Monday, September 3, 2007

Melting moments (or how I can’t pipe to save my life)

Melting moments

Before I tell you guys about the cookies above, I’d like to answer one question made by a lovely friend of mine (too bad her blog is in Portuguese, she writes beautifully) – she asked me which are my all time favorite songs. I have been thinking of it for almost a week now and came up with the following list - which I think I’ll regret the moment I hit the “publish post” button:

- Reel around the fountain - Smiths
- A new flame – Simply Red
- Loving you hating me – Soft Cell
- The 7th stranger – Duran Duran (the Arena live version)
- Walking on broken glass – Annie Lennox

Melting moments

Now, the food: I made these small boxes of cookies for my sister’s birthday party – she gave them away as gifts for her guests.
Everything was going well until I had to pipe the cookies onto the baking sheet. I had never seen so many deformed cookies in my entire life. They looked awful!
I baked the first batch anyway, somehow hoping they would morph into something pretty while in the oven – which of course never happened, since I’m not telekinetic.

I shaped the rest of the dough using 2 spoons. Everybody loved their little gifts and kept saying how cute they looked and how delicious they tasted and all I kept thinking was “you should have seen my face by the time I finished these…”

If you want to see some really beautiful melting moments, check the ones the sweet and talented Valentina made the other day.

Melting moments

Melting moments
adapted from Modern Classics Book 2

175g (6oz) butter, softened
¼ cup (32g) confectioner’s sugar
grated zest of 1 lime
1 cup (135g) all purpose flour, sifted
¼ cup (25g) cornstarch, sifted

Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF. Place the butter, icing sugar and zest in a bowl and beat with electric beaters until light and fluffy. Stir in the flour and cornstarch until combined.
Place the mixture into a piping bag fitted with a fluted nozzle. Pipe 3cm (1in) round onto a baking tray lined with non-stick baking paper, allowing room for spreading.
Bake for 12-14 minutes or until golden. Cool on trays.

Makes 32

Melting moments


Anonymous said...

What are you talking about they look bad? They're adorable! Love the little boxes too - where'd you get them?

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

Piping is just about practice and a steady hand. And if a glass of wine helps with that, well....!

Manggy said...

Hey, maybe your piped cookies are not as bad as you claimed! Would have loved to see them. Those looks gorgeous, by the way!

Belinda said...

Patricia...this recipe sounds very, very good...and lime zest, love it! The cookies look great to me...I see nothing deformed about them. :-) And the little orange boxes have that Hermes vibe. So cute!

Anonymous said...

perfectly shaped cookies does not sound yummy to me. I like them craggy with more texture. So your cookies to me look immensely appetizing. I have zero piping skills too :).

Figs, Bay, Wine said...

Oh wow, what amazing gifts! I love the lime here, and the boxes are so chic. And Walking on Broken Glass is definitely in my top 5 too.

Anh said...

Pipping is not my strength either! So poor u know? :D But nevermind, I like the look of your cookies!

Anonymous said...

Patricia, once again you make something so mouth watering, I want to crash the birthday party to get my own little box of cookies. I love edible party favors that are made with care. Homemade is always better and it's charming when they are unique. I love that you reference Valentina who references Joy of Baking. We all get so much inspiration from each other, it's just funny when it's like three deep.

Anonymous said...

Like Belinda, I thought the boxes were Hermes style. In fact, when I first saw the photo on the page, before even reading a word, I was surprised because I thought these WERE Hermes cookies. I think the cookie shapes are fine. And send me a leftover box, please. I love, love, LOVE, lime!

kellypea said...

First off, I'm sad to say I don't recognize one of those songs, which means I'm officially O.L.D. *sigh*

And your cookies are beautiful. I love their golden color and can just taste that lime...YUM!

Nora B. said...

Dear Patricia, I don't know what you are talking about - these look perfect to me. And the cute boxes! It's such a terrific idea. Happy belated birthday to your sister.

Madame K said...

Patricia, your cookies and packaging look sweet, simple and lovely. Just how I like it!

Anonymous said...

Really Patricia, your cookies look just lovely! Besides, it's not always the presentation that matters, but the taste, and I'm sure you absolutely nailed that one!

Aimée said...

It's the thought that counts, right? The way I see it is, if they look TOO perfect, they don't look homemade! All the same, they look delightful and anyone would be happy to get them in such a cheery box.

Amrita said...

Hey pat...perhaps your butter was too soft? :)

test it comm said...

Your photos look really good. The lime flavoured cookies sound good as well.

Mallow said...

I don't know...those cookies look awfully cute to me! Especially with the boxes - I can see why they were a success!

Karen Baking Soda said...

If you think these look mis-piped, it's time you come and visit me and my piping bag.... Boy, would you have fun!

Anonymous said...

I agree, I think they turned out very well - but understand that when you are the chef... in mid creation, doubts can start to creep in. You must have been overjoyed with the guests reaction - your presentation in the orange boxes look very professional :)

Lia said...

wonderful gift, the boxes and biscuit really nice presentation ;)

Anonymous said...

I think look very pretty Patricia! And I'm sure they were delicious :)

Patricia Scarpin said...

Hillary, I wanted to make them like the ones in the book, sweetie. I bought them from a lady who makes packages and boxes, a while ago.

Lydia, I like the wine idea, my dear. ;)

Manggy, I ate the ugly ones. :)

Belinda, I'm glad to hear you think these look so good! Thank you, sweetie!

Veron, glad to know I'm in such great company. :)

Amanda, and I love her video, even though she chooses John Malkovich over Hugh Laurie (I would never had done that). :)

Anh, thanks, dear! If you like them I feel better already! :)

Bri, you are the sweetest, my friend! Thank you!

Mari, I feel honored! Tks, dear!
Next time I'll send you an even bigger box! ;)

Kelly, if it makes you feel any better, all those songs are from the 80's and beginning of the 90's. ;)

Nora, she didn't know I was making these, so she was surprised as well as the guests.
Tks, my dear friend!

Karen, thank you!

Hannah, they tasted even better on the following day!

Aimée, thank you! I was glad with the guests' reaction.

Amrita, maybe? Not sure, sweetie.

Kevin, thank you. You are far too kind, my friend. :)

Mallow, tks, sweetie!

Hi, my Daring friend, I think we could learn something together - I'd love to join you for some baking some time! :D

Erika, thank you! Their reaction really paid off for all the madness in my kitchen. :)

Lia, thank you - I was relieved when everything worked out in the end. :)

Joey, even better the next morning. :)

Susan said...

Annie Lenox, how I love her. Patricia, you are too hard on yourself. Piping is a learned skill like anything else. It takes patience and perseverance. These cookies would be wonderful with a cup of really good tea.

Cynthia said...

I understand what you mean about the shapes but these have that nice rustic look about them and the package! I would love to get just the box :)

Pat said...

Ohhhhhhh those look really yummy!!! And love your origami box too!!! hmmmm I think I have all those ingredients here and now!!! Thanks Patricia!!!

Deborah said...

I think they look wonderful!! I understand, though, as I am always criticizing my abilities to make things "pretty".

Warda said...

I am melting with your cookies.And what do I see? no Brazilian songs? No samba, no bossa nova, nothing? Well at least I like Simply Red. Have a great day Patricia.

Anonymous said...

These look so good. What a great gift to give, and so prettily packaged.

Pat said...

Ohhhhhh I made your lovely biscuits(cookies) this afternoon!!! YUM!!!! They do melt in your mouth. Hubby really enjoyed them too!!! Thanks Patricia!!!

Abitofafoodie said...

I wish I went to birthday parties where I received a box of gorgeous cookies such as these at the end! They look divine - perfectly piped ones wouldn't look homemade. And those boxes are terribly chic!

Anonymous said...

First off, lovely! Those cookies are almost exactly my Nana's shortbread recipe + lime which must have been fantastic!
I also love the boxes, they're just about as fresh as the cookies. So pretty.
& Lastly, I can not believe you were a Duranie. Too much! ( I, myself was always partial to Union of the Snake, and of course, John Taylor:)

Anonymous said...

Despite your protestations, these look beautiful as well as delicious, Patricia. And excellent photography!

Jeanne said...

"A year of Sundays seems to have drifted right by, I could have sworn in one evening"

GOOD CALL!! I thought I was the only person willing to admit to an obsession with the Arena live versions of many of DD's songs. I think, for example, that the live Careless Memories and The Chauffeur versions are faaaar superior to the studio versions. I spent most of my teenage years obsessing over DD, watching the Arena & Sing Blue Silver videos over and over till I knew every line. Good times. I went to see DD (the original lineup) here in London 2 years ago, something I never thought I'd be able to do as a girl growing up at the tip of Africa and they sounded AMAZING. Also love "Broken Glass", on a par with the remix verison of "Little Bird" which is just addictive. Fave Smith's song has always been "Every day feels like Sunday", and as for Soft Cell it's "Say hello wave goodbye" all the way.

Oh, and your cookies don't look THAT deformed... ;-)

Karin W. said...

My husband is like a small boy when it comes to cookies. Milk and cookies, that´s the way he likes them, deformed or not. Piping cookie dough isn´t that easy.

Patricia Scarpin said...

Susan, I love her too - I think she has the most beautiful female voice in music.

Cynthia, you are so sweet, my dear, tks!

Pat, I hope you like them if you tried them!

Deb, we are always hard on ourselves, right? Things have to be perfect.

Rose, please don't be mad at me, but I don't like Brazilian music. :S
And I love Simply Red, love it!

Christine, thank you!

Pat, that's some great news! Thank you for letting me know, sweetie, I'm glad you liked them!

Antonia, you are more than invited to Jessica's next birthday party! :)

Dayna, thank you, dear!
I was only 8 when I started listening to them, and I used to say I was gonna marry John Taylor when I grew up!! :)
I love many of their songs, and the Arena album has a very special place in my heart, I love it all.

Terry, thank you! The light was good that morning.

Jeanne, this comment made my day! You are such a fan, just like me, yay! I have always thought that the Arena album is much better than the ones recorded in studio - I don't like live albums, but this is a huge exception. I think that the live versions don't have that sort of "metallic" tone the old studio recorded Duran Duran songs have. And the way "The 7th stranger" and "The Chaffeur" are linked in the album is just magnificent!!!
My goodness, great to know I'm in such great company as far as music is concerned!

Karin, if we lived nearby I would certainly send some cookies over to your house, my dear friend.

Janet said...

Cookies look like buttery perfection!

pam said...

Oh my gosh, you are so sweet, making those lovely cookies for your sister's guests. They look fabulous and I love the box! And your list of music broght back to listen to Simply Red.

Sara said...

I hate piping cookies - they always look terrible. Yours look and sound delicious - I like the lime.

Pat said...

Sara, I didn't pipe mine and they are still lovely and have more flavour today after they have matured just a bit. Thanks again Patricia!!! Hubby and I love them!!!

urban vegan said...


Anonymous said...

Oh hon, these are absolutely adorable little cookies! Nice work :)

Anonymous said...

I love the dish... the cute boxes... and the cookies look to die for. Yum!

Amy said...

Don't be silly they look beautiful! I would gobble them up in no time. :)

Anonymous said...

They are lovely and I can smell those delicious cookies from here.

You're such a sweet sister :)

Cookie baker Lynn said...

Your cookies look lovely! What are you talking about? Did you make those boxes, too? What a lovely gift.

Julie said...

Patricia those look so buttery, I bet they are soooooo delicious.

Patricia Scarpin said...

Janet, they are very buttery! Tks, sweetie!

Pam, I love, love, love, Simply Red, dear!

Sara, the lime was a nice touch - the original recipe called for vanilla. Gotta add a bit more zest next time. :)

Pat, you are just so sweet, my dear friend!

Urban Vegan, tks for stopping by!

Ellie, if you like them, I'm glad. :D

Julie, thank you, darling!

Amy, there were a few left, I had them with tea - great combo. :)

Cooking Ninja, my sister is an adorable kid, she deserves the best I can do for her. Tks for your lovely comment!

Lynn, I bought the boxes and then bought the ribbon - I thought they would look good together. They were not expensive at all. :)

Julie, tks! They are really buttery, and the lime zest added a nice touch.

Susan from Food Blogga said...

Oh, I love how simple these are to make. And your presentation is just lovely.

Kelly-Jane said...

I'm gate crashing too, I want my own little box of gorgeous cookies =)

They look beautiful to me! I make melting moments too (see my blog and under the book title Rachel's Favourite Food At Home) they are rolled, then flattened a bit with a fork before being sandwiched together with butter cream. I love them!

Cris said...

You make our hearts melt with such delicious treats!

Helene said...

Perfection is highly overrated...where to go from there? Your cookies look gorgeous and the gift amkes them extra special. Great job!

eatme_delicious said...

what are you talking about?? those look good! and delicious! i want some. :) and what cute little boxes! did you make them or buy them?

lululu said...

Simple, tasty, pretty packaging!!!! Just perfect!!!

Anonymous said...

But these look SOO good! Clearly, the piping was not missed at all :)

Coffee and Vanilla said...

Very nice presentation! :)

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