Sunday, February 13, 2011

White chocolate passion fruit truffles

White chocolate passion fruit truffles / Trufas de chocolate branco e maracujá

You may think that I’m on a passion fruit kick, but what really happened is that I got carried away, bought a load of passion fruit and therefore had to use them all. :)

These truffles are soft, delicious, and the zing of the passion fruit perfectly balances the sweetness of the white chocolate. You can follow Candace’s recipe and dip the truffles in melted chocolate, but I wasn’t bold enough to try that on a 32°C (89.6°F) day. :)

White chocolate passion fruit truffles
recipe from here; inspiration for making truffles from Baked: New Frontiers in Baking

560g (20oz) good quality white chocolate, finely chopped
½ cup (120ml) heavy cream
¾ cup (180ml) passion fruit pulp – I kept the seeds
icing sugar, sifted, for dusting

Place the chocolate in a large bowl. Heat the cream and passion fruit pulp to a boil separately in small containers – it is important to heat the cream and pulp separately, as the acid in the pulp will likely curdle the cream.
Pour the hot cream and half of the passion fruit pulp over the chopped chocolate. Let sit for 1 minute and then gently stir with a rubber spatula. Once the mixture is creamy and combined, add the remaining passion fruit pulp and stir again until smooth. Refrigerate for a few hours until firm.
Using a very small cookie scoop or spoon, portion out 2.5cm (1in) balls of the firm white chocolate mixture onto a parchment lined sheet pan. If the truffle mixture gets too soft, place back into the refrigerator to firm up. Gently and quickly roll each into a well rounded ball. Refrigerate the balls until they are firm again, then gently roll them in the icing sugar. Refrigerate.

Makes about 100 truffles – I halved the recipe above, used 1 ½ rounded teaspoons of mixture per truffle and got 30


Sylvie @ Gourmande in the Kitchen said...

White chocolate and passion fruit is such an amazing pairing, and truffles are always so much fun to make!

The Sweetylicious said...

GREAT! i still have passionfruit in the fridge (: looks really yummy and great! (:

Priya Suresh said...

Damn pretty truffles..

Story said...

You have outdone yourself, Patricia. These are beautiful. There are so many passion fruit recipes here, I have to find some fruit soon. Anyone in the United States know how to find good quality passion fruit that isn't ultra expensive in northern California? Any frozen options?

A Bowl Of Mush said...

These sound absolutely delicious!

Priya dharshini said...

Awesome treat for this season...Happy valentine's day

cocoa and coconut said...

How unique! I can imagine how lovely these would be. Passionfruit is so lovely in the summer.

Unknown said...

Patricia, wow--these truffles look wonderfully delicious! The color is gorgeous, love that you are using passion fruit :) Happy Valentine's Day to you!! xo

KandB. said...
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KandB. said...

I love white chocolate! these truffles look very good!

kasandraa6 said...


Anonymous said...

what a great combination!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Pam, thank you, sweetie!

Sylvie, I agree - they're wonderful together! Thank you!

The Sweetylicious, thank you for stopping by!

Priya, thanks!

Story, you are far too kind! I hope someone helps you out on your quest for passion fruit!

A Bowl of Mush, thank you!

Priya, happy valentine's day for you, too!

Brittany, thank you! I'm a sucker for all things passion fruit. :)

Nina, thank you, darling! Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

KandB, thank you for stopping by!

Kasandra, thank you!

Baking Monster, thank you!

susan said...

these are crazy. and your photograph is edible! would love to reach my hand through my computer screen and snag a few of these, Patricia. Another award winning post by the fabulous YOU!

Token said...

whoa can't wait to try them! They look fabulous! :D

Anonymous said...

Hi, your blog is beautiful!
I wanted to let you know that someone is using the photo of your lavender vanilla marshmallows to sell marshmallows on their site, here's the link:!/photo.php?fbid=107661749291253&set=a.107661085957986.8277.107601695963925&theater

Patricia Scarpin said...

Thank you, girls!

Suz, you are just too sweet!

Token, I hope you like the recipe!

A Dozen Eggs, thank you for letting me know - this has been happening quite a lot, lately... :(

Robyn said...

Hello! I'm new to blogging, but ever since a friend of mine told me all about technicolor kitchen I just had to follow it! Such wonderful recipes and beautiful photography... These truffles look amazing. I look forward to seeing more of your culinary ventures!
Robyn :)

Patricia Scarpin said...

Hi, Robyn!
I'm so glad you are enjoying the blog, thank you!

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