Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tomato, red onion and gorgonzola salad - simple and delicious

Tomato, red onion and gorgonzola salad / Salada de tomate, cebola roxa e gorgonzola

Ok, I’ll admit it: this is not a very romantic salad – all that raw garlic and onion (not to mention the gorgonzola!) won’t do your breath any good. But it is so simple – I put it together in a matter of moments – fresh and delicious, and it comes from such an amazing book, that I had to share it with you – even if, in the end, you make it for a solitary lunch/dinner (or some “me time”, as I like to call it). To wrap things up beautifully, a bowl of ice cream, the couch and one of those movies you have seen several times but make you cry your eyes out every single time. :)

My husband loved this dressing so much that he drizzled some over his steak and used it for dipping his fries, too. :)

Tomato, red onion and gorgonzola salad
slightly adapted from the fantastic Sunday Suppers at Lucques

1 ½ tablespoons marjoram leaves, packed + a few extra leaves for decorating
1 clove garlic
¼ teaspoon Maldon sea salt or fleur de sel, or 1/8 teaspoon regular table salt
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
½ tablespoon fresh lemon juice

1 large red onion
4-5 ripe tomatoes
200g (7oz) cherry tomatoes
80g (3oz) gorgonzola cheese, coarsely crumbled

Pound the marjoram, garlic and salt in a mortar to a paste. Add the pepper, olive oil and lemon juice and mix to combine. Set aside.
Soak the onion rings in ice water for 5 minutes to mellow their strong flavor. In the meantime, quarter the tomatoes and arrange them on a plate. Halve some of the cherry tomatoes and arrange them all on the plate, too. Tuck in the gorgonzola pieces. Drain the onion slices and pat them dry with paper towels. Add them to the plate. Drizzle the salad with the dressing, sprikle with the extra marjoram leaves and serve.

Serves 2


Aprendeconvale said...

but looks so fresh and surely soooo yummy!

tami said...

this looks so fresh and flavorful. thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Who cares about being romantic if you have an amazing dish in front of you??? Looks great!

From Scratch said...

This looks too pretty to eat!

Vicky said...

Sounds delicious! I make a salad similar to this, with the addition of spinach leaves and a dressing of balsamic vinegar mixed with olive oil.

Sara said...

This salad looks wonderful - great flavors, yum! :)

ChichaJo said...

It looks delicious! I love simple salads like this...and "me time" too :)

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