Saturday, May 21, 2011

Saffron scented chicken pilaf

Saffron scented chicken pilaf / Arroz com frango e açafrão

Like a good Brazilian, I love rice – not only the good old plain rice that is usually paired with beans here, but all sorts of dishes with this ingredient. And, of course, rice pudding. ;)
That is why I could not take my mind off this recipe after watching Nigella make it: my beloved rice combined with chicken and nuts in a one-pot-wonder. Delicious, easy to make and economical as far as dish washing is concerned: win/win recipe. :D

Saffron scented chicken pilaf
from Nigella Fresh

500g chicken breast, cut into 2cm pieces
¾ cup (195g) plain yogurt
juice of ½ lemon
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
salt and freshly ground black pepper
½ teaspoon saffron thread
4 cups (960ml) vegetable stock
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
2-3 tablespoons neutral vegetable oil
500g basmati rice
juice and zest of 1 lemon
50g cashew nuts
50g flaked almonds
25g pine nuts
small bunch fresh parsley, chopped

Marinate the chicken pieces in the yogurt, lemon, cinnamon, salt and pepper for about an hour. Soak the saffron threads in the vegetable stock.
Over medium heat, in a large pan with a lid, melt the butter along with 1 tablespoon of the oil and add the rice, stirring it to coat until glossy. Pour in the saffron and stock (still hot), add the lemon juice and zest and bring the pan to the boil, then cover and turn the heat down to very low. Cook like this for about 10-15 minutes, by which time the rice should have absorbed the liquid and be cooked through.
While the rice is cooking, shake the excess yoghurt marinade off the chicken using a sieve the fry the meat in a hot pan with the remaining spoonful or so of oil, and do this in batches so that the chicken colors rather than stews.
When the rice is cooked, take it off the heat and fork through the golden and cooked chicken pieces. Toast all the nuts in dry frying-pan over a medium heat until they are lightly golden and fragrant, and then add them to the pilaf along with the chopped parsley. Check the salt and serve immediately.

Serves 6


  1. Meet and Rice from Brazillians in any form is the pizzaz of the shizzaz! :D This looks delish!

  2. Wonderful looking super delicious pilaf..

  3. yummy flavourful and delicious

  4. hi!
    just stopping by to let you know yesterday, i baked your strawberry, pistachio + orange cakes (i made in mini muffin tin) & they are just delicious…so good that i am re-creating them again today & bringing to a friend!
    thanks so much for such a wonderful recipe…
    & i so enjoy your posts & recipes!
    have a great sunday!

  5. This is one of my favorite Nigella recipes! I love your photos, they always capture the food so perfectly :)

  6. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    Ingredients mention vegetable stock, while in the text there's chicken stock. Which is it?

  7. what a delicious idea for a yummy dinner!

  8. You said this is one-pot wonder, but it sounds like you need two pans: one for the rice and one for cooking the chicken. Am I reading the recipe incorrectly? Either way, it sounds delicious!

  9. So simple, yet delicious. I love the flavor that saffron imparts to rice.


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