Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sugared apple galette

Sugared apple galette

A long time ago I posted a list of my top 5 favorite songs. I had a hard time choosing them – one huge problem was picking only one song by The Smiths. Other songs I deeply love were left out of the list but that’s OK – I knew I would regret it minutes after writing it. :D

There’s one song, though, that could not be included on that list – it’s so beautiful, perfect and magical that it belongs in the Music Olympus and should never be mixed with nor compared to with other songs. “Bohemian Rhapsody” is simply the best song ever created. Period.

The same happens with my favorite recipe websites – they are wonderful and I adore them all, but Australian Gourmet Traveller is my #1. It’s where I got this recipe from.

Sugared apple galette

Sugared apple galette
slightly adapted from Australian Gourmet Traveller

Brioche base:
2 ¼ teaspoons (1 envelope/7g) dried yeast
30g caster sugar
80ml (1/3 cup) lukewarm milk
330g plain flour
finely grated zest of 2 limes
1 egg and 1 egg yolk, lightly beaten together, at room temperature
2 tablespoons brandy
120g unsalted butter, softened

Sugar apple top:
80g Greek-style thick yogurt
60g unsalted butter, stored in the freezer for ½ hour
80g caster sugar
finely grated zest of 1 lime
2 Granny Smith apples, cored and deseeded, very thinly sliced

For dusting:
pure icing sugar

For brioche base, combine yeast, a pinch of the caster sugar and warm milk in a bowl, stir to dissolve yeast, then set aside in a warm place until foamy (2-3 minutes). Meanwhile, combine flour, lime zest and remaining sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a dough hook and mix to combine. With mixer on low speed, add yeast mixture, egg mixture and brandy and mix to combine. Add butter a little at a time and beat until smooth and glossy (4-5 minutes).

Transfer to a buttered bowl, turn to coat and cover with plastic wrap. Stand in a warm place until double in size (1½-2 hours).
Preheat oven to 200ºC/400ºF.

Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface and roll out to a 30cm-diameter circle. Line a buttered 27cm-diameter fluted tart pan* with the dough, rolling edges in and pleating as you go, and prick within border with a fork.
For sugar apple top, spread yogurt over brioche dough within border. Coarsely grate butter and scatter two thirds over yogurt. Combine sugar and lime zest in a small bowl, scatter two thirds of the sugar mixture over butter. Layer apple over sugar mixture, overlapping slices, then scatter with remaining butter and sugar mixture.
Bake until golden and cooked through (15-20 minutes), dust edges with icing sugar and serve immediately.

* I used a 24cm pan

Serves 6

Sugared apple galette


  1. ohh, that looks absolutely gorgeous! I'm hungry now :)

  2. Your galette looks really good! Wish I could have some :)

  3. That's beautiful! I love how delicate the apple slices look.

  4. The base looks so fluffy.

  5. oh this looks so good !!! I agree with you Bohemian Rhapsody is one of the best songs ever.

  6. The recipe name alone had my mouth watering. Sugared apple galette?! What's not to love? This galette looks fantastic: it's elegant and chic and totally crave-worthy.

  7. I should not be looking at this so close to lunch, Patricia! I'm totally hungry now. And this reminds me--Marion makes a rustic galette with thinner crust that kind of folds over part of the top. I need to see if she'll make that again soon!

  8. How beautiful! I love apples and I am always on the look out for a new way to eat them. Yum!

  9. Oh, so lovely! This is very different from the apple galette that I usually make, but I think it would be a fantastic change of pace.

  10. That's beautiful. It looks so springy and light.

  11. Gorgeous, love the sliced apples on the top.

  12. Patricia:
    You first lead me to Donna Hay and now this website :)
    Brad loves apples, and he would really like this.

  13. it's gorgeous, patricia! i like a solid, sturdy base for my apple desserts, and this definitely has it!

  14. I love, love, love that picture of the green apples. Well, they all look pretty great. :)

  15. Sometimes the universe just aligns itself in such a way that the right recipe comes to you at the right time. I've been wandering the streets the last few days, muttering to myself, Do I make an apple tart or a brioche? Apple tart or brioche?!?!? The universe replied, in the form of this post.

  16. So elegant - I love how thin you sliced the apples. Making my mouth water!

  17. Fantastico questo dolce alle mele!

  18. This recipe looks fantastic, but that's not why I had to weigh in--I wanted to let you know that I agree with every fiber of my being:

    Queen Rocks!

    And Bohemian Rhapsody is certainly a perfect thing in itself, if not the greatest song in the world, which I could argue for. Queen rose in popularity while I was ending high school and transitioning to college. Since my ancestors were from Bohemia, I claimed this song as my own!

    Long live Queen!


  19. That looks so good! I never thing of a galette as a cake...more of a lazy pie! So this is quite a lovely twist.

  20. Veronica, thank you!
    I'm glad you stopped by.

    May, thank you! And I wish I could share it with you.

    Anna, thank you! I tried to slice them really thinly.

    Cynthia, it was! Thank you!

    Natalie, Freddie was a genius. :D

    Elyse, and the base is buttery and very tender, I think you'd like it.

    Terry, I know that kind of galette and it's wonderful, but this one got my attention because of its brioche base.

    Kelly, I love apples, too, especially the Granny Smith kind!

    Hannah, thank you, sweetie!

    Pam, the yogurt adds a nice tang.

    Heavenly Housewife, thank you very much!

    Nic, thank you, darling!

    Maya, I love the Aussie sites and mags!
    I hope you bake a galette for Brad! :d

    Grace, thank you! This base is bery buttery and tender, but is firm like a brioche.

    Lindsey, darling, thank you! xxx

    Sara, I'm so glad you stopped by to tell me that! I do believe that the power in our thoughts can move mountains... :D

    Abby, I tried to slice them as thinly as possible!

    Nanny, grazie!

    Jane, what a joy it was for me to read your comment! I'm so glad you stopped by to share your thoughts, tks a bunch!

    Kickpleat, this is a new twist on the galette, and since I'm a bread lover it was perfect!

  21. Yummm this looked beautiful in the first place but then I see it has a brioche base?? Delicious!

  22. Absolutely gorgeous.. I am running to your feed button. Just found this blog.. dont want to lose it:)

  23. My mil makes something similar whenever we visit home. I love hers and I know I'd love yours too.

  24. just beautiful! though i think i would like more apples on mine ;)

  25. I saw this on tastespotting and thought wow that's a galette, it looks utterly delicious, then i realised you made it with a brioche base, now while my initial reaction remains true, i must add, utterly sinful ;)

  26. Wow. Love at first sight. I want a slice or two so badly!

  27. Patricia,
    May I ask, between this and the lastest apple yeast tart,
    Which tasted better in your personal opinion??
    Both are yeasted base, but this is topped with yogurt + butter and that one was with cream.
    I almost wanted to do that today, right until I saw this ;)

  28. Hey, girls! Thank you all for your comments!

    Wendy, I like Stephanie Alexander's tart better - the base is a lot softer and more tender and the apples bake so beautifully in that tart. :)


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