Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mini lasagna + great people

Mini lasagna

I might be a little disappointed with Twitter, but on the other hand I’m surrounded by wonderful people – and that feels great.

Not many of you know, but I work as an executive assistant and September, 30 is considered our day; the beautiful cocottes you see on the photo were a gift from one of my bosses – the one who also gave me the blowtorch for Christmas; needless to say, I was completely speechless after opening the gift wrap – I wasn’t expecting such thoughtful, beautiful gift.

And speaking of wonderful people, every time I post something savory around here I think of my dear friend Ivan – I’m just not sure he likes lasagna. :D

Mini lasagna

There’s no actual recipe for this: it’s just a matter of layering pasta, tomato sauce – Bolognese, if you prefer – and cheese; you can find great step-by-step photos on Tati’s blog – that is where I got the idea for this dish.


  1. It's very inviting! Pretty pot!

  2. Oh! My,
    Your mini-lasagna looks so cute! I never thought of making indivisual portion but I think it is great idea. I want to dig in on them.
    Thanks for visiting my blog and the compliment.

  3. Well, darn, I'm at school and I can't see the picture! I am sure it's beautiful and cute like everything you do!

  4. Funny, I always thought you were working with food professionally! Judging by the brilliance of your photos anyway. So, since you are not, who is eating all the delicious things you bake on a daily basis?

  5. I wish i had a spoon to dig in into that crusty cheese. These look wonderful!

  6. Cute idea for the mini's - much cheaper too

  7. what a lovely boss, Patricia! These are adorable and so sentimental! I love individual, anything! And this lasagna is no exception. x

  8. Love it! I'm going to try it with homemade cheese!

  9. a very cute of presenting the lasagna. Love the idea :D

  10. wow, that lasagne looks really tasty, i would love to be served up my food in a little pot like that, how special!

  11. What a delicious lasagna. For twitter I have mixed feelings. Sometimes you go on and people talk to you and other times nobody replies. I don't use it that often anymore.

  12. I love recipe-less recipes. The pots are really darling. Happy belated executive assistant's day!

  13. Tania, thank you for stopping by!

    Beyond Kimchee, thank you for stopping by, too!

    Pam, thank you, sweetie!

    Schlachplatte, thank you for stopping by! Really? Thank you! You are far too kind!
    I share the sweets with my family, the hubby's family and the coworkers. :D

    Crustabakes, thank you!

    Jennifurla, yes! :D
    thank you!

    Susan, he is lovely, indeed! :D thank you, dearie!

    Elizabeth, do try it! :D
    thank you!

    Zoe, thank you!

    Toview..., thank you!

    Helene, thank you! I guess you are right - and sometimes they reply with silly thoughts. :S

    Xiaoly, thank you!

  14. Love the idea of mini lasagnas in individual pots, especially for fall. And I love those gorgeous little cocottes even more! Such a thoughtful gift.

  15. I have never thought of doing mini lasagna- I recently made a giant one, but what a cute idea!

  16. Oooh... I've got a couple of cute little pots that would be PERFECT for this! Lovely!

  17. I've never thought of lasagna as cute or even elegant but you definitely changed my mind!


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