Friday, March 13, 2009

Homemade ricotta

Homemade ricotta

I’ve heard many times that we get wiser as we get older. I’m not sure about getting wiser, but I’ve definitely gotten braver.

After making macarons for the first time, I had to try something completely new. Making cheese sounded like a good idea. It worked so well I’m ready for my next challenge – maybe watching "The Exorcist" without closing my eyes not even once. :D

Homemade ricotta

Homemade ricotta
from Donna Hay magazine

6 cups full cream milk
2 tablespoons white vinegar

Place the milk and a candy thermometer in a saucepan over medium heat and heat to 80ºC/176ºF. Remove from the heat, add the vinegar and allow to sit for 5 minutes or until curds form.
Line a colander with fine muslin and place over a deep bowl. Use a slotted spoon to carefully spoon the curds into the colander*. Allow to drain for 5 minutes.

Spoon the ricotta into a glass or ceramic dish and loosely cover with plastic wrap. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

* the reason it needs to be spooned carefully is to ensure the curds hold their shape. Pouring them straight into the colander will result in the cheese becoming dry and grainy.

Makes 1 ¼ cups – after removing the curds and placing them in the colander, I added more vinegar to the remaining milk and got more curds. I made 1/3 of the recipe and got almost 1 cup ricotta.

Homemade ricotta


  1. this is really interesting. that ricotta looks so creamy !!

  2. It seems like homemade ricotta is the new black (not a very good metaphor, but you get the idea). I will have to try this out because I substitute ricotta in a lot of recipes for its taste.

  3. Ha, I'm totally willing to try making some cheese, but please, please don't make me watch a horror movie. Your ricotta looks fabulous. I love the idea of making my own cheese!

  4. Your cheese looks really good! Thanks for the reasoning behind the need to be spooned carefully. I would've poured it right away.

  5. Thanks for the recipe. Now I don't have to run out to buy ricotta everytime :)

  6. Ooh, pretty! And now, what to do with it? ;) Thanks for the helpful tips on how to handle the curds! :)

  7. Lovely! I have a cheese making kit that I bought after reading "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle". I keep putting off making the cheese, but this post is a good kick in the rear for me!

  8. I made ricotta for the first time this week too! I used buttermilk instead of vinegar. Earlier this week I tried making just a tiny bit of farmer's cheese with lemon juice. Guess I'll have to test the vinegar recipe next. I'm curious how noticeable the differences are.

  9. Not sure if it is possible to watch The Exorcist without closing your eyes, but it is worth a try...:) I love this recipe. I use ricotta on a regular basis but it never occured to me that I would even be possible to make on my own!

  10. It's not so much closing my eyes that's the problem as sleeping afterwards!!!

    Congrats on your ricotta. It looks fantastic.

  11. Pat, you are more brave... and more professional... and more delish!

  12. I never knew it was this easy! I think I'll be making my own ricotta from now on. Thanks!

  13. This is one of those things where after you've done it, you wonder why you waited so long to try! And the taste is wonderful and fresh, too.

  14. I just wanna say that I love your blog and you inspired me to start mine. I want to try this ricotta!

  15. Patricia, I didn't know it could be so easy. I can't wait to try it!

  16. I would never have thought to do that. I bet that would make an excellent ricotta almond tart! Mmmm.

  17. I made ricotta from this recipe too! I loved the whole dairy spread in that issue :) It looks like you got more ricotta that I did...must try agaon soon! I loved it!

  18. Natalie, it was creamy, indeed! :D

    Chris, hahah, you crack me up. :D
    I hope you try it!

    Elyse, just cheese for you, then. :D
    Thank you!

    Joy, I'm glad you find that useful, sweetie.

    Maya, homemade is waaay better. :D

    Mark, so many options, my friend! :D

    Sarah, you have to put that kit into good use, darling!

    Brittany, really? How great! I'll be trying it with lemon juice as well.

    Simone, I'm sure you'll love this recipe.

    KJ, I have trouble sleeping, too! And being alone around the house. :D
    Thank you!

    Gattina, you are just too sweet!

    Andrea, very easy, indeed!

    Lydia, you are so right, my dear.

    Nisia, tks for stopping by! And thank you for your kind words as well.

    Pam, Donna Hay is the way. :D

    Kelly, yum!!!

    Joey, yours was fancier, made out of buffalo's milk! ;D

  19. I like the sound of making your own ricotta cheese.

  20. Wow great job! I had no idea making ricotta was so easy. =)

  21. Thak you for recipe....Kind regards from Berlin -Germany


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