Monday, October 26, 2009

Butter pecan cookies

Butter pecan cookies / Amanteigados de pecã

I got home from vacation with an urge to bake – will you think I’m a weirdo if I tell you I missed my Kitchen Aid? If you do, please don’t tell me. :D

Well, my pantry was pretty empty, so my options were limited – luckily I found a print from Martha’s website and some pecans in the fridge. The recipe didn’t call for eggs, which was great - I had none around.

I tried to find the recipe link, but all I got was this message. :(

Butter pecan cookies / Amanteigados de pecã

Butter pecan cookies

¾ cup (83g) pecans
½ cup (113g/1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
1/3 cup (67g) caster sugar, plus more for coating
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup (140g) all-purpose flour

Preheat oven to 180ºC/350ºF; on a baking sheet, toast pecans until fragrant, about 6 minutes. Transfer to a plate (so they do not continue to cook on the hot pan) and let cool completely; finely chop. Line two baking sheets with baking paper.

With an electric mixer, cream butter 1/3 cup sugar until light, about 1 minute. Beat in vanilla, salt, and flour, scraping down sides of bowl, just until dough comes together. Fold in pecans.
Roll leveled tablespoons of dough into balls and roll in the extra sugar. Place, 5cm (2in) apart, on prepared baking sheets.
Gently flatten with the bottom of a glass (reshape sides if necessary). Sprinkle with more sugar.
Bake until golden brown, rotating sheet halfway through, about 15 minutes. Sprinkle with more sugar. Cool cookies on a wire rack.

Makes 22


  1. Patricia, I love my KitchenAid mixer so much, I know just what you mean about missing it! I have two (a smaller, older Artisan and a big, red Professional 600 Series) and if it wouldn't look like I was completely insane, I'd probably get another one if no one stopped me. (Comes in really handy sometimes to have two mixers! Especially if you're doing something that involves beating egg whites that have to then be mixed into cake batter, etc.) This looks like a really good cookie recipe. Nice with a good cup of coffee!

    Jane :)

  2. What?! Butter Peacan cookies? We were meant to be friends! I at butter pecan ice cream for breakfast this morning.

  3. these look delicious! I love pecans :)
    I miss baking when on holiday too. u re not a weirdo :)

    My blog link changed to

  4. Cute! I love the cups! (and the cookies, of course)

  5. Yes, I understand. I always miss my entire kitchen!

    Ah, Pecan Sandies. My dad's favorite!

  6. I love butter pecan ice cream so much and I can only imagine how good it must be as a cookies. An ice cream sandwich made with these sounds like it would be perfect to me.

  7. I love this kind of cookie - buttery and melt-in-your-mouth. With sugar on top!

  8. I would LOVE some of these tasty cuties with my coffee right now! Pecans - well, say no more... ;)

  9. Butter + Pecans = Good in my books

  10. Yep- I think it's time to think about Christmas cookies. I love the buttery taste of any cookie with pecans in it!

  11. Yum I made them too a while back...reeeeeal buttery stuff.
    About that kitchenaid...mine is packed up on a ship somewhere far away and I haven't seen it for over three weeks! Can't wait to have it back in my arms!

  12. Missing your KitchenAid sounds very normal to me. The cookies look delightful. A very good way to get back in touch with the kitchen.

  13. These sound delicious. I think its perfectly normal to miss your kitchen aid and baking while away :)

  14. Hi. I work for Bass Pecan Company we are offering 10% off if you order by Nov 1st Hurry over to our website use Coupon Code EB2009. Also submite your pecan recipes While your there for a chance to win $1000

  15. I know what you mean. When I was on my recent holiday, I missed baking so much I dreamed about it!

  16. Jane, you lucky girl! Two Kitchen Aids?? Wonderful! :D
    I have a hand mixer for those moments and it's very useful!
    Thank you for commenting!

    Heather, I'd love us to be friends, darling!
    And that sounds like the perfect breakfast to me. ;)

    Natalie, I'll change it on my reader!

    Hrgottlieb, thank you.

    Pam, when I saw these cups I knew I had to have them. ;)
    Tks, darling!

    Abby, I'm glad to know I'm in such great company. ;)

    Frenchie, that sounds like an amazing idea. ;)

    Kathy, lots of sugar! :D

    A Forkful..., I'm a sucker for pecans, too!
    Thank you!

    Alicia, I agree. ;)

    Barbara, these keep well for giving as a gift!

    Gala, buttery, indeed! :D
    Oh, poor you! I hope you get it back soon!

    Lynn, I knew you girls would understand me. ;)
    Thank you, gorgeous!

    Katie, thank you, darling!

    Jwright, tks.

    Julia, darling, I can relate to that. ;)

  17. Okay, I won't tell you ;) I love that my cookie monster is back!!! :D

  18. These sound so yummy (and easy!). I'm off to make them!Thanks!

  19. I love pecans and luckily in Texas get a lot of them when in season. These cookies look great. Perfect with a cup of tea I bet!

  20. Is that your cute little red & white dooed cup? If it is will you share where you got it? I can't figure out how to follow you--I sure want to!

  21. Hi, Libbie!
    I don't mind at all - I bought them in London, at the Cath Kidston store. :)

    Oh, you can add my link to your reader. And thank you!

  22. Yummy! This recipe looks amazing and I can't wait to bake them with my other holiday cookies. It will be a great addition.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hi Patricia, Ross the Webmaster here from Thanks for linking to our Butter Pecan Cookie recipe. I noticed though that you couldn't find the correct link to the recipe, and got our Page Not Found page instead. Sorry about that. So, here it is: I hope your readers will enjoy it. Best regards!


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