Friday, June 5, 2009

Lavender brigadeiro

Lavender brigadeiro

Something’s happened to me and I might be scarred for life... I can’t make brigadeiros! :(

The last couple of times I made the recipe it never firmed up enough to be rolled into balls. And this time was no different – I had this mad idea of replacing chocolate for lavender buds and it actually tasted good, but the minute I placed the candy balls into the paper cups they started to spread... Not pretty. :(

I tried saving the recipe by placing the brigadeiro dough into tiny cups, like I did for my sister’s birthday party – except that I meant to do so that day.

But I still have hope – after watching these four adorable kids making the traditional brigadeiros I’m ready to try again. :)

Lavender brigadeiro

Lavender brigadeiro
own creation

1 can (395g) sweetened condensed milk
2 teaspoons edible dried lavender buds
1 tablespoon unsalted butter + a bit extra for buttering the plate

Butter a large plate and set aside.
Place the lavender buds in a mortar and crush using a pestle.
Mix the condensed milk, ground lavender and 1 tablespoon butter in a saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly – when the bottom of the pan starts to show and the mixture is a bit thicker, remove from heat and immediately pour into the prepared plate. Set aside to cool completely.
To serve, place 2.5cm (1 inch) portions into individual small cups or tiny bowls, or roll into balls (lightly butter your palms to do it), roll through granulated sugar and place into fluted paper cups.

Serves 10

Lavender brigadeiro


  1. Hmm, maybe it's the brand you're using? Not cooking it long enough? If it still frustrates you, you might consider stirring in some full-fat powdered milk to thicken it without affecting the taste too much.

    It does show promise, though. And you know how much I adore condensed milk! :)

  2. Patricia, when I see the lavender, I think of these fields in the south, I saw last year. Imagine the aroma that emanates and sent the sun, holidays. So your recipe is a lovely sun of happiness. Good weekend

  3. yum! very interesting and lovely recipe!

  4. I would want to eat these whether they spread out or stayed firm. They're gorgeous!!!

  5. That first picture is really lovely.

  6. I ve never heard of these but they look interesting. I d like to try it.

  7. How strange! Someone JUST sent me a link to that video less than 5 minutes ago in an e-mail!!

  8. Oh wow yum!! Love condensed milk so this looks and sounds so good. Too bad that it didn't firm up enough but I bet it tasted amazing!

  9. I've never heard of these before but who can say no to condensed milk! Gorgeous!

  10. Patricia, yes, the problem is cooking time. First, if you are using a non stick pan, you will see the bottom all the time... second, when you see it, cooki a little bit more - 2 or 3 minutes, stirring constantly, don't stop!
    If you want to make sure it's done, put a small amount of the dough inside a glass of cold water. The dough must keep its shape.
    The other option for is cooking as you did, but serve inside little cups (plastic ones) and a small spoon.
    I love your blog!!!!

  11. Hi,

    You need to learn how to pronounce the word correctly before you can make them right :-)

    Kind regards,


  12. Hi again,

    Sorry to write again, but only now I noticed that you speak portuguese :-)
    Just didn't figure out if you're brazilian or not.

    Best regards,


  13. oh sweetie, I have confidence on you, please do try again, nothing can fail on your professional hand!
    One party a Brasilian friend made brigadeiro, so delicious!

  14. Mark, I used Nestlé's, which used to be the only one good enough for brigadeiro. A Brazilian reader left a comment about how the quality of that product has dropped. :(
    Thank you for your tips!

    Eléonora, I love lavender and I am sure those fields are wonderful!
    Have a great week!

    Lu, thank you!

    Toni, thank you, sweetie!

    Pea, I'm glad you like it, darling. Tks!

    Natalie, I hope you like it!

    How to Eat..., really? Those kids are cute!

    Ashley, I love sweetened condensed milk, too! :)

    Anna, brigadeiro is a hit here. :)
    Tks, darling!

    Carla, I never use a non stick pan. I used to make tons of brigadeiros without a problem, but now it seems I've lost my mojo. :)
    Thank you for stopping by and for your help!

    José, you'll have no problem with that, I'm sure! :)
    Tks for visiting!
    Oh, and I am Brazilian. :)

    Gattina, really? I'm glad to hear that, darling!

  15. Great save! Those desserts sound so good, I never would have guessed that they weren't what you intended to make in the first place.

  16. I love condensed milk so I'm sure I'll be digging into this even if with a spoon! I have faith that you will get it knack for sweets is tremendous! :)

  17. Hm, condensed milk? I am with Jo, I would eat that stuff straight from the can :D You are a wonderful cook and baker, so I know you can do it!

  18. I had no idea what this was. I know I would enjoy it. Such pretty pictures!

  19. I don't know if you'll check the comments again, but a trick you may want to try is to cut back a little on the butter and use white chocolate in place of the chocolate from the traditional recipe. The white chocolate will leave more of a blank canvas for your flavors, while providing the firmness that you need. I'd love to know if this works!

    Make sure to use real white chocolate and not "white chocolate morsels" which do not melt well and generally have no cocoa butter in them whatsoever.


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