Monday, March 30, 2009

Baklava muffins

Baklava muffins

When I began reading food blogs (many months before starting my own) I noticed that many people had a love/hate relationship with two ladies: Nigella and Martha Stewart. I did not know much about them but soon became a huge fan of both. That is why I chose a recipe by Nigella as the first recipe ever posted on my blog in Portuguese.

That was a long time ago and I felt like baking these muffins again – they are really good. I did not have this blog in English back then, that’s why I post these here right now.

Baklava muffins

Baklava muffins
from here

scant ½ cup (50g) chopped walnuts
1/3 cup (67g) sugar
1 ½ teaspoons ground cinnamon
3 tablespoons (42g) unsalted butter, melted

1 cup + 7 tablespoons (210g) all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ cup (50g) sugar
1 large egg
3 tablespoons (42g) unsalted butter, melted
1 cup + 2 tablespoons buttermilk

about ½ cup honey

Preheat the oven to 200ºC/400ºF. Line a 12-cup muffin pan with paper baking cups.

Mix all the filling ingredients in a small bowl, set aside.
In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder and baking soda; add sugar.
In a wide-mouthed measuring cup, whisk the egg, melted butter and buttermilk. Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour in the liquid. Mix lightly and gently, remembering to keep it bumpy – I used a fork to mix it.
Fill the cups 1/3 full, add a scant tablespoon of filling, then cover with more muffin batter until 2/3 full.
Bake for 15 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove the muffins from the pan and place them on a rack. Drizzle with honey.

Makes 12 – each well in my muffin pan holds 1/3 cup batter and I got 11 muffins

Baklava muffins


test it comm said...

Those muffins look so good! I really like the baklava stuffing!

May said...

I love Baklava. Those muffins look dreamy!

Snooky doodle said...

walnuts and cinnamon. Two of my favorites :) These look delicious. Nice way of starting the day :)

Kelly said...

You got me with that last picture. I am so impressed! I love Nigella and have purchased all her cookbooks. When Express came out I got to meet her at a book signing. She was beautiful, humble, and so intelligent. Love her!

oneordinaryday said...

These sound wonderful and your photos are just amazing. I especially love that first one. Very, very nice!

Peter G | Souvlaki For The Soul said...

I absolutely love these Patricia...very clever too!

Natalie said...

What a great spin on baklava. They look beautiful

Lauren said...

i have always wanted to make these! I am going to do it, you have inspired me.

Lucy..♥ said...

Came here via foodgawker "baklava" instantly caught my attention, these look simply awesome..

anna said...

Ooh those look so good! I don't know much about Nigella but I do love Martha.

Hayley said...

That filling is incredible! Thanks for sharing!

Dragon said...

These muffins are making my mouth water. Yum!

Joy the Baker said...

Baklava stuffing!? That's pure magic! These look so good!

Elyse said...

I'm so glad you decided to post these muffins on your English blog. What a special recipe to become your first post! These muffins look totally delicious. I can't wait to try out the recipe!

Kana said...

It is no secret that I am a fan of both ladies. We adore baklava around here and these muffins would be enjoyed immensely.

• friX • said...

Beautiful pictures !

The Food Librarian said...

Baklava in muffin form?! Does it get any better than this? I love it! I'm a bigger fan of cake and muffins than filo so I think I will really love this. It looks yummy!!!

grace said...

these are simply spectacular for the lazy person who loves baklava but can't summon the energy to make her own...i.e. me. :)

eatme_delicious said...

I'm glad you're reposting these because they look really good! Thanks for sharing. =)

Sara said...

Wow, these look awesome. I love baklava so I will have to try these.

Ingrid_3Bs said...

They are so innocent the surprise in the middle, yum!

pam said...

Your pictures are so pretty! I love the extra touches, like the ribbon. Oh...and I really like the muffins!

Justopia said...

I can't wait to make these! Thanks for re-posting in English.

Your attention to detail made them look great as well.

Kirby! said...

Oh man, I LOOOOOOVE baklava! These look incredible!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Kevin, thank you!

May, thank you!

Natalie, I love cinnamon, too. :D
Tks, darling!

Kelly, I really wanted to show you guys the filling.
And I wish I could meet Nigella in person, too, I adore her!

Michelle, tks for stopping by, I'm glad you like it!

Pete, thank you!

Natalie, thank you for stopping by!

Lauren, thank you for visiting! I hope you like them!

Lucy, tks for stopping by - and they are simple to make.

Anna, I love Martha, too! :D

Hayley, thank you for visiting!

Dragon, thank you, sweetie!

Joy, thank you!

Elyse, I wanted something really special to start the blog with! I'm glad you like it!

Maya, I love them both, too!

Frix, tks for stopping by!

Food Librarian, and they are easy to put together!

Grace, you've said it all. :D

Ashley, thank you, darling!

Sara, I hope you try them!

Ingrid, it is a nice surprise, isn't it? :D

Pam, thank you, sweetie! I am a sucker for ribbons. :D

Justopia, thank you for stopping by and for your kind words - I'm glad you like the muffins!

Kirby!, sweetie, thank you!

Katie said...

Oh wow - these sound fab

Katie said...

Oh wow - these sound fab

Peabody said...

I've made these before, yours look like they turned out better than mine.

Beth Beck Land said...

I just made two batches of these on my day off (yesterday) and they were amazing. My roommates and I all sat down to watch 'Marley and Me' the movie and we ate through both batches in the space of 2 hours. They were that addictive.

Thanks for the perfect recipe!

Unknown said...

I tuoi muffin sono stupendi e sicuramente buonissimi.Voglio farti i complimenti per il tuo blog e anche perchè inserisci i pesi nella misura europea per questo non devo fare nessuna conversione,grazie!

Patricia Scarpin said...

Beth, thank you so much for taking the time to come here and tell me that! I'm glad to know you and your friends liked the muffins!

Anonymous said...

These look so good. I have seen this recipe on the internet and I even have the book. I keep wanting to make them, but never get around to it. Baklava is one of my all time favorite deserts, so I am sure this is delicious. Great pictures!!!

CC11 said...

That is such a cool idea - I'd love to try them out on my Greek relatives.

pdenizer said...

As a Turkish when I first saw these muffins I said "yes, these are just for me"...
So I tried your recipe last night and couldn't stop myself (I normally try not eat after 6 pm) and ate one. OMG, OMG, OMG...
They are absolutely delicious. I bring some to my office for my friends to taste and they were all the same...
Anyway, thanks you for sharing this fabulous recipe...

Patricia Scarpin said...

Pdenizer, thank you for coming here to tell me about the muffins! I'm so glad to know that.
Tks for your kinds words.

FriedBlueTomatoes said...

These look amazing!

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