Monday, May 18, 2009

Triple choc brownies

Triple choc brownies

Several months ago I told you how much I wanted to see “The Reader” – back then, there wasn’t even a release date for the movie in Brazil. Time went by, the movie premiered here, Kate got all the awards and I had not watched it. It’s now been released in DVD, I’ve finally seen it and knew that the beautiful poster was just the tip of the iceberg – the movie is sublime and so is Kate. I should not have waited so long to see it.

I bought Donna Hay’s Flavours almost three years ago and have had an eye on her triple choc brownies ever since. Now I’ve finally made them and it was pretty much what I felt about the movie: I should not have waited so long.

Triple choc brownies

Triple choc brownies
from Flavours

¾ cup + 1 tablespoon (185g) unsalted butter
185g dark chocolate, chopped
3 eggs
1 ¼ cups (250g) sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2/3 cup (94g) all purpose flour
½ cup (45g) cocoa powder
pinch of salt
¾ cup (116g) roughly chopped white chocolate
¾ cup (116g) roughly chopped milk chocolate

Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF; line a square 20cm (8in) baking pan with foil, extending foil over the edges of pan. Butter foil; set aside.

Place the butter and dark chocolate in a saucepan over low heat and stir until just smooth. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
Place the eggs, sugar and vanilla in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat until light and creamy. Fold through the chocolate and butter mixture.
Sift the flour, cocoa and salt over the mixture and mix to combine. Add the white and milk chocolate chunks, mix well then pour into the prepared pan. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until just set.
Allow to cool, unmold using the foil “handles” and cut into squares.

Makes 16

Triple choc brownies


  1. Stop it! You're killing me here! :) My mom's coming to visit next week and we're SO excited to bake a bunch of your recipes together! Here's another one to add to the list!

  2. oh this is surely nice treat. Anything with triple chocolate is surely irresisitible. I haven t seen the reader yet I m eager to watch it now.

  3. that is just too tempting to look at! I'm at work now, and am resisting the urge to just go and pick up a brownie. I don't think I've had one in a while... :)I always love your photos, Patricia!

  4. Oh my! I suddenly want brownies, like really bad!

    Death by chocolate :)

  5. Loved "The Reader" as well.... And your brownies would have been a most welcome addition to the party I threw for Mary!

  6. Look at the size of those chunks! Those look heavenly!!
    I have to confess I'm not too great with watching movies-- too lazy/impatient to sit for the 2 hours required for movies that I DO really want to see! :P

  7. Wow - those look amazing!

  8. Well, your post has taught me two things: (1) I need to see the Reader, and (2) I need to get my hands on these brownies. They look delicious! How could one ever go wrong with Triple Choc??!

  9. Hi Patricia, they look absolutely delectable!!! Gorgeous contrast in colours!

  10. Oh my god, your clicks are making me drool over here.. Your brownies look just perfect! Yum Yum.. Wish i was your neighbor:)

  11. Wow these brownies look truly stunning!

  12. I must bring your brownies to see the movie! It is divine!!!

  13. I guess it's time to pull that cookbook off the shelf again! I read "The Reader" and loved it, I can't wait to see the movie.

  14. I LOVE mixing chocolate this way. They look divine. (And I have The Reader in my Netflix queue. Can't wait!)

  15. Darlin you're killin me with this chocolate brownies. yummm !! especially with the white chocolate chunks in between :p

  16. Great to have on hand so that one is prepared for any emergencies :)

  17. Heather, I mean you no harm!! :D:D:D
    I hope you and her have a lot of fun together, sweetie!

    Natalie, I think you'll like the brownies and the movie. :)

    Pia, bring some brownies to your boss. ;)
    Thank you!

    Tessa, I believe you are right, death indeed. ;)
    Thank you!

    Toni, I hope you try them some other time, tks for stopping by!

    Mark, I love sitting around for movies, no matter for how long! :D
    I'm glad you like the brownies, dear, tks!

    Deb, thank you!

    Elyse, triple choc can never be wrong. ;)
    Thank you, darling!

    The Little Teochew, thank you for visiting! I'm glad you like these!

    Miss Kate, I hope you like them both! :)

    Ramya Kiran, tks for stopping by! I would love to have such a kind neighbor. :)

    Ashley, thank you!

    Gattina, tks, darling!

    Pam, you and I know the delicious recipes Donna has published, right? ;)

    Abby, let me know what you think of the movie?

    Kate, I'm a sucker for white choc, too!
    Tks, dearie!

    Maya, and great for those bad moments when only chocolate can make us feel better. ;)

  18. Wow, quadruple chocolate, if you count the cocoa powder! I'm licking my lips already.

  19. Those brownies are so square! That's my kinda brownie!

  20. This looks good. I'll try the recipe. Obrigada.

  21. Those brownies look great! What perfectly cut slices!

  22. Believe it or not, I've never made triple chocolate brownies... but I have to admit that your photo makes me want to eat some ! By the way, I love Kate too and I can't wait for the movie to be released in France where I live !

  23. Stumbled upon this looking for my 'lost' recipe as I promised a batch tonight for a workmate's birthday - this is the one I use and I can vouch that they are heaven (if extremely calorific. If you haven't tried these yet, you're missing out. Thank you for averting a disaster!

  24. Dear Mama G, thank you for your feedback! I'm so glad you liked the recipe - tks for letting me know!


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