Monday, September 29, 2008

Orange blossom water semifreddo with almonds, honey and strawberries

Orange blossom water semifreddo with almonds, honey and strawberries

I was a tad emotional this weekend. I cried when I heard that Paul Newman had passed away, then I cried again watching “Juno”. I did laugh out loud in some parts, too, that’s true. Isn’t Michael Cera just the most adorable thing ever?

Cooking and baking made me feel so much better. And so did this semifreddo. Especially because I kept thinking of Joao mimicking Bill while we were watching his show the other day. :)

Orange blossom water semifreddo with almonds, honey and strawberries

Orange blossom water semifreddo with almonds, honey and strawberries
adapted from here

6 egg yolks
3 tablespoons honey
250ml cream, whipped
2 teaspoons orange blossom water
about 150g strawberries, hulled and cut in half
extra honey, to serve
flaked almonds, to serve (to taste) – you might want to toast them before using

Beat the egg yolks and 3 tablespoons honey together with electric beaters for 10 minutes, or until thick, pale, creamy and doubled in volume. Fold in the whipped cream and orange blossom water until just combined.
Line the base and the sides of a 1 liter (35 fl oz/4 cup) loaf pan with a piece of plastic wrap, leaving the wrap hanging over the sides of the pan. Spoon the mixture into the pan, fold the plastic over the top to cover the semifreddo and freeze for 3-4 hours, or until completely frozen.
Before serving, leave to soften in the fridge for 20 minutes – I did not have any trouble slicing my semifreddo right out of the freezer.
Turn out of the pan, remove the plastic wrap, cut into slices and place onto serving plates. Place the strawberries on the side, sprinkle wit the almonds and drizzle with the extra honey. Serve immediately.

Serves 6-8

Orange blossom water semifreddo with almonds, honey and strawberries


  1. Patricia, I felt sad when I heard of Paul Newman's passing too, but then, I thought of the long, wonderful life he led, and now, I'm sorta fine with that :).

    I will have to come up with an excuse to make your orange blossom water semifreddo soon.
    I've had a coffee semifreddo before, and that was pretty wonderful, so I'll be adding your sinfully icy dessert to my collection.

  2. I've actually never had a semifreddo before. It looks so delicious!

  3. I am so all over any recipes with orange blossom water! I have a huge bottle and I'm always trying to find new ways to use it up and this sounds magnificent!

  4. yummy this looks so creamy and refreshing :-) the photos are great.

  5. this looks delicious! I will have to try it out soon!

  6. This would make me feel lots better, too!! It looks delicious.

  7. Oh, you poor thing, I'm emotional all the time too! This looks like a wonderful way to cheer yourself up, though!

  8. I'm a crier as well. :)
    Semifredo is such a fabulous dessert, I love the flavor combo you have going on here.

  9. i cried during Juno as well. It's sad about Paul Newman. He did so much for charity. I am sure his legacy will live on.

    I love Bill! :-) This dessert looks lovely and perfect for the warm weather we are getting here.

  10. I swear I can smell the orange blossom water from here...yum.

  11. This looks so light and delicious! Great combination of flavors.

  12. Oh, confession: I know who Paul Newman is, but I haven't seen any of his work. Which I think would be true for many Filipinos of my age... How nice, though, that Joao is around to pull you out of your emotional weekend :) I will have 4 slices of the semifreddo please! :)

  13. What a creamy and delicious looking dessert!

  14. It was very sad about Paul Newman, he was the way that we would want our movie stars to be. And I hear you on Michael Cera, I want a Michael Cera doll (with the yellow shorts or AD outfit, they should probably have a Maebe doll too joined with velcro).

    I digress, what a spectacular looking dessert, I love strawberries paired with anything creamy and sweet and this looks right up my alley!

  15. First of all, Michael Cera is *adorable*!! I am an Arrested Development addict; he is fab. And I am a semifreddo addict as well. I make one with white chocolate and toasted almonds, and I'm pretty sure it's the reason my current husband proposed :).

  16. It was such sad news... We use to see all his movies in France growing up. I love the fact that no matter what he was such a down-to-earth guy who cared deeply about society.
    Beautiful and elegant dessert. Just stunning!

  17. I know what you mean. I saw the news of Paul Newman's death while I was checking my emails and I got such a lump in my throat, I forgot all about my emails. Funny how we can be so touched by people we've never even met. Kind of like blogging buddies. :) This is a beautiful dish, Patricia. I can see how it would cheer you up.

  18. That semifreddo looks divine! I loved Juno!!! Laughed and cried as well :)

  19. Marysol, I think you are right. He really made a difference, and for something good.
    That coffee semifreddo sounds amazing, too, darling!

    RecipeGirl, it was my first time making it and I'd tasted it only once, at a restaurant.

    Dayna, there are some madeleines I made a while ago using orange blossom water and ground pistachios and they were amazing!

    Snooky Doodle, thank you very much! ;)

    Emily Rose, it's very quick to put together!

    Deb, thank you, sweetie!

    Pam, I'm glad to know I'm in such great company. :D

    Pea, that makes me feel better, too. :)

    Nora, he did care about others, which is so rare nowadays...
    I love Bill, too. This is the third recipe by him I try, if I'm not mistaken, and they were all wonderful. And you should see Joao mimicking him - too funny. :)

    Cathy, I believe you, darling. ;)

    Elle, thank you!

    Mark, you should see at least "The Color of the Money", because Uncle Marty + Paul Newman = amazing combination, with an Oscar on the side. ;)
    Have as many slices as you want, my friend.

    Melody, thank you!

    Lorraine, Mr. Newman can be called an "icon" - he did so many for others, and that is not something we often see, especially among the so-called stars.
    And I want those dolls, too. :)

    Proof of the Pudding, he is! I love AD, too - I was so sad when it got canceled. The Bluths are just the best. :)
    That semifreddo sounds amazing - I'm a sucker for anything white chocolate and almonds are my favorite nuts!
    The hubby is a smart guy, I'll say. ;)

    Alexa, he was a family man and a generous human being.
    Thank you, darling!

    LyB, I think you've said it all, dear - we care about people we don't know in person because we know they are fantastic!

    Joey, thank you, sweetie!

  20. This looks so creamy and refreshing! It would make anybody feel better!

  21. This is something I have never thought to make myself but don't you make it look beautiful?!

  22. Patricia, this looks lovely, orange blossom water ... i can just imagine these flavours !

  23. How pretty and refreshing does this look?
    I hope it helped to sooth your blues--I was sad about Paul Neman, too.

  24. hmmm i have never heard of or had a semifreddo before, but looking at the ingredient list i bet i'd love it :) it looks so beautiful w/those strawberries and drizzled honey

  25. It looks glorious! I haven't made semifreddo in ages!
    And yes, Juno is a wonderful movie.

  26. Looks great and nice..yummy. Will try this great recipe. Thanks

  27. that looks like something I'd love to make!:)


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