Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gooey chocolate cake with raspberries and something positive about getting old

Gooey chocolate cake with raspberries / Bolo cremoso de chocolate e framboesa

Getting older is not a walk in the park – gray hair, anyone? – but there is definitely a positive side to it. I’ve become a more patient person, and let me tell you, patience was never one of my virtues.

After baking and unmolding this delicious cake – oh, it was really delicious and I’m no chocoholic – the result almost made me cry: the poor thing looked ugly as hell on the plate. A glance at the book and frustration started building in. In the past I would have gone mad about it, but I took a deep breath and decided to watch TV instead. As the cake cooled down, the ganache topping got firmer and I could smooth it down with a palette knife, making it shiny and beautiful.

I guess that in my case calm came with age – and a couple of hours with Detective Goren *sigh* can’t hurt, either. ;)

Gooey chocolate cake with raspberries
from the beautiful Feed Me Now

100g dark chocolate
150g raspberry jam
½ cup (120ml) heavy cream

¾ cup + 2 tablespoons (125g) all purpose flour
1 ½ teaspoons baking powder
pinch of salt
1/3 cup (30g) good quality cocoa powder
½ cup (120ml) boiling water
¼ cup (60ml) whole milk
½ teaspoon natural vanilla extract
90g raspberry jam
½ cup (113g/1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
1/3 cup (66g) caster (superfine) sugar
2 large eggs
80g raspberries, plus extra to serve – I used frozen, unthawed

Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F. Generously grease a 22cm (9in) round cake pan*.
For the topping, put the chocolate, jam and cream into a small pan over a medium heat. Stir until melted and smooth, then pour into the prepared pan.
Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt into a medium bowl. Set aside.
In a small bowl, mix the cocoa powder with the water, stirring until smooth, then add the milk, vanilla and jam, whisking to combine.
In a large bowl, cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy, then add the eggs one at a time, mixing well after each. Using a large spoon, fold the sifted ingredients and the cocoa mix into the creamed mixture, alternating the two, then gently fold the raspberries through.
Pour the mixture into the prepared pan, ensuring you spread it right to the edge and cover the topping completely. Bake for 30–35 minutes or until firm. Leave the cake to cool in the pan for 15 minutes (if not serving straight away you can refrigerate the cake in the pan, but you will need to warm it in the oven before turning it out).
Turn the cake out onto a plate. You may need to scrape some sauce out of the pan and spread it over the top of the cake – my cake looked rather ugly when I unmolded it; I waited for it to cool down a little and the topping became firmer; then I was able to spread it evenly with a palette knife and the cake looked a lot prettier. :)
Serve warm or cold, with fresh raspberries.

* I made the exact recipe above and used a 20cm (8in) round cake pan with a removable bottom – I placed it on a baking sheet to catch any drippings

Serves 8


  1. give me a slice, those cake 'calling' me.. getting old, mean much white hair to me, still not wise yet LOL

  2. ohhhh... gorgeous chocolate cake, Patricia! The raspberry really looks decadent....very elegant dessert! Wish I had a piece for breakfast now :) Have a great week! xo

  3. I agree-patience does come with age :)

    I love the raspberries in this!

  4. 1. The cake looks fantastic. 2. How awesome is it that Bobby is back?

  5. Fantastic and gorgeous cake..

  6. Yummy! I wouldn't mind a slice even in this late hour ;-)

  7. Mmm gooey and delicious!!

  8. i bought 1.5 kilos of dark chocolates the other day, this is a perfect way to use them!

  9. Well your patience payed off, it looks wonderful.

  10. I'm not sure how you had the patience to not just eat the whole thing as soon as it was ready...

  11. hi, i'm thinking of making this for a special occasion this weekend. Just wondering how far in advance you recommend making this. If I make it the night before will it go dry? I really want something wet/gooey that melts in the mouth. thanks! GRACE

  12. Hey, Grace!
    I took the photo one day after baking the cake - one day in advance is fine! Just keep it in the pan and unmold it 2-3 hours before serving it.
    Hope you like it!


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