Thursday, May 19, 2011

Coconut orange tea cake and things that make me wanna scream

Coconut orange tea cake / Bolo de coco e laranja

I’m going to share something with you, even though you might think I’m crazy: there are times when certain things are so, so good I feel like screaming (for the record, I don’t actually scream). ;)

Off the top of my head I remember feeling like that after watching “Stay” and "Inception", listening to The Temper Trap’s “Love Lost” (especially from 1min50seg on), and more recently, this cake. An absolutely simple cake – no icings or fillings – put together in a heartbeat, but so delicious and tender I felt like screaming – and like devouring the whole thing myself, too. Not pretty, I know. But so true. :D

Coconut orange tea cake
from Dorie’s amazing and delicious book

2 cups (280g) all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
pinch of salt
1 cup (240ml) canned unsweetened coconut milk*
¼ cup (56g/½ stick) unsalted butter, in cubes
4 large eggs, room temperature
2 cups (400g) caster (superfine) sugar
finely grated zest of 1 orange
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons dark rum
¾ cup (75g) unsweetened shredded coconut
freshly squeezed juice of ½ orange

Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F. Butter a 22-25cm/9-10in (10-12 cup) bundt pan or use an unbuttered silicone pan. Do not place the pan on a baking sheet – you want the oven’s heat to circulate through the tube**.
Sift flour, baking powder and salt in a medium bowl.
Place coconut milk and butter in a small saucepan and heat over medium heat until milk is hot and butter is melted. Remove from the heat but keep warm.
Place the sugar and orange zest in the large bowl of an electric mixer and rub them together until sugar is fragrant. Add the eggs to the bowl and, using the whisk attachment, beat the ingredients until pale and thick, about 3 minutes. Beat in the vanilla and the rum. Reduce the speed to low and add the dry ingredients, beating just until flour is incorporated. Scrape the sides of the bowl. Keeping the mixer on low, add the coconut, mixing only until blended. Add the coconut milk and butter and the orange juice. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 60-65 minutes or until risen and golden and a skewer inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Cool the cake in the pan over a wire rack for 15 minutes, then carefully unmold onto the rack and cool completely (if using a silicone pan, follow the manufacturer’s instructions). Dust with icing sugar to serve.

* coconut milk comes in 200ml bottles here in Brazil; to avoid opening another bottle to use only a couple of tablespoons of the coconut milk, I used one coconut milk bottle + 40ml whole milk

** I used a silicone pan and it wouldn’t hold still on the oven rack; I placed it on a baking sheet and it worked fine

Serves 10-12


  1. Yum, this looks delicious! Great combination of flavors! :)

  2. AnonymousMay 19, 2011

    haha i don't scream when things are soo so good! On the contrary, i am really quiet!!

    This looks delicious

  3. This is so pretty! I can tell it's moist and delicious :)

  4. That looks and sounds delicious!

  5. Simple cakes like this are my favorite!

  6. I just made some coconut screwpine cuppies yesterday and used up my coconut milk.
    I must get more to make this!

  7. Pretty and damn attractive cake..

  8. Какая красота!!!

  9. It sounds delicious with all that coconut! Coconut milk is used in a lot of our native desserts...I don't know why I've never thought of using them in other cakes as well!

  10. oh yum! I tried a vegan version of this cake from Vegan yum yum when I was off dairy a while ago. Must try this one too!Yours looks so gorgeous! I would scream too, if my cakes came out looking as pretty as that!

  11. Totally understandable, there are somethings that are so great, you just can't help yourself!

  12. what a pretty cake! it's a perfect girl's cake i think ;D

  13. Awww, everyone has a blogging idol, and mine is you, Patricia! (I think it's your frequent use of citrus and passion fruit that I love so much.) Thanks for being one of the few commenters on my blog - it made my day. :) This tea cake looks delish, as usual!

  14. Love the post title, and love the looks of this recipe. AND I'm totally with you - Dorie's book is AMAZING. Hasn't let me down yet.

  15. Oh, this looks marvellous! The cake looks so beautiful with it's delicate sprinkling of icing sugar, and I love the shape of the bundt tin you use :)

  16. AnonymousMay 30, 2011

    I tried it but it did not come out good. The only change i made was to replace the sugar called for with a combination of confectioners and granulated. I think it needs a tad more of liquid. It tasted good thoug.

  17. Hey, Anonymous, I'm not sure what went wrong, 5 readers have written to me to tell the cake was good. I'm sorry it did not turn out well for you. :(

  18. AnonymousJune 05, 2011

    Dear Patricia,
    Congratulation for this fantastic blog!
    I just discovered you yesterday, but we already had the yoghurt-cinamon marinated chicken and this truly delicious cake. Both huge succes even with my three really difficult teenagers and even more picky husband.
    Greetings from Paris, O

  19. AnonymousJune 06, 2011

    Hello again from Paris. We just finished a triple portion of your Creamy tuna and chickpea salad. Fantastic, thanks for all the great looking and tasty recipes! O

  20. Dear O., thank you for your lovely comments! I'm so glad to hear the recipes turned out fine for you, thank you for letting me know! My husband is a picky eater, too, I feel your pain. :D
    And I love, love, love Paris. Cannot wait to get back there.

  21. I tried it and turned out wonderful!!!! My boyfriend loved it!!!


  22. Tania, thank YOU for letting me know how the recipe turned out! I'm so glad you guys liked it!

  23. I made this for a little get together tonight, everyone loved it ! My boyfriend is now groaning saying he ate too much - i guess 3 pieces of cake was overkill, I told him so ! Thanks you for the wonderful recipe, and all the other ones you post, your blog always puts a smile on my face and a rumble in my stomach :)

  24. Hey, Sabina!
    I'm so glad to hear the recipe worked out fine for you, thank YOU for letting me know the result!
    I can totally relate to the problem you boyfriend had, I love cake and it's hard for me to avoid eating too much! :D
    Thank you for your lovely comment!

  25. Dear Patricia! What a marvelous cake was that?!! It was so tender! The remark everybody made was..very nice coconut and orange blend! I had hidden smile! Thank you very much!!! xxxEvi

  26. Dear Evi, you are far too kind! Your comments always make my days! I am so glad the recipe was a sucess, thank YOU for letting me know how the cake turned out.

  27. What kind of silicone cake form was used for this beautiful creation?

  28. Where can I find the silicone mold used for the cake in your photo? Thank you in advance

  29. Hey, Suzanne, I bought it here in Brazil.

  30. this looks great but
    what can be used as a substitute for coconut milk?

  31. Hey, Anonymous, you could use milk, but then it wouldn't be a coconut cake.

  32. Two years later, I’m finally making. It’s OMG JUST LIKE YOU DESCRIBED. So delicious, amazing crumb, light, tender and holds together nicely. Not kidding, inhaled two pieces, before realizing we are going out to dinner in an hour!

  33. Hi Lo - I am so happy to know you like the recipe! Thank you for letting me know how it turned out!


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