Monday, February 25, 2008

Arugula with baked saffron ricotta and your opinion about something

Arugula with baked saffron ricotta

Before I start with the salad, I’d like to ask you guys something... Have you ever purchased something on King Arthur If you have, how was it? Any problems?

I was more than glad when I found out they would deliver their products here in Brazil – I won’t even mention things I desperately want but the stores won’t send them over – so I purchased a couple of things (butterscotch chips, vanilla paste, cookie scoops in different sizes). That was on late December and I haven’t received the products yet. Even though I know that sometimes things coming from other countries may take forever to arrive here (and vice versa), I sent King Arthur an email asking about my stuff. I have sent them 3 emails, and I know they’ve read those (I have the “read message” receipts) but no answer so far. I’m truly disappointed – not to mention I have paid for the products already - and that is why I’m asking for your opinions. I appreciate your replies and apologize for bringing this subject to the blog.

Now, the salad: another recipe from this book – one of my absolute favorites. I chose it because it involved a lot of “firsts”: first time eating fennel bulbs, first time cooking with saffron.

I think I didn’t season the ricotta enough – the flavor was too mild, not what I expected. Even though I would not make this again, it was great to start using saffron in my kitchen and I also loved the fennel – that’s why I’m sharing this recipe with you.

Arugula with baked saffron ricotta

Arugula with baked saffron ricotta
from Kitchen: The Best of the Best

500g (1lb 2oz/2 cups) ricotta cheese
pinch of saffron threads
2 tablespoons olive oil
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon walnut oil*
2 fennel bulbs, thinly sliced
300g (10½ oz/2 bunches) arugula, stalks removed

Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF. Put the ricotta cheese in an ovenproof dish lined with lightly oiled baking paper. Sprinkle with saffron, drizzle with olive oil and season with sea salt and freshly ground black pepper. Bake for 30 minutes. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

Combine the vinegar and walnut oil in a bowl, add salt and pepper, then add the fennel and arugula leaves. Toss together and serve with the baked ricotta.

* at 80 reais (45 dollars) a tiny bottle, I used extra virgin olive oil instead.

Serves 4


  1. There's no need to apologize for asking about something food related on your blog! That's what it's all about, in my opinion, helping each other. That said, I can't really help you with that particular site as I've never ordered anything but if it takes too long for you to get the products and you've paid for them by credit card, contact your credit card company, they might be able to help you. About the recipe, I love the idea of baking ricotta, maybe with different flavors, it's a very inspiring recipe! Sorry about the very long comment :)

  2. Oh, this looks absolutely delicious! What a great flavor combo. I haven't ordered anything from KingArthur online so I am no help there.

  3. Haha, goodness Patricia, you shouldn't need to apologize for writing what you want on your own blog!! And to think it was just a few sentences! Maybe customs seized the package and forgot to inform you? I'm expecting a package now from a dear friend but nothing's arrived, and it's been weeks. I'm quite sad about it.

    Meanwhile, lovely salad! I especially like the interesting shapes produced by the fennel bulbs :)

  4. I've ordered many times from King Arthur Flour, with never a problem (here in the US), and I often recommend them so I'm surprised and disappointed to read your post. As I worked with them on last year's Drop In & Decorate Cookies for Donation, I will forward the link to this post to the people I worked with at King Arthur, to see what can be done to make this right. Thanks for pointing this out -- it's good to share this kind of information.

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your negative experience ordering from King Arthur Flour. As an employee-owner of the company, I can assure you that this is not the kind of service we strive to provide - and I will forward your post to our customer service department in hopes they will address the issue right away. Thank you for your feedback.

  6. Patrica, I swear and I mean SWEAR by KA so I'm really surprised that you are having problems with them. They have always been really responsive to any problems I've had. I only had one problem and it wasn't even KAs fault but the postal services (a box containing flour was obviously dropped and then damaged). KA replaced my flour no questions asked.

    I also see that Allison of KA has replied. So hopefully this will get resolved for you soon.

  7. I've never ordered through them, so I can't be of any help, but I hope you get it resolved!

    And this recipe looks amazing. Saffron ricotta? Mmmmmm.

  8. I've never heard of them but i regards to your ricotta, maybe you could have added some more salt and come chilli? That could have "spiced" things up a bit.

  9. I wish I could help you, but I've never ordered from them before. I hope they will send you your order, sooner or later.
    Otherwise we will all write them a letter. And it won't be pretty!

  10. This salad looks pretty tasty, Patricia. Maybe it's the ricotta...I'm drawn to anything that includes ricotta as an ingredient! What's the texture of the ricotta like when you bake it?

    Also, I tagged you for a meme! :)

  11. I love the ideas for new ways to use saffron that I've been seeing lately! Cupcakes, cakes, now a salad. Saffron, arugula and balsamic vinegar... How could it not be good?

    Thanks for another great idea!

  12. I buy stuff from King Arthur Flour all the time... flours, yeasts, tools. Everything has been FANTASTIC! Their Bread Flour is my all time favorite, and they've got so many great tools and supplies.

    I received everything with in a reasonable time, but I'm not sure how it will be for you since they'll be shipping it internationally. They're a great company though, and I'm sure it should be fine.

  13. Having never used KA, I can't comment on that.

    But on saffron, being Iranian, I can.
    It makes the most gorgeous rice, so pretty in color and just subtly flavoring it. I'd love to cook more with saffron, and my grandmother has shown me how to make a few puddings, but I can never seem to remember exactly how to make them. Next time I see her I'll be sure to find out.

  14. I have ordered from too, and have not had any issues. They are a great source. One thing I did not get constant email tracking updates like with other places. I had to call to find out how and when my order was being delivered. But it was all timely. I want to think its the mail or customs holding up the order.They should at least answer your emails even if they dont have a answer.

  15. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about your rotten experience with, and I really hope that that isn't the norm... I -just- ordered from them the other day! I'll let you know how it goes, and I'm hoping your goodies will arrive any day now!

  16. well, at least your post got their attention! :) i have to say that my hubby ships lots of computer things abroad all the time so i would be more than happy to ship you anything you would like (well, anything i can easily get a hold of) as long as you would pay for the shipping. it's no problem at all for me to pick something up when i am out shopping for other things :) let me know - i mean it! (my email is hawaiianwedding05 at

  17. Hi there, first time I comment but not the first time I visit your wonderful blog :)
    I recently discovered the taste of fennel too, I wasn't so fond of it until I tasted it in a fantastic fennel-orange salad, give it a try!
    Did you brake ricotta in little pieces before ovening it?
    I thought the best saffron came from l'Aquila, in Italy, till an iranian colleague gave me some of his... truly delicious. It is quite a delicate spice, though, with a mild flavour but a great perfume! So it should not go with too strong flavors like chili, an also I usually try not to over-cook it (ok, risotto is an exception)
    Anyway, Iranian friend told me to crush lightly saffron stems with a few grains of salt or sugar in a mortar just before using it, I find it helps extracting more taste out of it.
    Must try this recipe, anyway, now that I made up with fennel!
    Sorry for the long comment.

  18. Good for you, for trying out some 'firsts'! I don't think you'll ever regret starting to use fennel or saffron...

  19. LyB, Lydia sent them my post and they are sorting my problem out - tks!
    And please, do not apologize for the length of your comment, I "love" talking to all of you through here! :)

    Elly, I'm glad you like the salad, tks!

    Mark, when I send packages to my blogger friends who live abroad they take forever to arrive, too. :(

    My dear Lydia, everything is going to be fine, and tks to you!

    Allison, someone from the company has contacted me, tks.

    Hi, sweetie! They found out what happened - they never put my postal code on the box, so the mail service returned the box to them! I think everything will be fine - certain ingredients are impossible to find here in Brazil, so I'm glad to have a source that delivers here.

    Sarah, now I want to try saffron on rice and risotto. :)

    Peter, definitely more salt and pepper. :)

    Warda, you are such a dear, thank you! I knew I could count on my dear blogger friends.

    Amy, I'll check it out, tks!

    Lisa, cupcakes?? I'm curious now! :)
    Tks for stopping by!

    Amy, thank you for your visit! I know their products are good, that's why I'm glad to use them here in Brazil. Thank you so much for your comment!

    Mar, thank you for your comment - I definitely want to use saffron more often!

    Glamah16, I agree that they are a great source (especially for me here in Brazil, somethings are impossible to find here) and I hope to sort things out so I can continue ordering things from them.
    Tks for your comment.

    Hannah, they'd forgotten to add my postal code! The box would never have arrived, of course.

    Jaime, you are so sweet, my dear, tks!!! That is so generous, wow... If I need something I will ask you. Food bloggers are awesome! :)

    Elisabetta, write as much as you want - I love comments, short or long. :)
    The only "fennel" I ever knew was fennel seeds, that we use here in Brazil to add to sweet corn cakes we bake. I was very pleased to discover the other fennel!
    As for the saffron, I love the tips - I'll be using those, thanks for sharing. And let me know if you ever try this, I'd love to hear your opinion about it.

    Hi there! Blogging has brought so many new things to my food life, I love that!

  20. i'm curious to hear more about how KA resolves this! i'd love to order from them too, but if they have problems shipping outside of the US, then maybe i'll pass them by.

    the ricotta looks lovely!

  21. I've never had argula, saffron, or fennel. Maybe I should make this recipe so I can try something new. Glad to hear from the comments that everything is getting resolved from KA.

  22. Hmmm...Patricia. Since KA made a mistake, but didn't respond to your emails until they faced a little negative publicity, it only seems fair they should give you a freebie, or a discount on your next order or something. I love how the blogosphere gives some power to the "little" guy. Hope you get your stuff soon.
    Your salad looks great.

  23. Nope i dont have any experience with King Arthur Flour. I've neevr ordered anything online either ... call me primitive but i still need to see , feel , smell , tough before i buy anything.
    The baked saffron ricotta sounds amazing.and with walnuts ... yumm !

  24. I order things from King Arthur Flour often, but I've never had any problems. I've never had to e-mail them either so I don't know about their reply time. It surprises me that they haven't gotten back to you. I hope things turn out ok for you.

  25. I think I may be the last person to not know King Arthur Shame. :/ It's nice to hear that people have had good things to say about them and I'm glad that your issue has been resolved. Now I'm off to check it out and see what I've been missing!

  26. That looks different, I love finding new things to try...thank you Patricia.

  27. Baked saffron ricotta....sounds really delicious.

  28. Patricia,
    I hope everthing is resolving itself! I love KA and have ordered from them for years. I

  29. I've never bought anything from K.A.
    I won't, after reading this. I'm so sorry!
    They're jerks.

    I'm just mad about saffron.

  30. Wow, what an unusual recipe. Looking forward to trying this out. :)

  31. Hey,
    If you want to order things that don't ship to Brazil, you can ship them to me and I'll forward them on so long's you pay for shipping. Just send me an email at terremotia -at- gmail -dot- com and let me know your address and that it's on the way.

  32. Hey, about King Arthur Flour, they're a great company! They actually sent us a whole bunch of products to review and we're going to post it in our Product Reviews section soon!


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