Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chocolate orange ganache tart and all's well that ends well

Chocolate orange ganache tart / Torta de chocolate e laranja

I started writing this post with EBTG’s “When all’s well” playing in my mind; I explain: this tart is a result of some stressful moments, but it all worked out fine in the end.

The initial idea was baking this tart to finish up the marmalade jar I’d bought for Nigel Slater’s cake. I’d already thawed some really good pastry I had in the freezer and lined the tart pan with it; after that, I made the pastry strips, arranged each and every one of them very neatly on a baking sheet and proudly place it in the fridge only to watch it fall to the floor; with the pastry strips scattered over my kitchen tiles I had to think of another use for the pastry lined tart pan. And this ganache tart was a good solution: it was simple to make and tasted great. Some grated orange zest into the ganache to make it extra special and my Saturday morning was saved from an enormous amount of bad mood. :D

Chocolate orange ganache tart
adapted from Donna Hay magazine and the amazing Sunday Suppers at Lucques

1 x quantity basic sweet shortcrust pastry*
200g dark chocolate, finely chopped
2/3 cup (160ml) heavy cream
finely grated zest of ½ orange
cocoa powder, for dusting

After refrigerating the pastry for at least 1 hour, roll dough between two sheets of lightly floured baking paper – if dough gets too soft, refrigerate for 5 minutes. Line a lightly buttered 30x10cm (12x4in) loose-bottomed tart pan with the pastry. Trim edges with a knife and prick the base with a fork. Freeze for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F. Line the pastry with a piece of buttered foil and fill with baking weights/dried beans. Bake for 15 minutes, carefully remove the weights/beans and the foil, then bake for another 10-15minutes or until the pastry is golden and crisp. Set aside to cool completely.
Make the filling: place the chocolate, heavy cream and orange zest in a small saucepan over low heat and stir until melted and smooth. Remove from heat and allow mixture to stand for 10 minutes or until slightly thickened. Pour the ganache over the pastry shell and smooth the surface. Refrigerate until ganache is set, 1-2 hours. Dust with cocoa to serve.

* Donna’s recipe is here; I had this pastry in the freezer and used half of it for this tart

Serves 6-8


  1. This tart looks amazing!!! The crust is perfect, and I can only imagine the flavor!

  2. That looks lovely! I think I would have still used the marmalade (or some of it) in a thin layer over the pastry, before pouring in the ganache.

  3. Chocolate and orange are lovely together. You're tempting me to get a rectangular tart pan with this lovely treat!

  4. Such few ingredients and so delicious! :)

  5. This looks divine! I love that it has only a few (but lucious) ingredients as well. Too bad about the pastry strip accident, but if it inspired you to make this, I'd say it was a happy accident ;-) Thank you for another wonderful recipe!

  6. Oh I hate it when you drop an integral part of your dish on the floor. It happens to me quite often because I am accident prone, but what a wonderful solution you have come up with. I think the tart looks amazing!

  7. I love orange and chocolate together. Looks sensational.

  8. I can almost taste it from the picture!!!

  9. This looks wonderful, I love the simplicity of the ingredients. These pictures are beautiful, but I would have loved to see photos of the 'disaster.' I thought I was the only one who did those kind of things!!!


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