Friday, September 26, 2008

Olive gnocchi with parsley garlic sauce

Olive gnocchi with parsley garlic sauce

Thank you all for being so supportive about my disastrous bread. I learned that KJ and Jenjen, two of my favorite bloggers, did not have any luck with this recipe either. And Syrie, tks for the suggestion of leaving Jamie a message – it had crossed my mind, but I thought I was being too childish... :)

With all the info I have received from you and from the people who read my blog in Portuguese, I ended up thinking that Jamie’s cooking recipes are great, but his baking recipes might not be all that. I say that because the complaints are about cakes and bread and not about pasta and salads.
Anyway, my new book has arrived and I am sure I’ll be baking some amazing bread this weekend. :)

I’ll offer you something savory today: a recipe adapted from here. I omitted the mushrooms just because I wasn’t in the mood for a grocery store trip. But even with this very simple sauce it was a good pasta dish – Joao had his gnocchi with tomato sauce and loved it.

I did have to use more flour than the amount called for in the recipe, but I believe it was the potatoes’ fault. Make sure you use potatoes that are suitable for gnocchi.

Olive gnocchi with parsley garlic sauce

Olive gnocchi with parsley garlic sauce
from Australian Gourmet Traveller

800g (about 3) large desiree potatoes
3 egg yolks
80g (½ cup) black olives, pitted and finely chopped
110g plain flour*

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
50g butter
3 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced**
1/3 cup (loosely packed) flat-leaf parsley, coarsely chopped
grated parmesan, to serve – I took the photo before adding the cheese, duh!

For gnocchi, bring potatoes to boil in a large saucepan, cook until tender (25-30 minutes). Drain, peel and pass through a potato ricer into a bowl while still hot. Beat in egg yolks and salt, add olives and flour and gently work mixture together. Turn onto a floured work surface and, using your hands, roll into 2cm-thick logs. Cut logs widthways into 1½cm pieces, pinch in the sides of each piece slightly and set aside.
Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil, add gnocchi and simmer over medium heat until they float to the surface (2-3 minutes). Transfer to a tray to keep warm.
Heat olive oil and butter in a large frying pan, when butter starts to foam, add garlic and cook, stirring occasionally, until soft (2-3 minutes). Add gnocchi, gently toss until coated, scatter with parsley, sprinkle with parmesan and serve immediately.

* I ended up using more flour because the dough was extremely soft
** I used garlic infused olive oil instead

Serves 6


  1. hhmm... the gnocchi looks good.

  2. I'm in love with the "plumpness" of these gnocchi Patricia! they look delicious. As for Jamie's recipes I hink his recipe testers are more to blame...I had a similar experience with some biscuits of his I made recently.

  3. These gnocchi look so good and tasty ! Aren't you few days in advance ? ;-) Just kidding !
    And forget about this stupid bread !

  4. i love gnocchi, but never thought of making it myself. will try it out, and hopefully it will turn out as good as yours!

  5. (Ahrrr! My connection failed when I submitted!!!)
    I love it when you bust one out for the olive oil and herb contingent :) I've yet to try making gnocchi, and you're already so well-versed in them! I can't think of the reason why I'm so afraid, when yours look so beautiful and delicious!

  6. I adore olives so this sounds amazing...thank you for the lovely idea!

  7. They looks lovely, I like to visit your blog - it's so bright and uplifting :)

  8. One thing I've learned is that all cookbooks are not perfect -- some publishers (and authors) test recipes very well, and others don't seem to test at all. So when a recipe doesn't work, I assume the fault is with the cookbook, not with me!

  9. Hi Patricia,
    This dish looks delicious - I prefer clean flavours such as these, esp as the days get warmer.
    Your new bread book looks good - it will definitely be better than Jamie's baking recipes (I agree with you).

  10. This looks absolutely yummy.

    And I agree with nora, clean flavours win out...

  11. I've only had gnocchi once and that was at a restaurant. Yours look so good, I'll have to try making some myself. :)

  12. i shall try to make more gnocchi as my first try was on HHDH's event. these look really good!

  13. I ve always wished to try making gnocchi. So far never tried them . Maybe its time to give them a go. These look so yummy. I like the addition of olives too.

  14. The gnocchi turned out perfect! I was just thinking the other day it's been a while since I made some! Now I have the perfect opportunity!

  15. You will LOVE your new book, it's a great one!

    And that gnocchi looks wonderful.

  16. Your gnocchi looks fresh and flavorful, and the olives can't help but make it special. I'd like to try it.

    I do love Jamie. Too bad about the bread.

  17. Black olive. That sounds great. And I do need to use up my parsley before I lose it this weekend when the weather turns cold.

  18. Mindy, thank you!

    Pete, really? I love his recipes, but I'll stick to the cooking ones rather than the baking ones.

    Vanille, I have a hard time letting go, you know. Scorpio. :)

    Skinnymum, tks for visiting! I hope you do try it out and I would love to hear your opinion about it!

    Mark, I'm a sucker for anything herb, so can you imagine how glad I was when I saw this recipe? :)
    Thank you for your words, my dear friend.

    Cathy, thank you, darling!

    Kelly-Jane, you've made my day.

    Lydia, that's why I trust my fellow bloggers so much.

    Nora, I'm glad you like the pasta, sweetie. As for the new book, I loved the first recipe. :)

    Jasmine, and with the herbs I grow myself... Nothing beats that! :)

    Maya, tks, dear!

    LyB, really, darling? Time to have it again! :)

    Arfi, thank you so much!

    Snooky Doodle, it's not that hard, you know. Just use good potatoes. :)

    Helen, thank you, honey! I made one of your recipes on the weekend... Will post it this week.

    Bri, you are soooo right - I have made something from it and it was amazing!

    Lisa, I love Jamie, too. I'll keep on loving him, even after the bread. :)

    Pea, I'm a sucker for olives, so this recipe was a nice surprise.

  19. I really am going to make my own gnocchi one day. This sounds delicious! And enjoy your new cookbook - it's a good one!!

  20. Olive gnocchi--who would've thought? How interesting.

  21. I made Jamie Oliver's gnocchi - they were totally disastrous!
    I like what he is doing with getting unemployed youth into cooking etc. but - like Nigella - his recipes aren't good.


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