Friday, March 30, 2012

Macadamia crunch ice cream + my favorite cookbooks

Macadamia crunch ice cream / Sorvete com praliné de macadâmia

Every other day I receive emails from the readers asking which are my favorite cookbooks; for each of those emails I reply two more arrive in my inbox – not a very practical thing. That is why you’ll find below the list with my all time favorite cookbooks – the ones I love the most (in no particular order):

This delicious ice cream – if you think I’ve become addicted to praliné, you’re right, how could I not? – comes the cookbook I’ve used the most so far: the one that comes to mind whenever I think of making something sweet – which, let’s be honest, is something that happens quite often. :D

Macadamia crunch ice cream
from the fantastic and always delicious Bon Appetit Desserts: The Cookbook for All Things Sweet and Wonderful

2/3 cup (94g) roasted salted macadamia nuts, coarsely chopped
¼ teaspoon baking soda
1/3 cup (67g) granulated sugar
2 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons (28g) unsalted butter

Ice cream:
1 ½ cups (360ml) heavy whipping cream
1 ½ cups (360ml) whole milk
pinch of salt
½ cup (100g) granulated sugar
6 large egg yolks
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Toffee: butter small rimmed baking sheet. Combine nuts and baking soda in a small bowl. Stir sugar, water and butter in a heavy small saucepan over medium heat until sugar dissolves and butter melts, about 2 minutes. Increase heat to medium-high. Boil until dark amber colored, stirring constantly, about 3 minutes. Mix in nut mixture and immediately pour it onto buttered sheet, spreading it as much as possible. Cool completely, then chop with a sharp knife into small pieces.
Ice cream: bring cream, milk and salt to a simmer in a heavy large saucepan. Whisk sugar and egg yolks in a medium bowl. Gradually whisk hot cream mixture into yolk mixture. Return mixture to same saucepan. Stir over medium-low heat until custard thickens and leaves path on back of spoon when finger is drawn across – do not boil. Pass through a sieve into a medium bowl, stir in vanilla and refrigerate until very cold, 3-4 hours.
Process custard into ice cream maker according to manufactures’ instructions. Add toffee during last 5 minutes of churning. Transfer to an ice cream container, cover and freeze until firm.

Serves 8-10


  1. Great post !! I love your ice cream !
    I have a favour to ask you : could you tell me if the ingredients in the book "Desserts from the Famous Loveless Cafe" are listed in cups or also in grams ?? thank youuuu ! (I'm allergic to cups - I wish all US cookbook authors could understand that metric is so handy)

  2. Patricia, this ice cream looks wonderful! Also tahnk you for your list of books, a source of great inspiration to many of us :-)

  3. First, I love your polka dot ice cream cups. Second, the ice cream sounds to-die-for! Have a great weekend!

  4. May I confess that I work as a pastry chef in an ice cream and candy shop and that, although you'd think I'd be tired of ice cream by now, I can't wait to try this recipe! I loooooove macadamia nuts-- I think their sweet nuttiness would be so delicious in a frozen treat!

  5. Wow, love the flavors in this ice cream. Beautiful pics and thos cups are so cute!

  6. I love your blog Patricia. The recipes and photos look beautiful. The ice cream sounds really nice, I love macadamias too. You might like the recipes in the book "Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams". I have found this book and the ice creams are amazing and very easy to make once you master the method. They are too good in one way, that I can't stop making them wanting to try all the different flavours! :)

  7. How can you not have "baking: from my home to yours" in your list?!?! I don't have any of those books and some look REALLY interesting!

  8. This makes me really wonder why I don't yet own The Perfect Scoop (I love his website and ice creams from there)! How I love macadamia nuts and praline--this will end up in my ice cream maker at some point this summer.

  9. Argone, the ingredients are listed in cups. You're welcome!

    Cozy Herbivore, I'm glad you like it! I personally think the peanuts would be fabulous here, too.

    Cookin'Oz, thank you for your kind words! I have that book on my wish list, it's great to know you like it - tks!

    Mireia, I like that book a lot but the "Tuesdays with Dorie" kind of put me off using it. :(


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