Monday, January 11, 2016

Simple cornmeal cake, or "bolo de fubá"

Cornmeal cake / Bolo de fubá do Panelinha

The first cake I ever made was a cornmeal one, made with corn flour (not corn starch - the same corn flour used in these tartlets), which is a very common ingredient here in Brazil. “Bolo de fubá” is one of the most beloved cakes we have here, a favorite of many and it goes particularly well with coffee – I was always a tea kind of girl, coffee is something I have learned to enjoy in the past few months.

I guess I was feeling a big nostalgic last week, for I felt a sudden urge to bake a bolo de fubá – so here it is. It is a very simple cake, prepared with the help of a blender, also something very common here in Brazil. It is also best served on the day it is made, and it tastes delicious still warm from the oven - I should know, because I ate several slices in a row – shame on me. :)

Simple cornmeal cake ("bolo de fubá")
slightly adapted from here

soft unsalted butter, to prep the pan
1 cup (140g) all purpose flour
1 ½ cups (210g) corn flour (fine cornmeal - fubá) – not corn starch, the same corn flour used in these tartlets
pinch of salt
4 large eggs
1 cup (240ml) canola oil
1 cup (200g) granulated sugar
1 cup (240ml) plain yogurt
1 tablespoon baking powder

Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F. Butter and flour a 25cm, 10-cup capacity (10in) Bundt or ring pan.

In a large bowl, sift together the all purpose flour, corn flour and salt. Set aside.
Place the eggs, oil, sugar and yogurt in a blender and mix until smooth, about 5 minutes. Pour over the dry ingredients in the bowl and whisk gently until smooth. Whisk in the baking powder.
Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until golden and risen and a skewer inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Cool in the pan over a wire rack for 15 minutes, then carefully unmold onto the rack and cool completely (this cake tastes absolutely delicious warm).

This cake is best served on the same day it is made – I found it a bit on the dry side on the following day.

Serves 10-12


  1. Uschi kienbacherJanuary 11, 2016

    Hi. Have a lovely Brazilian daughterinlaw and would like to make this cake for her. Can I use polenta for this? This is what is available here in Italy. Thx for help. Regards. Uschi

  2. Hi Uschi - I believe that with polenta the texture of the cake would be very gritty. Maybe if you process the polenta in the food processor to make it finer?
    Hope that helps!

  3. Oi Patrícia
    Vi uma receita muito parecida do Feito Com Amor ( ) que leva uma xícara de farinha, uma de fubá, somente meia xícara de óleo (eu uso metade óleo girassol e metade de azeite português extra virgem), uma e meia de açúcar (300g) e uma xícara de leite QUENTE. O leite dá mais umidade ao bolo do que o iogurte e o fato de adicionar ele quente no final de tudo faz o bolo crescer mais rápido e assar em 25 minutos em forno pré-aquecido a 180 C (350F). Este bolo fica muito fofinho e úmido. Eu pessoalmente gosto de adicionar uma boa colher de sopa de suco de limão para espessar/talhar o leite.


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