Monday, April 6, 2009

White chocolate lime cookies

White chocolate lime cookies

Remember when I told you I’d watched “Zodiac”? After returning it to the video store, I decided to get two more movies. I was in a hurry and did not think much – sort of grabbed whatever was in front of me, because those were movies I’d been dying to see for ages. Do you know what I got? “Blindness” and “Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind”. Yes, my friends - three movies with Mark Ruffalo in just one week.

Sometimes I get stuck with something and my mind has a hard time letting go. That’s why I give you the combo lime + white chocolate again – this time, in cookie form.

White chocolate lime cookies

White chocolate lime cookies
from here

1 cup (226g) unsalted butter, softened
¾ cup (150g) sugar
¾ cup (130g) light brown sugar, packed
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 ½ teaspoons lime juice
1 tablespoon lime zest
2 ½ cups (350g) all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
336g (12oz) white chocolate chips/chunks

Preheat oven to 180ºC/350ºF; line two large baking sheets with parchment/baking paper.

In a large mixing bowl using a stand mixer, beat sugar, brown sugar and butter until combined but not fluffy.
Add eggs one, at a time, then add vanilla, lime juice and lime zest. Mix to combine.
Sift together flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt. Mix into creamed mixture until just combined. Fold in the white chocolate chips/chunks.

Shape the dough into 2.5cm (1 inch) balls and place 5cm (2 in) apart on prepared baking sheets. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the edges are golden and the centers are just set – mine needed 15 minutes.
Allow to sit on the pan for three minutes before moving to wire racks.

Makes 5 dozen cookies – I halved the recipe, dropped ½ rounded tablespoon of dough onto sheets (dough was too soft to be rolled into balls) and got 33 cookies

White chocolate lime cookies


Kelly said...

Your cookies look really pretty! I hope you enjoyed them!!

Anonymous said...

Those look fantastic!

Snooky doodle said...

These cookies look so nice and I say lime and white chocolate is a fantastic combo. I didn t like the film . Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind.

Abby said...

Gorgeous pic! I LOVE Eternal Sunshine, and I think I'd probably love these cookies, too. Good choices!

Maria said...

I made a similar cookie recently, only mine had oatmeal. YUM to both versions!

Crystal said...

Never thought about that combination, but sounds really good. I will try this recipe for sure. Thanks for the great idea!

KJ said...

An unusual combination, but one I would like to try. They sound great.

Simones Kitchen said...

Those cookies look amazing Patricia! Did you like "Eternal sunshine"? I couldn't decide (still not) if I like it or not...

ChichaJo said...

I really must try this combination soon -- I'm not that into white chocolate but with lime it sounds like a good play of flavors :) I liked Eternal Sunshine! :)

Julia said...

What a cute idea to put them in empty tin cans wrapped with ribbon--would be a great gift.

pam said...

The cookies sound great, I love the tin cans with the ribbon! So cute!

Dragon said...

So pretty!

Elyse said...

Remind me to tell you sometime about a horrible first date invovling Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind! Haha, anyway, these cookies look amazing. I'm all for repeating these fabulous flavors. What a great flavor combination!

Katie said...

I've never tried white chocolate and lime together before but I can imagine it would taste wonderful.

Donna-FFW said...

I LOVE you for this recipe.. Lime and white chocolate in a cookie.. you are my new food guru!! AWESOME!

Melanie said...

I love your flavor combinations! And lovely photos.

And Eternal Sunshine is one of my favorite movies.

Patricia Scarpin said...

Kelly, I did! Tks!

Heavenly Housewife, thank you!

Natalie, really, darling? I liked it!

Abby, thank you! Love the movie, too!

Maria, yum, indeed! :D

Crystal, thank you for stopping by! I hope you try it.

KJ, thank you, darling.

Simone, I did like it - but liked "Blindness" a lot more.

Joey, I love limes and the movie. :D

Julia, I'm glad you like it, tks for stopping by!

Pam, thank you! xx

Dragon, tks!

Elyse, I'm curious!! :D
I have a bad one involving "Gladiator". ;D

Katie, thank you - hope you try it!
Tks for commenting!

Donna, thank you for such kind words!

Melanie, tks for stopping by!
And that movie became one of my favorites, too.

Lydia (The Perfect Pantry) said...

I always find white chocolate way too sweet, so I love the idea of the tartness of the lime for balance. Will have to try these!

anna said...

Those look very tasty! I'll have to try this combination sometime. And I love Eternal Sunshine. :)

Lucy said...

I haven't seen any of the movies but your cookies OH MY! They look perfect - what a combination!

eatme_delicious said...

Mmm those are perfect little cookies! I love the white chocolate & lime combo in cookies.

Koekkener said...

This article really a delicious article. And its so nice and very great blog. Thank you for sharing.

marghe said...

I made them :)
Thank You for the recipe, they're great

Patricia Scarpin said...

Marghe, thank YOU for letting me know how they turned out - I'm glad you liked them!

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