Friday, February 22, 2008

Almond madeleines

Almond madeleines

My name is Patricia and I’ve become a madeleine addict. :)

Come to think of it, who can resist these little beauties? They look cute and taste delicious – isn’t it a great combo in food?

Two things I love using in baking are yogurt and almond meal – the baked goods get incredibly moist. I used a recipe from Mary’s wonderful blog and it calls for almond meal; the result was light and tender madeleines. I’m a sucker for almonds, so maybe I’d increase just a bit the amount of almond extract and decrease the vanilla. Other than that, these are absolutely perfect.

This is my third time making madeleines and there are many other recipes on my “to try” list. Wait and see!

Almond madeleines

Almond madeleines

2 large eggs
1/3 cup (67g) superfine or baker's sugar
¼ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon almond extract
1⁄3 cup (47g) all-purpose flour, sifted twice after measuring
3 tablespoons almond meal (or finely ground almonds)
4 tablespoons (½ stick/57g) unsalted butter, melted and cooled

Preheat oven to 190ºC/375ºF. Generously butter and flour 12 molds in a madeleine pan.

In the bowl of a standing mixer, combine eggs, sugar and salt. Beat on medium speed until pale, thick and fluffy, about 4-5 minutes. Mix in vanilla and almond extracts.
On low speed, mix in the sifted flour and almond meal until just incorporated. Using a rubber spatula, gently fold in the melted butter until blended.

Fill each mold almost completely full. Bake the madeleines until the tops spring back when lightly touched, 10 to 12 minutes.
Cool in pan for 2 minutes. Remove madeleines from pan and allow them cool completely on cooling rack.

Makes 12 – I got 15 small and 5 large ones

Almond madeleines


  1. These seashell ones are adorable!!! Perfect for the summertime!

  2. OMG. That is about as perfect a madeliene as I can imagine.

  3. Let's go to the beach and eat a whole bunch of these seashell madeleines? Whadda ya say?

  4. Oh no, not you too Patricia! I bought a madeleine mold ages ago and have been too intimidated to actually try making them as a vegan creation... Perhaps your gorgeous little cakes will help motivate me to get off my butt and try it! Yours really are lovely, and I'm particularly taken with that sea shell design!

  5. I love the name Madeleine, might even change my name to Madeleine to secure a box full.

  6. Those are so beautiful! The seashell ones are particularly lovely, I've never seen seashell molds before.

  7. I love the seashell mold. And this reminds me to break into my madeliene pan which I have ignored for a looooooong time.

  8. Patricia - I love what you do with madeleines! I like adding almond meal to tart fillings - I will have to try this out because I adore that flavor!

  9. gorgous madeleines. I can see how amazingly soft they are.

  10. I usually don't like the ones made in the molds, but yours are too perfect in shape & bake :) and almond...yum! If you ever have too many, you know were to send them ;)

  11. I agree with mango power girl, it is hard to get the right consistency to get the right shape once it is unmolded. Just great! its come out just perfect.

  12. They look perfect! Love the addition of almond.

  13. Great little cakes Patricia and I love the flavours of almond and vanilla...Thank you again for stopping by recently...obrigado.

  14. The little shells are so cute, love them!

  15. Aww... too pretty to eat.

  16. The little shell madeleine's are adorable!

  17. I am addicted to your Madeleines too!

  18. I am addicted to your Madeleines too!

  19. Love, love, love the shells, Patricia! You're becoming quite the madeline pro!

  20. those are SO beautiful! i wish i had madeleine molds...

  21. I love the seashells...never seen such a mold. I have 2 madeline pans and am ashamed to say I have never used them. These looks beautiful and I think I need to get going with trying these lovelies!

  22. I love the little shells. So fresh and pretty.

  23. They are so pretty to eat! Patricia, do you deliver to the US? :)

  24. You've become the 'Queen of Madeleines'.

  25. Me too! Me too! I luuurrve madeleines. I miss the little shells, if there was one thing I regret leaving behind was my madeleine pans. :(

    Would you be able to send some this way Patricia? ;)

  26. Absolutely beautiful! I think yours are the most perfect-looking madeleines I've seen yet. I totally love the seashell ones. SO cute! :)

    Btw, I've an award waiting for you on my blog. Hehe :D

  27. I'm so taken with the seashell madeleines as I see everyone else is. They're such perfect looking things.

  28. zowie, that's a beautiful batch of madeleines!

  29. I love the shell shape! My husband has become a bit of a madeleine addict as well. Perhaps you two can join the same support group!

  30. They are adorable - I can see why you're addicted to making them. I think I'd be addicted to eating them.

  31. This is a must try recipe!

  32. These look so lovely... I'm a madeleine fan too!

  33. They are gorgeous!!! Even look better than store-bought. Now Now Pat, I'll call you an addict of anything beautiful :)

  34. Those shell shaped ones are cute. Madeleleins are the greatest and I like simple not overdone flavors - just like you have here. Perfect!

  35. Those are beautiful! Perfect creases. I don't think I've ever gotten madeleines that perfect. I'll have to try this recipe. I actually have a pan, too!

  36. Gretchen, thank you, sweetie!

    Mark, you are far too kind, my friend. :)

    Susan, I say yes! :)

    Hannah, I'll be willing to see your madeleines!

    Peter, I had a laugh with you. :)

    LyB, it was a gift from a sweet friend.

    Mandy, you definitely should use them again - everything you bake is beautiful!

    T.W., I adore almonds too!

    Zlamushka, tks for stopping by!

    Hi, sweetie! I'll remember that next time. :)

    Sujith, thank you for your visit!

    Linda, it was a great addition.

    Peter, your blog is beautiful, it's a pleasure to "read" you! :)

    Bri, they are cute, I agree!

    Julie, they were gone pretty fast. :)

    Gigi, thank you!

    Syrie, tks, dear!

    Michelle, I hope so, sweetie! :)

    Jaime, mine were a gift from a dear friend.

    Chris, you should put those pans to good use. :)
    Thank you for stopping by!

    KJ, thank you, dear.

    Joy, I wish they'd survive the journey - I'd be more than glad to send you some!

    Margaret, you are so kind, thank you, dear.

    Ilingc, I'd love to send you a big box of these! :)

    Ovenhaven, I'll check it out! Tks!

    Julie, thank you, dear.

    Cakebrain, thank you!

    Lydia, really? I had a laugh with you, sweetie. :)

    Lynn, my friend from work is addicted to them. :)

    Jo, thank you!

    Cenk, Mary's recipes are fabulous!

    Baking Fiend, thank you!

    Gattina, you are such a dear!

    Meeta, and they make a great gift, don't they?

    Emiline, give this recipe a go, I think you'll love it!

  37. They look so gorgeous! If only I had a madeleine pan, I would love to try this recipe. Yum!

  38. Patricia, they are so pretty and elegant! I adore madeleines too. Perfect with a great cup of coffee!

    I hope you don't mind, but I've tagged you for a meme.

  39. oh i love that scallop shapes..really genius idea!!

  40. I don't have madeleine molds but I'll use your ingredients in my canneles or mini bundt cake molds!

  41. Haven't tried making a madeleine yet. But your beautiful ones make me wanna go buy a pan.

  42. I really need to get a madeleine pan!!

  43. I'm just blown away by the shell ones, so clever! and yummy too!!

  44. I remember making these in pâtisserie school. I wish we had used seashell moulds they look so adorable.

  45. the seashells are great - i've never seen those molds before!

    i love anything almond flavored.

  46. Those turned out beautiful and I love that you flavored them with almond.

  47. I LOVE madeleines! Your seashells are adorable. I could eat a dozen of those with a cup of hot tea:)

  48. I love making them and I love eating them! There is not better perfect bite than a madeleine and a cup of tea!

  49. Hi Patricia!
    This is my 1st time visiting your blog and i must say i really like your blog!
    Everything here looks delicious!
    Your post makes me feel like trying a madeleine, as i've never eaten one before.
    I feel like licking my computer screen now.

    *May i link you? ;)

  50. Cookworm, thanks! They look so cute, don't they?

    Hi, sweetie! I'll take a look, tks!

    Dhanggit, thank you!

    Valentina, let me know - you've got me curious about that! :)

    Cheryl, thank you! I hope you try them.

    Deb, you do! :)

    Kelly-Jane, how great to see you back!

    RKhooks, I love that pan. :)

    Michelle, a friend sent the pans from Japan, can you believe it? :)

    Julie, I love almonds, too.

    Half Baked, thank you!

    Helen, you make the most beautiful madeleines, my dear.

    Sweet-Tooth, of course! Thank you for stopping by!

  51. That is so beautiful. I've made madeleines twice and gave up because they never turned out right. After reading this, I think I will give it one more try..

  52. Those are GORGEOUS. Must buy a madeleine pan! They look so good...

  53. These look eerily perfect! I think I'd be frightened to eat one and risk blemishing the gorgeous lines of the cookie ;)

  54. I think I subconsciously waited to comment on this post because...I have never had a madeleine. I know, I know, it's horrid. I desperately need to find some to try. I would love to make them, but a madeleine pan is just not a necessity right now! :(

  55. Just found your blog...oh, your food looks too good!

  56. Guess I'm one of very few food blogges who's never had a madeleine ever - need to change that soon...yours look so inviting!

  57. Those are gorgeous... I'm drooling!

  58. Oh, the tiny seashells are adorable, Pat! I simply love madeleines- i had one for the first time when i made Dorie's recipe some time back- it was love at first bite.

  59. I love these madelines! Never made them in my life, your recipe is definitely worth trying. Printing it out! Thanks for sharing! I am going to subscribe to your feeds to read more from you!

  60. Olá Patricia!! Já não visito o teu blog faz tempo!... Diz-me por favor onde comprou estas forminhas? Lindas Lindas! Adorei!! De mais!!

  61. Oi, Pami - vc se refere às formas de madeleine? São do Japão, presente de uma amiga, mas aqui em SPaulo tem pra vender na Barra Doce, em Moema.


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