Friday, May 22, 2009

Summertime tagliatelle, in the middle of fall

Summertime tagliatelle / Tagliatelle de verão

My dad sometimes tells me funny/cute stories about my mom and I especially like the ones about her weird pregnancy cravings, like the day she felt like cooking and eating a rooster – no, I’m not kidding. :D

She’d crave ice cream desperately in the middle of the winter and would get under 2-3 blankets to eat it.

Everyone that knows me and knew my mom says that we look exactly the same and they say that we have a lot in common, too, when it comes to personality. Maybe they are right, because I felt like eating summertime pasta in a very cold day. :D

Summertime tagliatelle / Tagliatelle de verão

Summertime tagliatelle
slightly adapted from Cook with Jamie

115g (4oz) pine nuts
juice and zest of 2 lemons
a bunch of fresh flat-leaf parsley, leaves picked
¾ cup (180ml) extra virgin olive oil
1 ½ cups (150g) Parmesan cheese, freshly grated, plus extra for shaving
½ cup (50g) pecorino cheese, freshly grated
salt and freshly ground black pepper
500g good-quality tagliarini or tagliatelle

Smash up half of the pine nuts to a paste, then put it into a big heatproof bowl with the rest of the whole pine nuts, the lemon juice and zest, and the extra virgin olive oil. Stir and add the Parmesan and pecorino. Season with some freshly ground black pepper.

Put a large pot of salted water on to boil for your pasta. Sit the sauce bowl on top of the pan while the water’s heating up – this will take the chill out of the sauce and warm it through slightly. When the water starts to boil, remove the bowl and add your pasta to the water. Cook it according to the packet instructions then drain in a colander, reserving a little of the cooking water. Toss the pasta with the sauce and a little of the reserved cooking water to help loosen it up a bit. The heat from the pasta will melt the cheese, allowing all the lovely sauce to coat it. If you find the sauce is too thick then add a little more water. It’s not supposed to thick – it should be more a dressing than a sauce.

Serve with a little extra Parmesan shaved over the top and a sprinkle of parsley leaves. Eat immediately.

Serves 4

Summertime tagliatelle / Tagliatelle de verão


  1. Oh I m hungry and this marvellous plate surely is not helping. I m devouring it just by looking :)

  2. Awww, your mom sounds great. I love those little food quirks that define people--like craving ice cream in winter! This tagliatelle looks absolutely fantastic. Man oh man, I could eat this at any time of the year, I think. Delish!

  3. Ummmm che buon piatto di tagliatelle, fantastico abbinamento di sapori!

  4. Oh dear. I would have thought a rooster would be extremely tough meat! :P Meanwhile, I gotta say, delicious food knows no season-- but it is extremely hot here right now and I want a plateful of this! :)

  5. Well, I think you pasta definitely sounds better than a rooster!

  6. Wow! I'd eat that any time of the year! It looks divine:)

  7. Summer on a plate. Heavenly!

  8. Delicious food is delicious, no matter what time of year. Your Summertime pasta looks divine!

  9. Like mom like daughter!

    I can have this pasta any season!

  10. God is just starting to crank up the heat in these parts! But I'll eat pasta any way, any day. Yum.

  11. Natalie, I'm glad to know you like it, sweetie, tks!

    Elyse, my mom was an amazing woman, for sure. Very wise, loving and caring. Tks, darling!

    Nanny, grazie!

    Mark, it was very tough! I heard she had to cook it for a whole day! :D
    Thank you, my friend!

    Pam, a lot better! :D

    Half Baked, thank you!

    Dragon, thank you, darling!

    Susan, tks, sweetie! I'm glad you like it!

    Lu, I love knowing I have so much in common with her. :D

    Abby, I'm addicted to pasta, too.
    Tks, sweetie!

  12. Yum I'd love eating this dish whatever the season!

  13. Patricia, you have this ability to read my mind from a world away! I have bookmarked this recipe from Jamie O because the flavors and technique really appealed to me! Now here it is! Your's looks just as fabulous as Jamie's and is making me want to try it all the more! :)

  14. Looking through your other blog posts I keep thinking it cannot get any better - and then came the meringue cupcakes :)

  15. Patricia,
    My body refuse to abide to summer or winter when it comes to food hahaha. Maybe it is because no matter where I live, I will always be a tropical; girl and in Malaysia (as in asia in general) we eat hot and spicy food regardless the tempreature and *season*.
    I love this story about you and your mom and the pasta looks exceptionally scrummy!


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