Thursday, May 5, 2011

Orange lime jelly

Orange lime jelly / Gelatina de laranja e limão

We all have our favorites: the little black dress for special occasions, the CD that is always on the glove compartment, or the movie we watch over and over again and never tire of. Lately I’ve been feeling the same way about jellies – they’re the first thing that pops in my mind when I want to make (and eat) spoon desserts. I guess that once the days get colder here I might change my mind, but for now I’m kind of obsessed. :)

Not only are these delicious, they're also very easy to make, but I should warn you: once you have a taste of jellies made with real fruit you’ll never go back to artificial jellies again. You have my word on that.

Orange lime jelly
adapted from the great Modern Classics 2

1/3 cup (80ml) water
5 teaspoons powdered gelatin
2 ¾ cups (660ml) freshly squeezed orange juice
2/3 cup (160ml) freshly squeezed lime juice
5 tablespoons caster (superfine) sugar, or to taste
sweetened whipped cream, to serve

Place the water in a small bowl and sprinkle over the gelatin. Allow to stand for 5 minutes.
Combine the orange and lime juices and the sugar in a medium saucepan and cook over medium heat stirring until sugar is dissolved. Reduce heat to low, add the gelatin and whisk until dissolved. Remove from heat, strain mixture into a jug, then divide evenly among eight ½ cup (120ml) capacity glasses or cups. Let cool to room temperature then refrigerate for 4-5 hours or until firm.
Top jellies with whipped cream and serve.

Serves 8


  1. These look so yummy! I can imagine the orange jelly + whipped cream on top makes it taste like a creamsicle! Yum!

    I'm a little scared of gelatin, but I might just have to give this a try :)

  2. That looks beautiful and delicious! Thanks for always offering such bright and pretty recipes! :D

  3. I've never tried jelly... so far. These look really good. And the movie too (everything is in the right place: director, actors, story). I will definitely see it. Thanks

  4. Wat a pretty jelly,excellent..

  5. My husband loves jelly yet I've never made any for him. I'm bookmarking this recipe now!!!

  6. beautiful colours! i totally need to make this

  7. Love the look of this -- seems very refreshing too!

  8. Oh, looks great! i bet this works well for hot sunny days..huuuuu~ just like today! wish could have one of those chilled..

  9. That look so fresh orange lime drink and make me want to make it soon, thanks for share.


  10. OMG, that colour is just amazing, breathtaking dessert!! Love it


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