Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Broccolini, cheese and rosemary tart

Broccolini, cheese and rosemary tart

I love puff pastry. I have to admit it. I know it’s not light or healthy and not good at all for my waistline, but the thing is delicious.
I never buy puff pastry exactly because I’m not that kind of moderate lady who knows when to stop eating something unless I’m at a party or having lunch with my bosses – that’s when I pretend to be that kind of lady.

There was some puff pastry left because of this recipe and since I’m not into wasting food – even when it’s fattening as hell - I used it to make a quick lunch. It was great because I needed to be back in the kitchen to finish the gateau.

I got the idea from this book – it was a potato, goat’s cheese and rosemary tart. My tart was made with the cheese and the broccolini left from our Saturday night pizza.


I liked it so much that I decided to use it as my entry for this Weekend Herb Blogging, this time hosted by Kalyn, the great mind behind this great event.

Broccolini, cheese and rosemary tart
adapted from Modern Classics Book 1

1 cup grated yellow mozzarella
½ cup grated parmesan
2 heaping cups broccolini florets
1 tablespoon rosemary leaves
puff pastry
freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 205ºC/400ºF.
Cut the broccolini florets into bite-sized portions and quickly steam or blanch them – I prefer to steam because they remain firmer and greener. Set aside to cool.
Mix the two types of cheese in a small bowl.
Cut a 25x20cm rectangle on your puff pastry and place it on a lined baking sheet. Spread the broccolini florets on top, leaving the borders without filling (2.5cm should work).
Season with salt and pepper.
Spread the cheese over the broccolini and then top with the rosemary leaves.
Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden and puffed.
Serve with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

I think it can serve 2 with something on the side – I had ¾ of the tart and nothing else. João didn’t want tart but when he saw me eating it he kept asking for bites (he was having spaghetti, for crying out loud).


sher said...

I would make (or buy) puff pastry, just for that. It looks delicious. I love broccolini/cheesey goodies! Sigh.

Brilynn said...

I definitely can't stop eating a good thing either and puff pastry is just so good, and versatile and I'd better go eat some now...

Anonymous said...

OOooh, I have some leftover puff pastry in the fridge! What a terrific way to use it up!

Cookie baker Lynn said...

Puff pasty is not diet food? Rats! Well, with broccoli on top, I think I could call it health food. ;-)

Karin W. said...

Now Patricia, I need to know what a puff pastry is. A pie dough? I have a struggle with the cooking and food terms in English.

Kelly-Jane said...

That looks so savoury and good! I know what you mean about puff pastry, it just needs to be eaten in large amounts to be fully appreciated ;) I have the second half of mine in the freezer, it keeps popping into my mind, oddly enough :)

Sara said...

You've got puff pastry on the brain now, huh? What a great looking tart! I don't blame you for eating most of it, I would have eaten it all!

Valentina said...

Oh, great combination! I like it. it has vegggies so it cannot be that bad surely.

Anh said...

I always have some puff pastry in the freezer to whip up easy and delicious stuff like yours. I would have eaten all of the pastries, too if my flatmate does not compete. :D

Susan said...

Mmmmm. Broccolini strikes again. I can't keep pastry in the house; I would be compelled to make something simply dangerous, like this.

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

I always forget about broccolini, but this tart looks so delicious that I will buy some just to make it. I always have storebought puff pastry in my freezer, too.

Susan from Food Blogga said...

This tart sounds fantastic; it has all of my favorites (especially broccolini). I've got to remember this one for company. Thanks, Patricia!

Kalyn Denny said...

I'm not one of those moderate types of ladies either, so I'm laughing. I try, but when things are really good I have a hard time stopping with just a small amount. I think this sounds just delicious. Oddly enough, for my quirky diet this would be a better choice than plain white bread or something sugary. All the butter in the puff pastry makes it lower on the glycemic index (slower to turn to sugar) so there you have it!

T.W. Barritt at Culinary Types said...

Puff pastry is such a good base to make something creative - this looks wonderful, and has my favorite herb!

Dolores said...

Wow... yum. I suspect I know a couple of broccoli-phobes I might be able to convert with this. Thanks for sharing!

Truffle said...

What fantastic flavours. It sounds delicious!

Nora B. said...

Patricia, yes, puff pastry...too tempting...but this recipe has veggies, so it's good for you ;-)

Anonymous said...

I have always wanted to have a puff pastry stash just to make tarts like these (and yes, I've drooled over the ones in that same book!). I think I will have to go with store bought for now...I'm not brave enough to hazard an attempt at homemade and it's just to hot here I think to be successful at it! But one day I will try... :)

I chuckled picturing João eating spaghetti while you were having this gorgeous and tasty looking tart!

Unknown said...

I love puff pastries too, just don't eat it too often, not so good on my waistline too :p

Anonymous said...

This looks delicious. I think I could even get away serving this to the kids I look after.

Ilva said...

Sounds and looks GREAT! I'm making something with the last remnants of the puff pastry today!

Amanda at Little Foodies said...

Men! But my husband says I do that with chips(fries) when I'm pretending to be one of those sort of ladies. No chips for me please, then I ask for one of his, then another, so now when I say no to chips/fries he orders them anyway. This looks tasty and I'd like some for my elevenses please. Amanda

Peabody said...

An excellent way to use up your leftover puff pastry. I'm still figuring out what to do with mine.

Cheryl said...

And you expect me to eat my boring veggie burger for lunch after see this? So evil. I love the flavors on this.

Thistlemoon said...

Hi Patricia, thanks for stopping by my blog! This looks beautiful and delicious!

Anonymous said...

Patricia-that looks amazing! I am so hungry right now!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness this looks SO good!!!!
send some my way? :D

Mercedes said...

haha- we must have been on the same wavelength with the vege tarts (and leftover puff pastry).

Patricia Scarpin said...

Sher, broccolini and cheese are really good together, you're right!

Bri, you're hilarious - I wouldn't stop eating at your house too. I want some ice cream now! :)

Shawnda, I hope you try it!

Lynn, I had a laugh with you. :)

Karin, the type used for mille feuille.

Kelly-Jane, it's pure temptation. :)

Sara, I almost did! :)

Tina, at least some veggies to balance the tons of butter. :)

Anh, it is a dangerous thing to have in the freezer when one (me!) needs to lose weight. :S

Susan, that's why I rarely buy it. :)

Lydia, you have the most amazing things in your pantry/fridge, sweetie!

Susan, thank you, sweetie!

Kalyn, I've been thinking about going on your diet. :)

T.W., I loved the rosemary touch!

Dolores, thank you, sweetie!

Truffle, thank you!

Nora, thank you for keeping a positive mind. :D

Joey, I drool over everything in that book!
I should have shown João who's the boss - but I'm soft as butter and gave him some tart. :D

Angie, our waistlines are always in trouble - you and your wonderful baked goods keep tempting me. :)

R Khooks, thank you for stopping by!

Ilva, thank you! You are so kind.

Amanda, my husband should read this. ;)

Peabody, I'm sure you'll make something delicious.

Cheryl, I didn't meant to be cruel. ;)

Jenn, I thank you for stopping by, too! ;)

Hi, Elizabeth - thank you!

Celine, thank you for visiting! Please, have some. ;)

Thank you all for your kind words!

Anonymous said...

I love puff pastry too (think the butter or "evil" oil/fats is the culprit seducing me). I still have leftover puff pastry left and after I used them all up, I think it's gonna be a while for me to buy them again. Need to control and refrain myself :O

Stella said...

Poor Joao, now he realises what he was missing!:)
I love puff pastry even if i know too well how greasy & unhealthy it can be. But once in a well, it can't hurt right??:)

Anonymous said...

This sounds heavenly, Patricia. I'm also imagining what some thinly sliced red onion tossed in a little olive oil and sprinkled on the top before baking might bring to this puff pastry party.

Lis said...

Ohhh I wish I had this sitting in front of me for breakfast this beautiful Saturday!!

Now that's my kind of tart. :D


Kirsten said...

That looks so good!! I haven't had any breakfast either Lis, and this would be perfect!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Ah, I totally understand what you mean by not being that kind of moderate lady. Unlike you, I actually pretend to be that kind of lady when I'm at a party by getting other people get second (or third!) helpings for me!

Anonymous said...

That looks delicious! Lovely photo.

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