love it on my toast in the mornings!

  12. AnonymousJuly 11, 2008

    I love discovering new food things from different countries and the fun thing is you can make most yourself :)
    The curd looks delicious!

  13. I adore lemon curd. I'm glad that you have discovered it. Now you will get to enjoy it too. yaaay!!

  14. Lemon curd or any other type of fruit curd (try it with passionfruit!) is a great addition to any cake or sweet. But i agree with you Patricia, it can be a bit "eggy" after a week.

  15. key lime curd is delicious as well - though i'm not sure if you readily have access to them there :) if you have leftover lemon curd, try making the key lime cookies in my blog!

  16. AnonymousJuly 11, 2008

    I've never had lemon curd or curd of any sort- something about the word curd just turns me off- but this looks incredible, Pat!

  17. AnonymousJuly 12, 2008

    I love curd. Yours looks great, Patricia. I completely agree too, it does go eggy after a week... at least it's not too tough to eat it all up by then.

  18. Hmm...looks fresh with Lemon.

  19. I love lemon curd on my strawberry shortcake as well. It is so easy to make too!!!!

  20. Patricia your lemon curd looks divine! I understand what you feel, I'm a very curious person too and sometimes I find myself with no enough time to read all the blogs in my feeds , but I like everything! And you are simply one of the bests dear!
    Have a good day

  21. Patricia - I was just talking about lemon curd last night with a friend ( we were gorging ourselves with lemon meringue tart) It was a revelation when I first made it! Nice job!

  22. This looks good! I love lemony things!

  23. Way to try something totally new and really nail it! So are you addicted now?

  24. I love lemon curd!
    I made it far too frequently last summer.

  25. I love lemon curd but only make enough for a cake filling. As you say it doesn't keep that well.
    I've only ever used Delia Smith's recipe because it never fails.
    Seeing your lovely photograph makes me want to eat that piece of bread smothered in lemon curd!

  26. That lemon curd looks great!

  27. You should use it in a makes for a great filling!

  28. "Reading food blogs and cookbooks is wonderful. But it can also be devastating for a curious person like me. I won’t rest until I make/try something new"

    LOL.......I can feel that!!! I just couldn't stop myself for trying new recipes. Sometimes I feel like, I'm in the kitchen way too much :D.

    Anyway, I'm a citrus freak also, but I've never tried making lemon curd. I've been wanting to do we go again *LOL*

    Yours looks really great and I can practically taste the sweetness and the sourness.

  29. AnonymousJuly 13, 2008

    I love lemon curd, especially on fresh hot bread.

    I have an award for you on my blog, please pop over.

  30. AnonymousJuly 13, 2008

    Patricia that is is just too beautiful. I'm a curd freak myself and will now just have to make some.

  31. I just knew there had to be a recipe out there for lemon curd! I had to buy a bottle the other day from the store @ $9 and nearly flipped out at the cashier (TJ's was out of stock last week). Thanks for posting!

  32. AnonymousJuly 13, 2008

    Yum! Looks so good on the slice of bread.

    Paz ;-)

  33. AnonymousJuly 13, 2008

    Patricia. I love lemon curd! I recently learned to make it in a cooking class. Yours looks wonderful. A beautiful colour!

  34. i lurve lemon curd but never made them myself. i might just try one day :p

  35. Mark, that is a wonderful idea, I'll be "stealing" it from you, ok? :)

    Mindy, thank you!

    Ann, thank you, darling!

    Cathy, and you are far too kind, my friend. Thank you.

    LyB, I want to bake a cake and fill it with tons of lemon curd. :)

    Margot, I can, because until that day, I hadn't tried it either! :)
    Have a great week, sweetie!

    Ashley, thank you!

    Deb, it has become one of mine, too!

    Liz, I have check it out, thank you, dear!

    Bri, I'm sure your cheesy bread was wonderful - send some my way!

    Rachel, make some more!
    And thank you for your visit!

    Linda, I agree!

    KJ, yaaaay!! :D

    Pete, I'll be trying it with passion fruit, since I love it! Thank you!

    Jaime, I'll be checking those cookies, darling!

    Hi, sweetie! Really?

    Dayna, I just had a bit left after a week. :)

    Retno Phihadana, thank you for stopping by!

    Bellini, that is an amazing idea!

    Silvia, my dear, thank you! You are so generous and kind!

    Maya, now I'm craving that tart, too. ;)

    Pam, me too!

    Aimée, I am! :)

    Mar, I'll be making it far too frequently too, I guess. :)

    Margaret, I'm so glad you like the curd!

    Kevin, tks!

    Pea, I will!

    Dita, I had a laugh with you - the lists get longer and longer... :)

    Kitchen Goddess, I'll be checking it out, tks!

    Vanielje, do try!

    CIA, that sounds expensive - and I'm sure the homemade version is better than the store bought!
    Thank you for visiting!

    Paz, thank you!

    Syrie, that is interesting!

    Babe, you should!

  36. You can't beat home-made lemon curd Patricia, yours looks lovely. I like it in cakes too.

  37. Isn't lemon curd fabulous? Your's looks beautiful! I've only just started making curd lately. So far, a 3 citrus curd and a mango orange curd. They're good on so many things!

  38. Who knew you could make lemon curd from scratch? I'd never thought of it before. Looks divine.


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