Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Dulce de leche brioche rolls

Dulce de leche brioche rolls

The minute I saw Helene’s wonderful rolls I knew I had to make them – my dad is absolutely crazy for dulce de leche!

So I invited dad, my brother and my sister to have dinner at my house. I baked the bread and left it on the dinner table, while I was making the pizzas in the kitchen. You should have seen the look on his face when he arrived and saw the rolls… He immediately asked what those were and I said they were dulce de leche rolls that I had made especially for him. The man was thrilled!
And so was my 13-year-old sister – I saw her whispering something to my father and asked what was going on. He told me that she was asking if she could get some of those for herself. :)
She told me later that she took the rolls to school and had them as a snack during class recess – but she had to share them with a friend, who asked to have some! :)

Helene, this recipe is absolutely divine: the buttery dough is very tender and soft and the filling complements it perfectly. Thank you so much for sharing!

Dulce de leche brioche rolls

80ml (1/3 cup) warm water
80ml (1/3 cup) warm milk
14g (5 teaspoons - 2 envelopes) dry yeast
525g (3 ¾ cups) all purpose flour
2 teaspoons salt
3 large eggs
50g (¼ cup) sugar
340g (1 ½ cups - 3 sticks) unsalted butter, each stick cut into 4 pieces, room temperature

approx. 300g (1 cup) dulce de leche, room temperature

1 egg, beaten to blend with 1 tablespoon water

Place warm water, warm milk, and yeast in a bowl of standing heavy-duty mixer - I don’t own one so I used my old and not so heavy standing mixer, with the beaters that look like springs - stir until yeast dissolves. Fit mixer with dough hook. Add flour and salt to bowl; mix on low speed just until flour is moistened, about 10 seconds. Scrape sides and bottom of bowl.
Beat in 3 eggs on low speed, then add sugar. Increase speed to medium and beat until dough comes together, about 3 minutes. Reduce speed to low. Add butter, 1 piece at a time, beating until each piece is almost incorporated before adding next (dough will be soft and batter-like). Increase speed to medium-high and beat until dough pulls away from sides of bowl, about 7 minutes.
Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let dough rise at room temperature until almost doubled in volume, about 1 hour. Lift up dough around edges and allow dough to fall and deflate in bowl.
Cover bowl with plastic and chill until dough stops rising, lifting up dough around edges and allowing dough to fall and deflate in bowl every 30 minutes, about 2 hours total. Cover bowl with plastic and refrigerate an hour.
Take the dough out of the fridge and divide in half.

For the buns: roll out the dough to a 35x22cm (14x9in) rectangle. Spread the dulce de leche leaving a 2.5cm (1in) border. Roll into a log and cut into 12 pieces. Place them in a buttered 22.5cm (9in) round pan, cover and refrigerate until the next morning. The dough will rise slowly overnight.*
In the morning, bake at 175ºC/350ºF for 20-25 minutes.

You can repeat with the other half or make a brioche loaf – like Helene did.

* I halved the recipe, baked the rolls in a 25cm round pan and l let them rise for 1 hour baking them instead of refrigerating them until the next day.


Gattina Cheung said...

I wish you could see my face ... my whole jaw locked with drool hanging down!!! Aren't these rolls gorgeous!!!! Sticky sweet and buttery, I need to indulge myself!!!

Helene said...

I m thrilled you liked them and they worked out for you. I love the whole messiness of the process.

JB said...

These look so awesome. I want to make them, but I'm embarassed to admit I don't know what Dulce de Leche, I mean I can translate it, but I don't know what it is. JB

Valentina said...

Pat, I sendon Gattina. Jaw down on the floor. Awesome little rolls.

Tatter said...

My, my, Patricia...I LOVE dulce de leche...nice pic! Love...

Unknown said...

Beautiful, Patricia! They sound like heaven!

Anh said...

Beautiful Pat! I have been longing for some brioche for some time... I love anything buttery.

Susan from Food Blogga said...

Oh, Patricia, these rolls sound divine. Your sister's friend sure is lucky too!

Stella said...

YUM!!!!! Why couldn't I have one of these rolls on my way to work Pat?! They look soooo warm & comforting, just what I need right now!
I'm drooling right now...

Kajal@aapplemint said...

Helen is such a inspiration to all of us.These look just perfect.I would've loved to see the look on your fathers face :)) How sweet !

Kirsten said...

WOW WOW WOW!! I didn't know so many wonderful things could all be in one recipe!!!




Lis said...

Even raw they look amazing!! I drooled over these on Helene's blog too.. and now here.. *swoon*

I made the pasta with tuna the other night.. it was SO GOOD! Thank you again for sharing that recipe. =)


Anonymous said...

Wow Patricia! These are just phenomenal! Gorgeous! Delicious!

Brilynn said...

I feel like I can almost smell those from here, they look sooooo good!

Sara said...

Wow, those are beautiful! Your Dad and sister are pretty lucky!

wheresmymind said...

I want some of those right now for a post lunch snack!

Anonymous said...

Hi Patricia,
WOW...This looks awesome{like your blog}i must say and definitely try but i was thinking to make a loaf with it but in a breadmachine so what you suggest about it how can i made these in breadmachine and what changes has to be done,i'll really appreciate your reply.you can e-mail me at samsyd@gmail.com.

Toni said...

Pat - I love dulce de leche. And made into these rolls? Oh, Please! I think these would be the absolute perfect snack for me today!

Anonymous said...

These look amazingly delicious, Patricia. I just recently discovered dulce de leche in the form of lowfat frozen yogurt, from Haagen-Dazs. Even that tasted criminally rich and fattening. I can only imagine how heavenly these are with, count 'em, three sticks of butter!

Anonymous said...

These rolls look to die for. What a great recipe and a gorgeous photo.

Patricia Scarpin said...

Gattina, Helene's recipes are always to die for!

Helene, I was going to send you an email about the post - I'm so glad you liked it!

JB, I'm going to send you an email, sweetie.

Tina, thank you! I've been meaning to show you forever.

Tatter, so glad to see you here!!

Anita, thank you! I love it when you visit me!

Anh, this is a great dough, I can imagine it paired with so many fillings.

Susan, thank you! She's a sweet girl, indeed.

Valentina, I felt like making them again when I posted them, can you believe how greedy I am? :)

Kate, she is! Always an inspiration. And a sweet, sweet person, too.

Kirsten, dear, thanks!

Lis, I'm so glad you liked it! And I'll tell Terry about the pasta!

Gilly, they were really good. :)

Bri, the smell took over the apartment! Poor neighbors! :)

Sara, thank you! I'm lucky to have them!

Jeff, have some! :)

Samreen, thank you for the visit. I'm not familiar with bread machines, I'm sorry I can't help you with that. :(

Toni, dulce de leche rocks! :)

Terry, you should try dulce de leche - I think you're gonna love it. But you're right - it's seriously rich. And fattening, too. :)

Kristen, thank you - I think that made by your talented baker hands these would be terrific!

Kelly-Jane said...

Wow that looks really devine! I would love them :)

MyKitchenInHalfCups said...

Baking for people you love and care about is just the best ever. Any thrill your dad got from the rolls I'll bet was doubled in you! The rolls look divine!

Anne said...

These are really lovely...I hope to try this one of these days :)

Peabody said...

Fantastic! Those look sooo good.

Warda said...

Can you hear them?? Can you hear your rolls calling my name??? Rooose! Rooose!
Eat us! Eat us !

Anonymous said...

These do sound divine! Dulce de leche was such a big part of my childhood as both my paternal grandmother and maternal great grandmother made it. My dad loves it too! I'm am sure he will pass out with happiness if I make this! :) Thanks for passing it along :)

Sarah Bell said...

Give me a jar of Dulce De leche with a spoon anyday!! These look wonderful!

Freya said...

I love you abundant use of dulce du leche! It makes me very happy! These rolls look awesome!

Nora B. said...

That looks utterly perfect! I love sweet breads baked in a batch. I now won't be able to think of any other sweet berad till I try to bake this myself.

Karen Baking Soda said...

Sweet indulgence! I admire your dad and sister to leave them untouched at the table..

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! Patricia you always make the most delicious things! Brioche and dulce de leche, combining two of my favorite things. I can't wait to try this!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Kelly-Jane, thank you for stopping by!

Tanna, I was really glad he liked it and even more to see my sister's reaction - which was unexpected.

Anne, you should!

Peabody, Helene's recipes are so good.

Rose, have as many as you want, sweetie!

Joey, dulce de leche is just perfection, isn't it?? :)
Your daddy is a lucky daddy!

Sarah, tks for visiting!

Freya, I splurged on dulce de leche. :)

Nora, thank you for coming to my blog! Let me know if you try it.

Karen, thank you for checking my blog out!
They were distracted by the pizzas. :)

Amy, you make me crave your food all the time, sweetie!

Anonymous said...

my mouth just water looking at those hot rolls! this is a real treat for both tummy and eyes!

Cookie baker Lynn said...

Your rolls are gorgeous! I can't imagine them lasting very long at all in my house. Now you've got me thinking cinnamon rolls.....

Anonymous said...

They looked perfectly baked! Breakfast? I want them NOW, for supper (time check: 2308!!!)

Anonymous said...

They look perfect!


Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

Seriously, these look absolutely amazing!!!!

Elle said...

These look almost as good unbaked. Yum!

Truffle said...

These look and sound heavenly! What a culinary triumph!

sher said...

I'm sure this is what they feed you in heaven! :):)

Patricia Scarpin said...

Eliza, thank you, sweetie!

Lynn, I'm glad you stopped by!

Tigerfish, they are good any time! :)

Paz, thank you!!

Lydia, seriously, you're far too kind! ;)

Elle, thank you!

Truffle, Helene's a great cook!

Sher, I hope so!

Anonymous said...

Hi Patricia, Thxs for visiting my blog. Nice blog you have here too. Love these Dulce de leche rolls. Look really yummy.

Anonymous said...

omg, those are beyond gorgeous! wow what a presentation too. i think my husband would drop to his knees if i ever made something like this. i might just have too. i bow to thee :)

Madame K said...

These look irresistible. I'm putting them on my "must bake" list!

Jeanne said...

Oh my WORD!!! I think next to the word "decadence" in the dictionary you will find this pictutre. I think I'm in love!

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