Saturday, August 11, 2007

My BBM package has arrived!

Yay!!! My Blogging by Mail package has arrived!!!

And all these fantastic things were sent to me by the sweet Molly, from the wonderful blog Batter-Splattered - all the way from Alaska!! Not only is she a terrific baker, but also a very thoughtful person!

She sent me these delicious chocolate bars (it was sooo hard NOT eating them before taking the photo) and I was so glad because I’ve read about Dagoba chocolate but it’s impossible to find it here in Brazil; some environmental friendly paper bags I knew nothing about (I’ll be filling one of them today with freshly baked cookies), these lovely napkins and a moose cookie cutter!

And she sent these gifts beautifully packaged.

Molly, I was delighted to receive these gifts - thank you, thank you, thank you!

And I also want to thank Steph, from Dispensing Happiness, for organizing and hosting this magnificent event!


eatme_delicious said...

Ooo what a nice package. :) We have Dagoba chocolate here too. I've only tried a couple of them though, including that xocolatl one.

Janet said...

Wow - great package Patricia! I hope next time I get you as my partner, I always see you leaving comments on peoples blogs "I've never had that"... or "I can't get that in Brazil"... so I know exactly what sort of things I'd put in your package!!

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

I am so sorry I missed this event. Hopefully I will be able to participate the next time. Looks like you received some wonderful things in your package that are very appreciated!!!

Happy Homebaker said...

Hi Patricia, how wonderful to receive such a beautiful package! and such a nice event...delivering happiness all over the world :)

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

What a wonderful package! I had such fun being part of BBM for the past two rounds -- can't wait to do it again!

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Wow, Patricia! Really like that Dagoba chocolate and the moose looks like such a great cut out future! You got a great package!

Truffle said...

Oh how beautiful! You lucky girl. Enjoy :)

Amrita said...

I'd kill for that package!

Anonymous said...

Oh...I miss it again. WOnder when will the next round be. Could u inform me when there's a new round? Thxs alot.

Anonymous said...

oooooooohhhh, how exciting. It's like Christmas but early. Can't wait to see the results.

Lisa said...

I love love love that moose cookie cutter!!! It's so perfectly "Alaska."

Kirsten said...

So fun!! A package by mail is always fun, but from a food friend from afar is even better.

Nora B. said...

Hi Patricia, it's it nice to receive packages? I hope to see some moose cookies soon ;-) Maybe your neice can make it with you.

Wendy said...

LOVE that moose cookie cutter! I got a great package too. Isn't it fun???

Susan said...

That moose cookie cutter will make adorable gingerbread moose men. ; )
Dagoba chocolate is one of the best. I hope you savor it, Patricia.

Brilynn said...

I just got my package too and it also contained a dagoba chocolate bar! I love BBM...

Baking Fiend said...

wad a nice idea! and it's so exciting to open the package wondering wad kind of surprise u'll get....u're so lucky!

Stella said...

The reindeer cut out cookie is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!

Anonymous said...

What a great package! Isn't it so wonderful to get goodies in the mail? :) That chocolate sounds yummy!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Hey, sweetie, it was a beautiful package! The Dagoba bars were such a wonderful surprise!

Janet, you are so sweet! Thank you! I'm sure I'd be delighted to receive a box from you, full of goodies!

Valli, I did receive many wonderful things! I hope you take part next time, you'll love it!

Hey, sweetie, you are so right!

Lydia, me too!

Truffle, tks, sweetie!

Amrita, I know! :)

Jacelyn, you could check Stephanie's blog!

R Khooks, so true!

Lisa, it's adorable!

Kirsten, you've said it all.

Nora, my sister loved the moose cutter!

Wendy, loads of fun!

Susan, I will, sweetie. :)

Bri, I'll check your post! I love this event, too.

Hi, sweetie, I was so curious to open it!

Valentina, very cute!

test it comm said...

I recently tried the Dagoba Xocolatl chocolate bar. It was pretty good.

ilingc said...

I love how each package is/was individually wrapped so well. Molly is so thoughtful. Love the little moose cookie cutter. It's so cute!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! You showed marvelous restraint in not attacking the chocolate!

Kelly-Jane said...

How fabulous! I'm loving that moose! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your thanks, Patricia! I had a great time putting the package together. And I love that you added an Alaska label to your post!

Pille said...

What a wonderful parcel! Everything looks so delicious - and/or stylish!!!

SteamyKitchen said...

oh you lucky gal!!!


Anonymous said...

great parcel! have you eaten the chocoalet yet???

Patricia Scarpin said...

Kevin, I was so curious about Dagoba chocolate.

Ilingc, they were so beautiful I had to photograph them wrapped, too.

Sher, it was so hard! :)

Kelly-Jane, me too!

Molly, it was a wonderful thing to receive these gifts, I can't thank you enough. :)

Pille, you've said it all!

Jaden, I am! :)

Abby, I have! It's just superb. :)

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