Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Creme brulée ice cream

Creme brulée ice cream / Sorvete de creme brulée

Soup one day, ice cream on the other... No, my blog is not going through a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde phase, I swear! :)
Even though it’s freezing cold here in Sao Paulo today (9ºC!!) I had to share this recipe with you – the ice cream is so good I would not be able to wait for a hot day to post it.

Creme brulée ice cream / Sorvete de creme brulée

Creme brulée ice cream
from Donna Hay magazine

1 cup (240ml) whole milk
2 cups (480ml) heavy cream
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 egg yolks
2/3 cup + 1 tablespoon (145g) caster sugar

1 cup (200g) caster sugar

To make the custard, place the milk, cream and vanilla in a saucepan over medium heat until it just comes to a boil. Place the yolks and sugar in a bowl and whisk until well combined. Gradually add the milk mixture, whisking to combine. Return to the saucepan and stir over low heat for 8-10 minutes or until custard is thickened and coats the back of a spoon. Strain custard through a fine-mesh sieve into a metal bowl, set aside to cool then refrigerate for at least 4 hours.

To make the toffee, place half the sugar in a small saucepan over low heat until it starts to caramelize; stir and add the remaining sugar, to keep the caramel from burning. When it’s completely melted and golden, pour over a piece of foil and set aside to cool. When it’s completely set, use a rolling pin to break the toffee into small bits. Set aside.
Pour the custard into an ice cream maker and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Scoop the ice cream into a container and stir in the toffee bits. Put in freezer until firm, at least 4 hours.

Serves 4

Creme brulée ice cream / Sorvete de creme brulée


  1. What an ingenious way of capturing the taste of creme brulee! Thanks for sharing it with us! :)

  2. That looks AMAZING! The weather is insanely hot here in Singapore and I wish I was digging in to some of that lovely ice-cream!

  3. You know I love pretty much any flavour of ice cream, regardless of the temperature outside, looks great!

  4. This looks amazingly good!

  5. I love how the crunchy top of the creme brulee is incorporated into the ice cream! Looks wonderful.

  6. Sounds extremely delicious!!! I love brulée anything!!!

  7. I love your blog & recipes (have I already told you perhaps?) :)

    gotta try this ice cream as soon as possible...

    and look at your photos... amazing :)
    everything's amazing :)


  8. You've managed to combine two of my favorite foods in the world - creme brulee and ice cream. Absolutely fabulous!

  9. Yummmm creme brulee ice cream sounds like the perfect ice cream for me! Looks delicious.

  10. As if Creme Brulee could get any better, but you did it. I want this ice cream and pronto!

  11. I've never heard of creme brulee ice cream, but I adore creme brulee! And once the clouds lift here (June gloom), I'll be dreaming of this!

  12. Wow, what a great ice cream flavor!! I must give this on a try... now to break out the icecream maker!

  13. Couldn't help but be lured on to your "creme brulee ice cream" post. Could there be anything else better than those 4 words? I think not. I am now a fan of your site. :)

  14. This "Creme brulle ice cream" is fabulous specially if my guests are watching me cook. It make a luxurious but, at the same time refreshing!
    Thanks for sharing your recipe:)

    And you can visit me if I can visit you:)


  15. That is gorgeous! I love that the brulee is actually in the ice cream.

  16. AnonymousJune 04, 2009

    oh that looks divine. i think ice cream is one of my favorite things about summer. i really need to get an ice cream maker.

  17. Your blog is super. So are your photographies. They make me hungry. I have spent a nice moment when seeing them. Thanks a lot.

  18. OH I love the sound of that ice cream!

  19. I think ice cream is appropriate regardless of the temperature outside. This looks delicious.


  20. Creme brulee ice cream makes me giddy with delight! And what a beautiful picture.

  21. Mark, it's Donna's fabulous idea. Tks, dear!

    The Little Teochew, thank you!

    Bri, I do know it and you are responsible for me getting my ice cream maker. ;)

    Lucy, thank you!

    Mia, thank you for stopping by!

    Pille, the word "toffee" alone makes me drool. :)

    Serena, thank you for visiting! I hadn't told me but I'm glad you did. :)

    Susan, darling, kudos to Donna Hay for such an amazing recipe!

    Ashley, thank you, sweetie!

    Katie, I wish I could share it with you, dear!

    Toni, I had some in Rome but it wasn't the same - I hate to say that, but mine tastes better. :D

    Ash, you must!! :D
    Thank you!

    Trisha, I'm very glad to know you like the blog, thank you!

    Foodcrate, tks!

    Anna, I love caramel in just about anything. :)
    Thank you!

    Slice of Sueshe, I'm addicted to my ice cream maker. :)
    Thank you!

    Eléonora, thank you for visiting and for your kind words!

    Breadchick, thank you!

    Jasmine, darling, my mom used to say the same. :)

    Susan, thank you so much, my dear!

  22. I love creme brulee, I love ice cream - this is a match made in heaven!

  23. Oh my, creme brulee in ice cream form. My thighs are growing just thinking about it. Mmmm.

  24. My boyfriend LOVES creme brulee. I bet he'd love this!

  25. Oh how I adore this ice cream - wonderful!!!

  26. Two of my favorites in one!!! Genius!

  27. mmmm .... love it ^^:-)! creme brulee & icecream = heaven :P XOXO

  28. How cleaver! I would like a scoop right now!! :)

  29. Great idea! I'm drooling just thinking about creme brulee flavoured ice cream.

  30. Summer is upon us in the US, this ice cream will make an appearance sometime soon. At restaurants my husband and I always order creme brulee to share. This will be the perfect ice cream for him on Father's Day.

  31. OMG!!! Did it read it right - creme brulee ice cream!! This is a must try for me soon! Thanks for sharing!

  32. Wow, this sounds amazing. I'm with you. It's winter here and not really ice-cream weather. But when it looks this good, why not.

  33. Whaou it looks amazing and so so so gooooood !yummy

  34. Oh, my. This looks like ice cream heaven.

  35. this could be the top ice cream flavor ever! very tantalizing...

  36. I think I'd prefer this icecream any day to a traditional Creme Brulee!!! so innovative, and I love the second pic! its gorgeous:)

  37. I'm sure this ice-cream is so good !! You could try to put "nougatine" in it, not just toffee...

  38. This ice cream is absolutely delicious- it tastes like cold stone but 100x better! Thanks!

  39. Hi, Frankie!
    I'm so glad you liked the ice cream - thank you for letting me know!

  40. WOW! after school today i was like.. hmm what will i eat.. lol so i made some toffee then i mashed some ice cream until it was runny and mixed it through.. put it back in the freezer.. took it out dug in and WOW!! i was like wtf creme brulee?? and you actually have a recipe!!! awesome.. tastes exactly like the real thing!!! [slightly more cold XD]

  41. Hi, Anonymous!
    This ice cream is really good - what a nice snack you had after class! :)

  42. Patricia, one more and not the last one time thank you for this incredibly tasty ice cream!!! Super tasty!!

  43. Delicious ice scream. Easy to make.


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